EPA fixin' to use new rules to boot you out of your ICE car


If they can’t get you to roll over voluntarily, they come at your sideways and make aspects of your very existence illegal by fiat.

Asymmetrical warfare.

They’ve been working on this angle for a while – for over a year, in fact. I’m guessing you could blame it on their frustration with our natural recalcitrance to give up our standard of living…or our freedom of movement. Probably both.


Or the fact that we can plainly see that the crisis they’re telling us is so urgent with the cure so obvious is neither.

Inside a secretive government laboratory, behind a tall fence and armed guards, a team of engineers has been dissecting the innards of the newest all-electric vehicles with a singular goal: Rewrite tailpipe pollution rules to speed up the nation’s transition to electric cars.

On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose ambitious greenhouse gas emission standards for cars that are so stringent, they’re designed to ensure that two-thirds of the new vehicles sold in the United States are all-electric by 2032, up from just 5.8 percent today. And the rules could put the nation on track to end sales of new gasoline-powered cars as soon as 2035.

They set out their objective plain as the nose on your face.

…The Biden administration wants to use the E.P.A.’s authority to regulate pollution from tailpipes to set a standard so demanding, it would compel automakers to eventually produce only electric vehicles.

Ruling by fiat (and not the automotive brand) with technology that is unproven, unreliable, and unable to keep up with current demands – less mind what these climate geniuses have on tap – and an aging infrastructure that is in need of upgrades and security hardening for what it handles now, there’s going to be some serious grip greasing involved to keep the grift going. They’re covering that – the magic “subsidies” word again. After decades and billions of dollars, we’re still dumping money down that black hole.


…Automakers have been in the middle of remaking their companies and assembly lines to produce more EVs, but have said they need time and help. Congress has approved hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies for new factories, charging stations and consumers in the past two years.

But it also attached requirements for the industry to build more and get more material from the U.S. and its allies to maximize the subsidies. That poses challenges for an industry reliant on supply chains anchored in China.

Working under those restrictions, the Treasury Department in recent weeks proposed new guidance that is expected to cut the number of EVs eligible for tax credits, potentially for years. That could limit demand growth among consumers, analysts and lobbyists said.

Oh, noes! Treasury said they’re going to cut EV tax credits!”

…But there are strings attached to last year’s climate law. The federal government next week begins enforcing Inflation Reduction Act rules that will require automakers to show that their batteries contain certain levels of materials originating in North America or in countries with which the United States has a free-trade agreement.

Those rules, designed to reduce reliance on materials from China, will lead to a shorter list of EVs qualifying for consumer tax credits of up to $7,500, the Biden administration has acknowledged. That has further irritated industry leaders, who say it limits how quickly they can get consumers to adopt EVs.


You can bet your schweet bippy Treasury’s going to be pulling that back. They only play mature adults on TV. If anything actually interferes with progress in the direction they’ve chosen, they are big on work-arounds.


…“The stakes cannot be higher,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said ahead of a public announcement coming Wednesday. “We must continue to act with haste and ambition to confront the climate crisis and to leave all our children … a healthier and safer world.”

I’m so sick of these emotive blowhards jacking up the works for #feelingz. I get the feeling a lot of people are.

…The proposal Wednesday — for model years 2027 to 2032 — is seen as a major escalation on top of that. It could, in the months to come, codify many of those voluntary agreements into regulatory requirements, and set standards even higher than what Biden had told the industry to plan for. Instead of 50 percent of the market being electric by 2030, the new standards would effectively push U.S. automakers to have as much as 60 percent of their sales as EVs by 2030, according to the EPA.

About 50 percent of “vocational vehicles,” which include buses and garbage trucks, could be electric by 2032, as would 35 percent of short-haul freight tractors and 25 percent of long-haulers, the EPA said.

As we are all forced to bend a knee to Kerry and the Paris Accords…


…Lobbyists have reportedly pushed for emissions standards said to be 75 percent stricter for 2030 models than for 2021. The changes are believed to be crucial for fulfilling the U.S.’s Paris Agreement obligations, which require reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent from 2005 levels by the end of the decade.

…which POTATUS rejoined his first day in office.

And…no. Just no.

…White House national climate adviser Ali Zaidi called it an “inevitable” conclusion. “What you see over the last two years … is that President Biden’s leadership has reshaped the trend lines,” he said.

Biden’s “reshaped” a buttload and the trends all suck, buddy. All this constant drumbeat about a shift to electricity, when, as I’ve noted time and again, states who can’t keep the lights on NOW and have to rebuild infrastructure are going to have to add even newer, there is yet to be accessible, state-wide charging systems…

…Biden has attempted to address some of those problems by signing bills that allocate tens of billions of dollars in green energy spending. But even with that spending, plenty of bumps remain on the road to electric vehicles. The 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, for example, provided $7.5 billion to build roughly 500,000 charging stations—well below the more than 2 million stations experts say are needed to support the electric vehicle revolution. Power grid investments would likely be even more expensive, given that California alone must spend a whopping $9.3 billion to prepare its power grid for a green energy transition, the state’s utility operator said last week.


…and the EPA is doing what? Proposing we take MORE ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION OFFLINE for which we have no replacements, less mind a reliable one, ready.

We are ruled by power-mad, malevolent clowns.

So, the proposed EPA rules have been released and you can find them here. They’re aiming for EVs to be 60% of market sales by 2030 and 67% by 2032. And save the world or some such blither.

There is that other aspect of forcing everyone into a car that costs north of fifty grand.

That’s a feature, not a bug, to these people.

When gasoline taxes stop paying for increased road repairs and maintenance because of the now significantly heavier vehicles traveling on them, as EVs are compared to your average, similar-sized ICE, I’m figuring we move to mileage taxes. Well, okay – now the powers that be monitor your travel.


This is working out really well for them and their WEF police state vision.

No need to run out for dinner bugs – they deliver.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024