In the annals of pretty awful and incendiary ideas, I think this may rank right up there with giving people room to destroy. For the reportedly savvy (but tiny) readership The New Republic boasts about in its glossy media kit, this should be a bridge too far, but then again, who are the whack jobs leading the current Progressive/fascist charge?

Well…these guys.

The apparent plan from all these overeducated 500 lb brains is to raise some money to fire up a project tracking the “dangerous ideas and decisions of this activist court.”
Join TNR in an urgent project to track the dangerous ideas and decisions of this activist Supreme Court.
— The New Republic (@newrepublic) May 2, 2023
In this day and age, with THIS kind of rhetoric…
In an era of intense competition for Most Shocking Political Development, the gold medalist might well be that the Supreme Court—the highest law-giving body in the United States—is lawless. Clarence Thomas fails to report gifts that were obviously supposed to be reported. Neil Gorsuch sold a Colorado property he co-owned to the CEO of a law firm that would go on to be involved in 22 cases before the high court. Unlike Thomas, he disclosed the sale—but he left the “seller” line blank.
Then came the cherry on the sundae. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin wrote to Chief Justice John Roberts asking him to appear before the committee to discuss ethics and the Supreme Court. In a truly obnoxious and supercilious letter, the chief justice of the United States told the senator to stuff it—he would not be appearing. And then, as a closing salvo, Roberts added this massive f-you: “In regard to the Court’s approach to ethics matters, I attach a Statement of Ethics Principles and Practices to which all the current Members of the Supreme Court adhere.” Ri-iight.
…with mobs already marching on justices’ lawns…
…But we need to do more. We desperately want to launch a Supreme Court Desk to investigate what the Supreme Court is doing, its behind-the-scenes maneuverings, and the far-reaching effects on American democracy.
…If you think that Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Trump-appointed judges Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett are a danger to American life, please help us in this important campaign.
…is “Help us out if you think the Conservative SCOTUS justices are A DANGER TO AMERICAN LIFE” really prudent?
Dear God in Heaven.
What could possibly go wrong? Have they lost their ever-loving minds?
Their appeal for cash to do all this democracy-saving righteous rabble-rousing is an exercise in pretentious, flamethrowing bluster, too. It’s absolutely disgraceful.

“Behind the scenes,” “secretive processes,” “shadow dockets” – all with the implication that none of these things have ever, ever, EVER, in the entire history of the Supreme Court, been used once until this conservative cabal pulled them out of the NeoCon Necronomicon “in the middle of the night.”
Klaatu Barada Nikto! No abortion for you.
It’s not like there isn’t a concerted effort to completely delegitimize the SCOTUS already. Just yesterday, another group lobbed yet another salvo at Clarence Thomas via his friendship with Harlan Crow. Blatantly defamatory in its insinuations, but it hardly matters when it’s all done for effect.
GP This is darned close to defamation. You are strongly insinuating that Justice Thomas' vote in Citizens United was bought.
Do you have evidence for this statement? Because if you don't, it's at least reckless and likely malicious.
I hope you all get sued and broken.
— The Gormogons (@Gormogons) May 2, 2023
The thread itself was sitting at 11.4K Retweets, 667 Quotes, 24.1K Likes and 651 Bookmarks as of this morning. The bookmarks mean people are saving it, no doubt to use later. Holy smokes – the comments are lit af, with lunatics going off. This is insanity, but it’s purposefully targeted, massively disseminated insanity for building a narrative and an action group, and that’s all that matters. The second those retweets etc. started counting in the thousands, their work was done. Somewhere in those tens of thousands of interactions, there are believers who will act when the call comes.
And there’s not a damn thing Crow, Thomas, SCOTUS – anyone can do about it.
As Ed said the other day when posting about Justice Alito speaking out on the Dobbs leak, this is all part of a spiraling cycle of political and physical intimidation of the court. Justice Alito believes it has marked them all as targets for assassination. The Left will knowingly pooh-pooh such notions, but then they also wiped the memory clean of one of their storm troops with the rifle looking for Justice Kavanaugh – like with a cloth.
Prof. Jacobson, over at Legal Insurrection, calls it a “full blown Color-Revolution.”
“Color Revolution” is a term that has been around for a while and doesn’t have a single clear definition. But the term most famously was used as to the “Orange” Ukraine 2004 civil unrest that allegedly was manipulated by western intelligence agencies to topple a pro-Russia regime. A color revolution then, is a form of manipulated mass civil disobediance meant to accomplish regime change.
We saw it used against Trump after the 2016 election, where manipulated and hysterical claims of Russia collusion were used to attempt to paralyze the Trump administration under the umbrella of “The Resistance” – and it worked well in stymying many of Trump’s planned initiatives. It all was highly organized and manipulated. What has been happening in Israel regarding judicial reform also is a form of color revolution, where organized mass protests against the recently-elected right wing coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu paralyzed the country, and even the military, all with the purpose of overthrowing the democratically elected government.
There also is a type of color revolution being waged against the Supreme Court now that it has a conservative majority. Michael Waller tweeted:
“A full-blown Color Revolution-style attack on the US Supreme Court as an institution is now in its early stages.”
“This is another front in the political campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court, with a goal of tarnishing its rulings and subjecting it to more political control.”
— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) May 2, 2023
In all honesty, Progressives and Democrats have experienced ZERO repercussions whilst in the throes of their spasmodic, destructive temper tantrums with all of the gaslighting, canceling, looting, and pillaging…
…so why wouldn’t they set their sights higher, especially when you’ve got a Dem POTATUS and carte blanche?
TNR might be too late to profit from it, but they’re gonna give it their best shot. And if someone gets shot, well, they didn’t actually tell anyone to do anything.
After all, words aren’t actual “violence,” you know, if one is saving democracy.
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