Chuck Schumer has Big Mad about Tucker and the tapes

AP Photo/John Minchillo

It sure didn’t take long for the Senate majority leader to hot-foot it down to the Senate floor and wave his tiny, angry fist at the rhetorical sky.


“Contempt for the truth”? That’s a stretch, Senator. As Ed pointed out more than once in his piece this morning, there were a couple of “truths” that were exposed last night no one in America but the January 6th committee knew about, so who is really the contemptuous party here?

As for the “cherry-picking” charge, OMG – laughable on its face. Obviously, the rabid partisan witch hunters on of the Jan 6 Committee were the cherry fruit loop pickingest bunch who ever lived, and now we know, don’t we? Is that the problem Senator?

You could apologize to Senator Hawley for the cherry-picked slime on his reputation if you had any integrity. That was something we learned about.

To make matters worse, Schumer, a duly elected representative of the people, went before media cameras and called for actual censorship of Tucker Carlson, saying Rupert Murdoch had a special obligation to “stop Tucker Carlson from going on tonight now that he’s seen how he’s perverted and slimed the truth…

In Schumer’s defense, he is a slime master, so that’s probably why he’s panicking and spreading slime as fast and furiously as he can.


Dear God, people – this is the reaction and Tucker’s had one broadcast?

What in the Sam Hay-yull is in the rest of those tapes these Democrats are absolutely wigging out about?

Kind of makes you wonder, no?

Exactly. Kind of funny how “democracy” is always “at stake” when Democrats are bent out of shape.


I’m saving this slime for posterity.

Tucker’s basically a traitor. I guess Kevin McCarthy is, too, for following through on his promise to let the American people see the full picture.

“Speaker McCarthy is every bit as culpable as Mr. Carlson. Speaker McCarthy’s decision to share security footage with Fox looked like a mistake from the very beginning, but after last night it looks like a disaster,” Schumer said.

CNN was already helping the narrative along this morning, by saying Tucker had “claimed” to have run their broadcasts by the Capitol Police.

“Claimed.” Aren’t they a “news” organization? Couldn’t they have just asked the Cap PD, you know – double-checked? Even busted Tucker if it wasn’t true?


Nah. Easier to Schumer I meant slime, just in case Carlson had, like, you know – done what he said.

It’s funny. For all the shrieking in this CNBC article about Carlson’s “cherry-picking,” the complaints are because he didn’t show the “chaos” and “the violence” and the mob “breaking through the windows,” etc.

…“Instead it shows police escorting people through the building, including the now-infamous ’QAnon Shaman,” Carlson said.

He did not show graphic footage captured by security cameras throughout the building of rioters attacking police guarding the Capitol, invading the Senate chamber and congressional offices, including the office of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and many other scenes of mayhem.

He did show some. But.

Haven’t we all seen that for two years? Is that not all we have ever been allowed to see?


Talk about missing the big picture, but that, I am sure, is the point.

The Democratic noise and the outrage machine must be constantly running so the one-sided cherry-picking can keep their narrative preeminent and supreme.

Shriek away, hive minds.

I want to see everything and we have that right.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024