It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine

AP Photo/Jason DeCrow

As Curly says, “Day ain’t over yet.

But I’m still here.

You, too?

Had a sneaking suspicion we might be, but thought I should check in with y’all.


I looked to see if the Princess of Doom had posted anything to mark the day, but, alas. Last our heroine was sighted, she was sullen and seated on a major roadway, protesting oil deliveries.

While we’re all humming along, the climate types have been having a rough go, particularly in Europe. That may discourage them, but it warms the cockles of my cold, climate change heart.

Take the head of the Labour Party in the U.K. Jeeps – he’s something else and what a campaign platform. Trying to shut down future drilling for oil and natural gas in the North Sea, and swearing he’ll throw out all the restrictions on wind farms on land, not to mention cutting the time to build them in half by deep-sixing all those pesky land-use regulations.

The farmers and crofters might bitch a bit, but they’ll get over it.

Sir Keir Starmer will scrap the ban on new onshore wind farms as one of his first acts in Downing Street if Labour wins the next election.

The opposition leader will vow to “throw everything” at his net zero agenda by firing the starting gun on a “race” to build more turbines across the country.

He will unveil plans to tear up planning laws and halve the length of time it takes for projects to be approved from two years to less than 12 months.


I’d imagine that’s going to go over great. To make sure he had a big send off for the start of his campaign, the Green k-nigget had it all orchestrated for maximum enviro-weenie effect. The press and himself would take a tour on an environmentally friendly hydrogen bus (SQUEEE!), and then he’d give an inspiring Green speech. That was the plan.

It all seemed to go sideways.

Keir Starmer’s vow to position Labour at the head of a green power revolution started badly today after his plan for an eco-friendly journey to give a speech saw him get lost on a diesel bus in Edinburgh.

The Opposition leader had planned to take journalists on a hydrogen bus to the venue in Leith ahead of an announcement on eco-friendly energy generation.

But there was bemusement as the vehicle was replaced by a diesel, which then took a wrong turn on its way to the venue in the port area, with the driver having to be guided by a Daily Mail reporter.

A Labour spokesman said the company providing the bus had had problems with the hydrogen vehicle but was unable to provide more information.

After getting to the the headquarters of Nova Innovation, a tidal energy company, Sir Keir doubled down on his plan to halt further exploitation of North Sea oil and gas if Labour takes power, vowing to instead focus on green power generation.

This includes ripping up planning rules that protect the countryside so that more windfarms can be built.



Since I mentioned rats: Starmer is losing support…

…and is doing a bit of backtrackiong on that NO MORE DRILLING pledge, which is pissing a whole different set of believers off…

…but never fear for Sir Keir!

He is taking a firm stand on something.

He has chosen to come down brutally on children declaring themselves to be “cats.”


…His spokesman said: “It’s clearly ridiculous if you’re in a situation where children are not being recognised as children. I think it’s fairly obvious what the right approach should be in this case.”

Asked whether Sir Keir thought a child could identify as a cat, the spokesman said: “I think children should be told to identify as children.”

The other thing he is firm on, which is absolutely GOBSMACKING for an uber left politician, is that children…are children.


And that parents have rights.

It was bound to happen. At some point, reality was going to catch up with Sir Keir Starmer, who has spent the last couple of years robotically repeating the doctrine of trans activists. Now he’s discovered an issue, the social transitioning of children without their parents’ consent, on which he’s no longer willing to toe the line. His change of heart will be welcomed by parents and health professionals who warn that allowing children to change their pronouns and use opposite-sex toilets at school could put them on a path towards irreversible medical treatment, including puberty blockers.

Wait a dang minute, here.

Maybe the end IS nigh!

I still feel fine.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024