Holy smokes, this has the makings of a Comedy Central special the likes of which we’ve never seen. Thanks to a heads up from my little brother Mr. Bingley, I learned that our loopy mistress of word salad, Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris (again, we’re SO proud), has been tapped as the Biden administration point person on AI.
Now, as Kamala’s involved you might be forgiven if you believed the “AI” stood for Always Inane, but, in this case, you would be mistaken. She is on the spot to literally direct discussions concerning the development and use of Artificial Intelligence alongside senior members of the Biden administration and…?
People who actually know and understand what AI is, does, and are the ones who developed it.
In other words: “Titans of Tech” types. Can’t wait to hear her speaka dat lingo.
I’m dying just at the headline.

Kamala “to DISCUSS AI” with the heads of Google, etc. Oh, SURE she is.
That’s a gutbuster in itself. I’m trying to match up what number memorable word salad goes with the picture illustrating the article. There have been so many, it’s hard to keep track. But when she slouches back comfortably like that, waving one hand in the air with a microphone in the other, you know the gibberish is spewing upwards and floating in a thick cloud overhead.
KAMALA HARRIS on climate change: "I think of this moment as a moment that is about great momentum." pic.twitter.com/EUB1dfugUP
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 12, 2023
And now she’s spooled up enough to “discuss” the dangers of AI? Do. Tell.
Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with the chief executives of Google, Microsoft, OpenAI and Anthropic Thursday to discuss the responsible development of artificial intelligence, the White House confirmed to CNBC Tuesday.
Harris will address the need for safeguards that can mitigate AI’s potential risks and emphasize the importance of ethical and trustworthy innovation, the White House said.
Sure, Jan. Guaranteed, it’s a three-martini lunch for these guys afterward.
And you’ll never convince me this isn’t more POTATUS in a deliberate effort to tank his favorite girl yet again. If she and her staff weren’t continually bitching that she never gets a chance to shine, this would almost be cruel.
…An invitation to the event, which was viewed by CNBC, said the officials plan to engage in a “frank discussion” with the CEOs about AI, particularly regarding the risks stemming from “current and near-term” development of the technology.
…The White House said Thursday’s meeting is part of the Biden administration’s broader effort to engage with experts about the technology and ensure that AI products are safe before they’re deployed to the public.
The VP is now infamous known across the Seven Seas for her silver-tongued delivery. We heartily thank the Biden administration for making sure America is once again respected around the world.
Performance-wise, I can’t imagine this foray into science is going to be any different, especially as another forte of hers is excessive preparation for any circumstance or event. She is ruthless when it comes to a deep, DEEP dive into the subject matter for the task at hand, regardless of complexity. She certainly shows a subtle touch on more sensitive topics.
KAMALA HARRIS: "I think it's very important…for us, at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present." pic.twitter.com/1myWsM4Nz9
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 26, 2023
That was moving.
Now, I have found a helpful, really original suggestion for getting through the VP’s babel in a less painful fashion, but it only works afterward – when you have a chance to slow it down and parse it.
DUDE. That works.
But it won’t save the CEOs of Google and gang, although there might be another outcome, as brother Bingley pointed out:
I picture AI listening to her speech and trying to interpret it, then starting to smoke and burst into flames.
She may save us from subjugation!
Kamala as the instrument of our salvation? There have been weirder things and I discount no possibility anymore.
This is going to be so fun, I can hardly stand it.
Can’t wait for the moment in time…passages.
Wait. Is she Al Stewart?
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