There he was today, at the podium – one of the most shameless, unctuous, nakedly ambitious liars who ever wore a uniform – and I am gobsmacked at what was slipping from his mouth.
Not him. He had quirky personal charm.
I’m talking about this SNAKE.
Kirby:”…We’re being nothing but honest with you and the American people about what those inaccuracies were..”
Doocy “…People don’t have an issue with the decision to order troops out of Afghanistan. It is with the WAY that this president ordered it done. There were children being killed. There were people hanging off of Air Force jets that were leaving. And you’re saying that you guys are PROUD of the way this mission was conducted? Proud of THAT?…”
National Security Council spokesman Kirby wouldn’t know honesty if it bit him in the beam and God bless Peter Doocy.
Today’s press gathering with Adm John Kirby in the spotlight was occasioned by the release of the long-awaited Biden administration reports on the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, or, as they called it:
Think I’m kidding? I’m not.
President Joe Biden’s administration on Thursday laid the blame on his predecessor, President Donald Trump, for the deadly and chaotic 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan that brought about some of the darkest moments of Biden’s presidency.
The White House publicly released a 12-page summary of the results of the so-called “ hotwash ” of U.S. policies around the ending of the nation’s longest war, taking little responsibility for its own actions and asserting that Biden was “severely constrained” by Trump’s decisions.
It does acknowledge that the evacuation of Americans and allies from Afghanistan should have started sooner, but blames the delays on the Afghan government and military, and on U.S. military and intelligence community assessments.
In a sub-paragraph titled “WAAH” the Biden apologists investigators try mightily to make the case that Biden couldn’t change any tentative Trump arrangements, even though Biden had been busy nullifying everything Trump had ever done from the moment he took office. Odd he couldn’t touch this one thing.
…“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” the White House summary states, noting that when Biden entered office, “the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”
As you’d expect, and in reference to Doocy’s question, this is also more of an after-action report. The, uh, “lessons were learned” exercise.
…“Clearly we didn’t get it right,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Thursday, but sidestepped questions about whether Biden has any regrets for his decisions and actions leading up to the withdrawal.
Kirby said of the report that “the purpose of it is not accountability,” but rather ”understanding” what happened to inform future decisions.
Again, nobody but nobody held accountable. Worse, Kirby thinks they got plenty right…I guess. Judging by his bluster here, it wasn’t so bad and he has no idea what all the squawking is about.
Biden Spokesman John Kirby on the Afghanistan withdrawal: "For all this talk of 'chaos,' I just didn't see it"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 6, 2023
He didn’t see “chaos”? Well, the AP report I quoted above specifically uses that word, so they remember “chaos.”

Weird how the Washington Post chose that very word a year later in their retrospective.
One year ago, the fall of Kabul to the Taliban stunned the world. Afghans fled to the airport in droves. A suicide bombing killed nearly 200 people. The departure of U.S. forces just days later brought an eerie quiet as the country grappled with its new reality.
The chaos and bloodshed reflected the fraught legacy of America’s longest war.
“Those last two weeks of August were really a microcosm of much of the previous 20 years of the war in Afghanistan, in the sense that you had a situation where there did not appear to be a type of U.S. plan or strategy,” said Michael Kugelman, deputy director of the Asia program at the Wilson Center in Washington.
These kids could tell the admiral how chaotic, how insanely dangerous it was, if they could. But they can’t, because the chaos on the streets and in the command structure got them killed.
This young Marine describes the chaos well. What a shame the admiral missed his testimony.
Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, a U.S. Marine Corps sniper, says that he was denied permission to shoot the suicide bomber in Afghanistan that killed 13 service members and over 170 civilians.
Inaction was a choice. Inaction should have consequences.
— Sam (@SunshineSt8Sam) March 8, 2023
For his trouble, desperately trying to fight his way through the chaos to warn his fellow American service members – after being denied permission to take out the bomber who would kill them – he lost a leg, an arm, a kidney, and part of his intestines. Semper Fi, my brother.
And I don’t have time or space to talk about bodies falling from airplanes, or the tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans airlifted here while thousands of American citizens were left behind because there was no plan to get anyone out. This administration’s entire attitude was that the Taliban got to call the shots which is not how it’s usually done: it used to be WE decided when we were damn good and ready to leave. That meant if Americans living in-country didn’t get the word, or couldn’t get the word, or were having trouble getting to (another brilliant Biden tactical decision) Hamid Karzai Intl for evacs (After giving up Bagram and moving to a confined, vulnerable airfield in the middle of an urban area.)?
Sure wish Trump hadn’t made Biden do that either.
Spokesman John Kirby: "There's a lot to be proud of" on Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal.
"There was a lot that went right, and a lot of Afghans are now living better lives."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 6, 2023
Yeah, pat yourself and that miserable geriatric charlatan in the Oval Office on the back, you ghoul.
Today's Press Conference on Afghanistan was so bad even Politico's headline says "Biden's White House says Biden's White House didn't do anything wrong"
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) April 7, 2023
Go right ahead and keep trying to rewrite history.
Inconvenienced by fallen troops, Biden checks his watch—Is it nap time already? Call a lid on it! 🤡🌎
— Alice Liu (@chunkmusic) August 29, 2021
The clock’s ticking on this clown show.
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