Now, I’m no constitutional scholar – I only play one here at HotAir – but this sure looks above board and copasetic to me…when I have my Democratic Party power-grab glasses on.
After “What is a woman?” the next question should be “What is a police state?”
Fair warning, this is not parody:#Illinois Gov Pritzker signs law requiring lawsuits challenging constitutionality of executive orders or state laws be filed in only 2 counties, Cook or Sangamon.
There are 102 counties in Illinois. #Wednesday #laws
— Beverly A. Pekala (@PekalaLaw) June 7, 2023
Illinois’s Gov. J. B. “Jumbo Burger” Pritzker signed himself a whale of a state law yesterday that went into effect IMMEDIATELY. And, immediately, restricted Illinois citizens from pursuing constitutional claims against their state government unless they filed the lawsuits in one of two, Democratic approved, state sanctioned, Democratic counties – Cook or Sangamon.
Where exactly are these two designated counties (I’m sure they’re also “convenient” and “central”) located out of 102 total choices?
Chicago and Springfield – known bastions of bi-partisan elections and judicial proceedings.

Why Sangamon, though? Springfield is the state capital and the state Supreme Court is also located there. Normally, you’d want them on your side when this came screaming up through the local courts, but now challenges can only be filed to THIS new edict in these two counties.
See how this is working right off the bat? SCHWEET!
I can’t imagine why any legislature would attempt such a naked power grab, even with a rabid partisan as the state’s chief executive, unless they felt some situation had become so dire, it needed to be dealt with in the most draconian way possible. Was that the reason?
‘Tis to laugh.
The only reason given was that freakin’ state Republicans and citizens pushing back against the ever increasing erosion of rights were getting REALLY ANNOYING. Pritzker and his toadies were sick and tired of being questioned every time they stomped on another freedom, so they legislatively throttled the dissent channel.
On Tuesday, Gov. JB Pritzker signed a bill into law that would limit lawsuits challenging the state constitution to be brought only in either Cook or Sangamon Counties.
The amendment to House Bill 3062 makes the counties that are home to Springfield and Chicago the only places that the state government will hear arguments that it violated the constitution after two high-profile cases — a challenge to Illinois’ no-cash bail law and its semi-automatic gun ban — were filed in Kankakee County and Macon County.
Sen. Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) said his bill was intended to stop favorable “venue shopping” for lawsuits and would still allow individuals to bring cases against the state in local courts, but not cases that seek to overturn state law.
All these people moaning and groaning were gumming up the dictatorial works and costing valuable assets that could have been siphoned off spent elsewhere.
…Supporters also said the measure will conserve resources for the attorney general’s office, which represents the state in court. Sangamon County is home to the state capital, Springfield, while Chicago in Cook County is a second base for state government.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, lawsuits have been filed in multiple counties challenging Pritzker’s executive orders related to the pandemic as well as recently enacted state laws abolishing cash bail and banning certain high-powered semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
Inbox: @GovPritzker has signed legislation that requires state level constitutional challenges to be filed in either Cook or Sangamon counties. It’s a response to conservative “venue shopping” in recent years on COVID restrictions, bail reform and guns. #twill
— Brenden Moore (@brendenmoore13) June 6, 2023
This law also effectively gives Jumbo’s Mont Blanc carte blanche, as he will be able to wield his executive orders – and he does love them – with darn near impunity now. Whomsoever has the temerity to take issue with the king will be doing so IN HIS COURT.
Not to mention the other rural counties are full of – and represented BY – Republicans, so who cares if they have to hike a ways to make trouble for Jumbo or the Dem majority in the statehouse.
…Rep. Patrick Windhorst (R-Metropolis), echoed Plummer’s sentiment, saying, “You know, where I live, I’m closer to the state capitol of Tennessee than I am Illinois, and I’m almost as close to Atlanta, Georgia, as I am Chicago, Illinois,” he said. “So to say if this body passes an unconstitutional law, in order for me or another person in my community to contest that law, I’ve got to travel a great distance and bear that expense that comes with that, is not fair to the individuals in these communities.”
Tough, buddy. Buy an EV and quit whining.
Hey Google, what is “Naked power grab?”
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