Army Sec Wormuth says we're way wrong worrying about WOKE warriors

(AP Photo/Virginia Mayo, File)

And all that whining about “woke” is messing up her schweet, SCHWEET recruiting numbers, doncha know?

So she’s come up with a snappy new saying…



…and, now, GOP – please ZIP IT.

…Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said on Tuesday that she is concerned about the drumbeat of criticism that the military has gone ‘woke’ becoming part of the 2024 presidential campaign.

“I think one of the things that we see that’s contributing to a decline in trust in the military is a concern on both sides of the aisle about politicization of our military leaders,” Wormuth told reporters during a media roundtable. “I think the more our military leaders are sort of dragged into spaces that have been politicized like that, I think the more it contributes to this perception that they’re political when they really aren’t. So, I hope that we don’t see more of the kind of talk that’s been out in the past few days.”

Excuse me, ma’am? DRAGGED these poor fellows, you say?

Nobody dragged Thoroughly Modern Milley into the fray. He couldn’t wait to shoot his mouth off to show how desperate to get in touch with his feminine, pajama boy side he was, and HE was the big Joint Chiefs Kahuna.

I’d suggest, Madam Secretary, you’d best look in your own department first for virtue signaling, WOKE attitudes. The Sergeant Major of your very own Army had the nerve to chastise that same Congressman Waltz – who is, himself, a decorated Green Beret, a colonel, combat veteran of multiple engagements on multiple continents, and FOUR TIMES BRONZE STAR AWARDEE – for even asking about politics in the military.


…In a response to questioning from Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., on whether the military is being politicized during a congressional hearing in March, Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston told him that his comments were contributing to that politicization.

I think even by your comments, ‘Are we politicizing the military,’ it almost feels like we’re politicizing the military,” said Grinston, the Army’s top enlisted leader. “We support and defend the nation and the Constitution [for] everybody. … That’s what good soldiers do.”


Waltz is too much of a gentleman. I would have reminded the SgtMaj exactly who I was and exactly where his place was in the food chain relative to my own (It would have been a bloodbath.).

I sure hope Madam Secretary had the decency to pen a little apology note to Colonel Waltz for the pretty blatant disrespect shown by the senior enlisted member of her service. What a terrific example of…well…everything wrong with the Army except, possibly, obesity.

Even Wormuth’s mewling protestations of “we ain’t woke” hold little water when you look at the Army’s own recent records.

…“As I said a few times last week in some media engagements: We are a ready Army, not a ‘woke’ Army,” Wormuth said on Tuesday. “That’s something, frankly, the chief [Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville] and I said throughout posture season in hearings, in meetings with members of Congress.”

Still, the Army’s record at standing up to accusations of going ‘woke’ has been mixed at best. An Army investigation in 2022 found that Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe had “brought a measurable amount of negative publicity to the Army” for defending female soldiers after former Fox News host Tucker Carlson accused the U.S. military of becoming “more feminine.

In her initial comments following the investigation, Wormuth said the Army needed to stay “out of the culture wars,” but later clarified she expects Army leaders to “stand up for women — and all Soldiers — who are unduly attacked or disrespected.”


If you’ll remember the very public tussle that general had with Tucker, he was damn near menopausal in his rage. What most of the fawning “he was only defending women in the Army” reports don’t mention is that he also got into a very public Twitter spat with a Marine veteran who was attending college over COVID vaccinations. An Army MajGen doesn’t DO that.

Or they didn’t. Now they’re virtue signaling publicity whores.

Wormuth can’t even keep her whining straight, for crying out loud. It makes me wonder if she’s being told who to blame, if things are going so badly, she’s lashing out wherever, or she’s just so damn incompetent she can’t remember from one whine to the next who she blamed – I will allow that it’s possibly all of the above. Exhibit A: a few months ago, the WOKE business was having “no impact” on recruiting, verified by research and a survey, as these things often are.

…Although Republican lawmakers have also claimed that military recruiting overall is suffering because the Defense Department has embraced ‘woke’ ideology, Wormuth said the Army’s marketing research indicates that concerns about a weak or ‘woke’ military have not been a major challenge for the Army’s recruiting efforts so far.

Wormuth’s comments are supported by a Defense Department survey of young Americans released in August 2022, which found that the top reasons respondents said they would not consider joining the U.S. military included the possibility of getting injured or killed, concern about developing post-traumatic stress and other psychological or emotional issues, and fear of being sexually harassed and assaulted.

“Wokeness” did not appear anywhere in the survey at all.


Exhibit B: Well, now we’re back to blaming anti-woke GOP mouthpieces.

While she’s in a huff, she probably won’t listen, but there’re an awful lot of us prior service who are watching what’s going on and our hearts are broken by it. Back in October, I wrote about my feelings, what I was hearing from other vets, plus what I was seeing in service academy application numbers..

For the record, Biden illegally gutted the service academy oversight boards (Board of Visitors/BOVs) in 2021 in order to install his socialist vision with minimum eyeballs on them.

Nothing’s shifted towards sanity in the interim months. Guaranteed all the service-related Pride crap certainly hasn’t done a thing to change perceptions that we are tottering in rainbow heels towards the abyss, perfumed by a wafting cloud of diversity, equity and inclusion.

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