Massaging the shooter narrative

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

I was actually looking for some different information last night when I came across this article, but after scanning it quickly for what I WAS looking for, I had to save it for a chance to Fisk it later on.


The link goes to a New Orleans TV station WDSU, but the piece is identified in several places as straight out of the Associated Press feed, so I’m not going to crack on the station for this. They are merely the presentation vehicle.

The article is titledRecent high-profile mass shootings in the United States” and what stopped me in my tracks wasn’t so much the litany of horror. That tears your heart out no matter when or where it happens or to whom or how.

No, what made me pause in the midst of that carnage was the verbiage. There’s a deliberate pattern in the recitation of evil that you can’t avoid, and it makes the underlying intent of the “reporting” all the more suspect for the very obviousness of what’s said and what isn’t.

Multiple innocent lives are gone – all taken by another human being (or beings) in every single case in this supposedly dispassionate register of tragedies. It’s what’s missing that gives one reason to carefully reread and see if you’ve missed something.

I’ll assure you now – you haven’t.

The murderer can be described as a sex offender…

Screencap WDSU

…but as not a violent illegal alien who’d been deported multiple times before preying on a houseful of neighboring illegals? He’s just “a man” shooting up the house next door.

Screencap WDSU

You’ll be interested to know that the Covenant School murderer was “a former student at the school.” They don’t even bother to identify the sex of the individual, so, if you lived under a rock, you’d just assume it’s merely another larping white kid spraying bullets.

As you are meant to.

The words “transgender” and “manifesto” are nowhere to be found.

Screencap WDSU

Another school shooting like so many others is the implication. Move along.

The non-binary shooter in the God-awful Colorado Springs gay nightclub assault is merely dubbed “the attacker.” No mention of the possible hate crime charges he’s facing, and, again, I wonder why.

Especially since they make sure to hit all the buttons for another “hate crime,” but this one works to their ends and to the administration’s. The “reporters” got really specific right off the bat for this incident. I didn’t even have to highlight it for you.

Screencap WDSU

Those white supremacists – Biden and Garland told you they were the problem.


Even though there’s a single one on a shameful list that has Asians, Hispanics, at least two murderous transgenders, and a hefty sprinkling of mass murdering blacks including a WalMart manager, a man laying waste to his doctor’s office, and six black males – one as young as 15 – who chose to climb into a car, drive to a town 30 miles away and shoot up a Sweet Sixteen birthday party.

By the by, those thugs get the “teenagers” treatment.

Screencap WDSU

As does the street party in Philly that turns sideways. No white supremacists on that block that night.

But no mention of who was. Just a party.

If you are a murdering scumbag on a hate-filled mission, by all means, let the record clearly state – when the facts are in evidence – that’s that is what you were, and may you burn in Hell twice over.

But that rule holds true and fast for every last perpetrator. Not just the ones the media needs to feed the narrative.

Which is what they’re desperately working on now, with the latest ghastly tragedy in Allen.

Murderous transgender haters are not a protected class.

Murderous blacks are no different than murderous whites or Asians.


Murderous lunatics should never have the opportunity to get their hands near a weapon. Ever.

Victims of murderous illegal aliens should still be alive because illegals have no business being in this country.

The overwhelming avalanche of white supremacist boogeymen does not exist on that page, even when they highlight him. They have to manufacture scary whites with guns out of whole cloth by not mentioning race ONCE prior to that.

The actual supremacist is but one out of 13 horrific acts of violence that they whitewash with the exception of that one loathsome scum. If you just read and don’t click the links, you might very well think white people are going crazy with guns all over the country.

Is a murdering transgender with a manifesto slaughtering children at an elementary not as hate-filled?

I’m here to tell you she is.

Can’t imagine why they left that off.

Massaging and controlling the narrative.

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