I believe “racism,” while a vile, despicable, and utterly unconscionable thing in fact, which should be roundly and universally condemned when it is in fact encountered – in any shape or form. Racism, unfortunately, is also the drug of choice for Leftists, liberals, and Democrats. They turn to it for defensive succor when they have no answer for an argument, as justification when they identify a goal – however trivial or offensive to others – they want achieved. As burnishment when they have a situation they wish to attach more significance to or a conversation they want to force you into. As the coup de grâce pronouncement on the personal characters of those who take issue with or stymie the narrative.
There is only ever one reason anyone would disagree, they insist, and it is never that the facts do not support the narrative. It’s always racism.
Everything shines bigger, badder, and brighter if you paint it with a racist brush.
I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed they have been dipping that brush in cans the size of oil drums.
Picnics are racist.
Things that are a racist: 🧵
Picnics pic.twitter.com/25WuWJygVQ
— 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐠 🏳️🌈 (@CasuallyGreg) March 19, 2023
Pantries are racist.
…“Storing spices in coordinated glass jars and color-coordinating dozens of sprinkles containers may seem trivial. But tidiness is tangled up with status, and messiness is loaded with assumptions about personal responsibility and respectability,” the professor stated.
“Cleanliness has historically been used as a cultural gatekeeping mechanism to reinforce status distinctions based on a vague understanding of ‘niceness’: nice people, with nice yards, in nice houses, make for nice neighborhoods.
“What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures.”
PB&J, hunting, exercise, roads, bridges, ad nauseum, and, oh, yes, fish…are racist.
Racism is such a thing that people make an obscene amount of money grifting on either 1) telling white people how racist they are, or 2) reinforcing to people of color how RACIST WHITE PEOPLE ARE.
Or is it just these grifters that are obscene?
Robin DiAngelo sounding like an old-line segregationist: "People of color need to get away from white people and have some community with each other."pic.twitter.com/HJFQcGejuo
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) March 20, 2023
I’ll vote in the affirmative on that question. I’d say that was pretty rude.
One of the worst racism-is-alive-and-well grifters, especially lately (or I might have been paying more attention), has been the LA Times. They’re known for their subtler versions of word massage, like this IT’S NOT A GANG, IT’S A CLUB example from the other day:
Opinion: Don't blur the lines by calling Mexican drug cartels 'terrorist organizations' (via @latimesopinion) https://t.co/SpmSmWlrEH pic.twitter.com/ITQpimz9Vs
— L.A. Times Opinion (@latimesopinion) March 17, 2023
Their stories are always cloaked in a shimmery robe of social justice and wrapped in emotive reporting. But after weeks filled with absolute race-bating corkers (I covered here) like this one…
…Researchers from the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy concluded that residents of wealthier, whiter areas exported air pollution to the neighborhoods around their commutes.
“There’s this consistent injustice in air pollution exposure,” said Geoff Boeing, an assistant professor at the school and co-author of the study.
Past studies have established that “there’s a statistically significant difference in exposure levels, particularly in home locations, between white groups and nonwhite groups,” said Boeing, adding that those exposed most to harmful air are “usually Black and Hispanic groups</em>.”
…followed up for emphasis by the headline of this op-ed:..
How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color
…there’s really no room for discussion. Let me make their position perfectly clear – according to the paper, all the highways and water distribution systems in California, however old, are still, and will always BE, racist. Because of white people – back whenever and now.

White supremacy, I was shocked to discover in January, had been declared a rainbow coalition by the LA Times.
Anyone could now be a white supremacist if their thoughts were unpure enough.

Scary, no? Racists everywhere – you drive on racism, you drink racism – and you can’t even go by color anymore?! Jeez Lousie.
There also seems to be no redemptive action available that will satisfy the paper. Once even a whiff of “R-word,” you wear the black letter forever.
So I found it pret-tee surprising today, not that the LA Times would be race-baiting yet again…
How a long history of racism and neglect set the stage for Pajaro flooding https://t.co/isS7RqlSsj
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) March 20, 2023
…but that they would be so completely oblivious to their own race-war agitation and the constant nature of it, that they could put this plaintive appeal for peace, love, and brotherly harmony on practically the same line as yet another R-A-C-I-S-M front page story.

Column: Americans are terrified of other Americans. How to stop the polarization
Are you kidding me?
Of course, the author of the “why can’t we all get along” article starts the thing off with a 4 paragraph recitation of a visit with a surly Biden/Obama-hating old Republican in El Centro. She reinforces the stereotype with a jackhammer before talking about the normal folks who talked to her later. There are probably Times readers still using smelling salts or who couldn’t read any further after that blockbuster beginning rattled them to their triggered souls.
She should try attending a Ben Shapiro lecture at a UC campus.
Good joke, right? And she’d never write about the “students” breaking glass in buildings like she did a cranky old man in his tiny house in nowheres-ville Southwest.
…He seemed angry. He said President Biden was a “dumbass,” adding: “We need to hunt down all the illegals and get them the hell out of this country!” I asked: “Hunt them down?” He said: “Hunt them down!” As I struggled to understand his perspective by asking more questions, he became more and more condescending: “Don’t you read? Don’t you understand history?” As I was responding that I’d been reporting on the border since Obama was president, he interrupted: “Obama was a dumbass n—.”
I ended the interview. What was the point of continuing a conversation with a man so unabashed in his bigotry? This man, I thought, was a threat to me and people I love. He clearly felt the same about me. We weren’t alone in our grim judgments…
I don’t know – judging by her most recent book, she might have had an attitude that struck the older fellow as part of the problem, to begin with.
…She is the author, most recently, of “Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump and the White Nationalist Agenda.” …
I would give anything to hear her tone and how she introduced herself.
Why can’t we be friends?
If only you could listen to yourselves.
Takes two to tango, as the old saying goes.
You all only think it takes two to make sure you have someone else to push around.
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