Well…you can’t “consume” something that hasn’t been “grown” in some way, so you see where they’re going with this.
If the problem is on the consumption end, we must be growing problematic things and ingesting too much of them.
Greenhouse gas emissions from the way humans consume food could add nearly 1 degree of warming to Earth’s climate by 2100, according to a study from @ccivanovich that's out today in Nature Climate Change.
My latest for @AP_Climate.https://t.co/i9UDCpzGyr
— C.L.R. James Baldwin (@drewcostley) March 6, 2023
The AP reporter is an earthy-looking fellow, with many pronouns sprinkled through his bio.
The Columbia PhD candidate who authored the study is studious about the use of pronouns, as well.
My sense of dread increases exponentially.
Let’s take a look around and see what earnest doctoral candidate Casey found, shall we?
…Greenhouse gas emissions from the way humans produce and consume food could add nearly 1 degree of warming to the Earth’s climate by 2100, according to a new study.
Continuing the dietary patterns of today will push the planet past the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) limit of warming sought under the Paris climate agreement to avoid the worst effects of climate change, according to the study published Monday in Nature Climate Change, and will approach the agreement’s limit of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
The modeling study found that the majority of greenhouse gas emissions come from three major sources: meat from animals like cows, sheep and goats; dairy; and rice. Those three sources account for at least 19% each of food’s contribution to a warming planet, according to the study, with meat contributing the most, at 33%.
I knew it. My cheeseburger. She goes straight for the frickin’ jugular.
…All emit large amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas with more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide, in the way they are currently farmed. The researchers calculated that methane will account for 75% of food’s share of warming by 2030, with carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide accounting for most of the rest.
“I think the biggest takeaway that I would want (policymakers) to have is the fact that methane emissions are really dominating the future warming associated with the food sector,” said Catherine C. Ivanovich, a climate scientist at Columbia University and the study’s lead author.
Cow farts dominate global warming, especially the “future” warming heading our way. I’d certainly agree – cow farts dooming us all to a fiery death? That’s a terrifying future scenario. But nowhere as terrifying as where I KNOW the conclusion she wants her study results to lead to.
The utter (udder?) annihilation of my cheeseburger. And yours.
And BANG – there it is. “Eat less meat” and they mean to do it now. The urging is wrapped in an appeal to authority also known as the (anonymous) “MULTIPLE STUDIES and REPORTS™” which I am sure have been duly authored by (again unnamed) CLIMATE EXPERTS™.
…The study offered some ways to change global food production and consumption that could limit warming.
Many of these changes are already being called for or adopted. U.S. President Joe Biden touted the climate benefits of planting cover crops that can draw down carbon from the atmosphere in an April 2021 address to Congress. Multiple recent studies and reports have recommended eating less meat in order to reduce greenhouse gas creation by animals raised for consumption. And California started a mandatory food waste recycling program in 2021 to reduce the emissions created by decaying food.
Quoting Joe Biden didn’t really help their case here – that’ll be a twelve-point style deduction.
When these studies emerge from the computers of young, impressionable believers, they’re mostly the manipulation of already corrupted data. And wholly designed to scare simple minds…
Abolish farming! 😵💫 pic.twitter.com/9Cf2A2eYuM
— Theo Jordan (@Theo_TJ_Jordan) March 6, 2023
..into eating the bugs. Which they will do eventually, whilst brandishing a pitchfork and screaming about selfish Earth-murderers at unbelievers clinging to their ground beef patties.
Fortunately, cooler heads prevail who can strip through the chatter and read a data chart, as opposed to massage one into a product. There have been a lot of cows, goats and chickens, 2030 is not that far off, and, despite all the Henny Pennies…not much in the way of real, live “warming” has happened.
A fact that AP @drewcostley didn't mention amid all his climate BS:
There has been no global warming since mid-2014 despite the consumption of about 2.7 billion tons of meat.
Don't be conned by the climate hoax into giving up the healthiest food.https://t.co/qZEY7owVPP
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) March 7, 2023
More and more of their side of the historical record is finally being heard, as opposed to drowned out or outright censored. Things have been relatively flat since 2014, and, so far, we are still 0.6°C cooler than the highs of 1998.
The year 1998 and the year 2016 are statistically tied for the warmest year in the satellite era (1979 to present) going by the UAH satellite chart.

Another thing – the chart looks terrifying, but it’s in tenths of degrees. Tenths. and it’s been bouncing around the median line in tenths of degrees for over a hundred years.
Then again, it depends on your agenda and when you started measuring.
“If you’re telling me the planet is warming, my question is, since when?” Geologist #IanPlimer pic.twitter.com/SR6kYXE7zy
— Tony #VoteAnyoneButLibLabConGreen (@Tony40335450) January 16, 2023
The WEF/climate change/bug people guys measure when it works for their globalist agenda and the various financial schemes wrapped up in all things Green. Such as moving people off farmland needed for migrant housing in the Netherlands or denying African countries fertilizer for crops, because “nitrogen is bad for the earth.” Brussels types never miss a meal, but they also write the checks. See how that works?
Gas stoves, cows, farmers, internal combustion engines, fossil fuels, coal – it’s been a whale of a carousel of chicanery and manipulation as they spin from one target to the next, hit every one of them, start the attack cycles all over again and it is a constant onslaught.
Information is a weapon and a shield when it’s “go time.”
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