I Schlitz you not.
It was festivities and celebrations all around, Tuesday, when the city of Atlantic City, NJ proudly feted the inaugural recipients of the city’s college scholarship fund.
#NEW Officials visited Atlantic City High School on Tuesday morning to celebrate a group of seniors who have been awarded college aid through a city scholarship fund. @ThePressofAC @AtlanticCityGov pic.twitter.com/tzjjLjBUiq
— Eric Conklin (@ACPressConklin) June 20, 2023
…The Atlantic City High School senior made his remarks Tuesday before about 30 of his classmates, who are some of the inaugural recipients of the scholarship program named after Mayor Marty Small Sr. and funded through federal COVID-19 relief money.
“I know students who have spoken about how they were going to pay for things like food, bills and rent,” said Rabayah, an 18-year-old Princeton University-bound senior. “I, myself, wondered how my financial state was going to be, living alone for the first time.”
Well, that’s kinda nice, no? Happy faces, making the cut, knowing there’s a bit of a load off paying for higher education. Far be it from me to rain on that parade, curmudgeon that I am (and I really only play one at HotAir).
…The first 50 scholarships of $10,000 each ($5,000 per semester this Fall and next Spring) went to current Atlantic City High School seniors who live in Atlantic City and will be graduating tomorrow. An additional 50 scholarships of $10,000 each ($5,000 per semester) went to incoming sophomores, juniors and seniors currently in college who graduated from Atlantic City High School and reside in Atlantic City. The high school seniors were notified of their selection last night by Mayor Small, and were in attendance for this morning’s news conference. The college students who received a scholarship were notified by Mayor Small following this morning’s news conference.
Yeah, no…my problem is with how the “scholarship” came to be in the first place. The very first triggers for me were “New Jersey” and “Atlantic City” – oh, nothing underhanded ever happens there.
Then a friend sent this little clipping.

Excuse me, WHUT?
It turns out that, yes, indeedy do, Mayor Biggie Small (D-like there was a question?) apparently couldn’t stand the thought of excess COVID/American Rescue Plan tax dollars laying around, so he set himself up a do-gooder, make friends and influence people fund.
Since it was his great idea, who better to name it after?
No one will object if you have the city public relations operation announce it, and use big words like “unprecedented,” because, actually that’s true. Not many people would have the nerve to pull something like this off.
Oh! Oh! Put “historic” in there, too. That always sounds real good for the papers – even the French Lady uses it talking about herself.
City of Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small, Sr., during a news conference outside Atlantic City High School, announced the details of the historic “Mayor Marty Small, Sr. Scholarship” that will initially be awarded to 100 Atlantic City residents.
What a big heart. I wonder who had the magnifying glass going over the COVID funds documents to find this little gem to cover the mayor’s historic behind.
…This scholarship is a $3-million commitment over the next three years. The money comes from the Addressing Educational Disparity category of American Rescue Plan funds Atlantic City has received. The city received $33-million in ARP money, half used last year, and half for this year.
The taxpayer COVID relief funds are being disbursed to hizonner’s very own alma mater’s graduates and don’t think for two seconds family had anything to do with it. This is strictly for the children.
…The mayor, an alumnus of the high school, said the money would cover the scholarships for the next three years.
Citing the pricey cost of college, Small said the program would give dedicated students the opportunity they need to realize their potential.
“If you can dream it and believe it, you can achieve it,” Small told the group.
The mayor and his wife, La’Quetta Small, the school district’s superintendent, challenged the students to consider using their degrees to better the city.
I found one Brookings paper talking about “Addressing Educational Disparity” in regards to COVID funds which suggested ways to make learning “playful.” Nothing about taking millions to start a slush fund named after yourself.
Altruism is easy when it’s not your dime. Not that I’m casting aspersions on this duly elected public servant, but – to be honest- the man has had his…how do I say this? Well, he just fits a certain New Jersey stereotype and, while you always hope someone changes, something like this makes you squint just a little thinking maybe he hasn’t.
Atlantic City’s Marty Small Arrest and Indictment Record
There’s 16 years of arrests at the link, some while a sitting councilman.
Just sayin’.
I have to guess he’s an improvement on the previous mayor who resigned after pleading guilty to wire fraud, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Can’t they find someone without a rap sheet to rape run (I meant RUN) the city?
But then, who would find the fine print in the paperwork? They can name it after Elvis, as long as they share.
That’s why they vote the “D,” ladies and germs.
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