EV fEVer fervor will EVentually EVolve into destroying EVerything we love

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Nothing about this madness, this headlong rush into the EV/renewable abyss is adding up. Without our consent, we are being permanently decoupled from reliable sources of electricity before having even brought online enough renewables – and reliable is a postulate yet to be proven – to cover the power demands of the living we’re trying to do at the moment. In no way, shape, or form is their fantasy grid in any way prepared for the electricity-based plans they have already in the works, or worse – mandated for the near future.


This reminds me of a scene in Christmas in Connecticut where Barbara Stanwyck’s character breezily tells her Uncle Felix something has happened, and he asks one of his waiters what the word means.

The entire Green fever dream is a human catastrophe of epic proportions rumbling towards its inevitable implosion if popular outcry and inconvenient facts don’t hurry up and put the brakes on it. Then, God willing, grind it to rubble forever once it’s stopped.

A completely man-made, self-imposed, hornswoggling, pseudo-religious-science-driven catastrophe.

Popular outcry sounds as if it’s already building, thanks to the intransigence of the progressives and the fact that things are going sideways with the promises due to the Biden administration’s general incompetence.

How is it possible that the electricity to power the car is more than the gas?

In parts of the country, watching your meter spin as you try to charge up can make you physically ill.

…Power rates across the region have jumped an average of 30% since last summer, while gasoline prices have receded well below their peak in June of 2022. Web engineer Matt Cain, who lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, said he ran a price comparison when his electricity bill shot up in January and found that his overall costs for utilities had climbed a whopping 50%.

“We have a Prius Prime that we normally drive around town, and we drive most of it on electricity. It’s now 50% more expensive than fueling it with gas,” he told CBS MoneyWatch.

Cain said the price hike hasn’t changed his driving habits. But it has prompted his wife, who works at a local community college, to charge the car at work where it’s cheaper. “It’s not a point of pain for me, but it’s something I’ve noticed,” he said.


I’m curious about his wife charging the EV at the college – is she paying for that electricity or are the taxpayers? Wouldn’t you just love subsidizing that vehicle twice – first with the tax write-off they got and then with the cheaper electricity to make it zoom-zoom?

Oh, that’s fair.

You know who they blame for these courageous prices? Not the guy that’s bollixed our entire energy industry up in two short years. Nah. That’d be detrimental to the narrative.

It’s all fossil fuels’ fault, damn them and their little dead dinosaur eyes.

Blame natural gas
New Englanders are seeing uniquely high EV charging costs because the region currently has the highest electricity prices in the country. At about 28 cents per kilowatt-hour this fall, it’s double the national average.

Ironically, it’s the region’s dependence on fossil fuels that’s pushing these costs higher. About 45% of New England’s electricity comes from methane gas, compared with about 38% nationwide, while the fuel has tripled in price since Russia invaded Ukraine a year ago. All the region’s utilities are raising their electricity rates, although the specific costs can vary a lot even within a small area, WBUR reported this fall.

See? MAKES PERFECT SENSE if you’ve got Greta Thunberg for a brain.

Everyone’s favorite Prince of Darkness…

APTOPIX Virus Outbreak-California Reopening
AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu

…is ignoring warnings about his state’s plunge into inky tenebrosity as well.


…”California is drastically cutting our dependence on fossil fuels and cleaning our air,” Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a November announcement unveiling the “world’s first detailed pathway to carbon neutrality.”

Everyone else is saying, “Have fun but bring a flashlight and matches!”

…Experts told Fox News Digital environmental mandates implemented by Newsom and his administration have already created instability in the grid, an issue they argued would only get worse as existing fossil fuel power generation capacity was taken offline and replaced by intermittent sources.

“They’re going to have to build an outrageous amount of wind and solar in a very short time if they want to accomplish their objectives of electrifying — our whole transportation sector and our whole home heating and cooling and residential sector,” Edward Ring, a senior fellow with and co-founder of the California Policy Center, told Fox News Digital in an interview.

“There’s a burden to the consumer that’s going to get very heavy,” he continued. “Even if they can pull it off without blackouts, the burden to the consumer is going to be ridiculous.”

…”They’re, in fact, telling people that they’re going to start shutting off natural gas to houses and that they have to convert to electricity,” he told Fox News Digital. “Then, they’re forcing people to buy electric vehicles and they’re going to stop selling internal combustion engine vehicles. That will add to the grid’s demand.”

In its annual report released in December, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), a nonpartisan grid watchdog, stated that California faced a “high risk of energy or capacity shortfall” in coming years, particularly during summer months, as a result of traditional power plant retirements and increased demand.


It’s not just ugly frickin’ wind towers and/or acres and acres of blazing hot solar panels, either. California needs to address it dang near immediately, but the rest of these renewable-obsessed states are also going to have to put out for a lot more than that and for so little return. Electricity needs to be: 1) generated as reliably and efficiently as possible and then 2) get from point A to point B.

Solar panels, for example, produce just 25% and wind turbines produce 34% of their listed capacity, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Coal, natural gas and nuclear power plants, meanwhile produce 49%, 54% and 93% of their listed capacity, respectively.

…Another potential hurdle to the future of California’s grid stability is the need for new transmission line infrastructure to handle additional demand and connect new renewable energy projects, often located in rural regions, to the grid, Steven Malanga, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told Fox News Digital. He also argued leaders should put greater emphasis on battery storage which remains far behind where it needs to be.

…”These are tremendous costs which haven’t been fairly calculated by the renewable energy people,” Malanga said in an interview. “Essentially what happens is we have this power grid that has been built up over the decades and to go renewable doesn’t just involve building renewable like wind farms and solar farms, but you also have to build new transmission lines.”


Recently there was also a little cold water thrown on the resources to make the batteries for all these EVs that will be supposedly driving (or not) the increased demand for electricity. UC Davis has released a report titled “Achieving Zero Emissions with More Mobility and Less Mining” (PDF here). Given their Communist proclivities, you can bet your sweet bippy the gist of the thing is leading toward a life of boxes and bugs for the average citizen. But there are truly horrifying factoids to be gleaned from it that completely bolster the “WHAT THE HAY-YULL ARE YOU WHACKJOBS THINKING?!?!” case. Whilst enlightening the peasants was probably not the aim of the earnest socialists who did the research, hoisted with your own petard is a saying for a reason.

Replacing all gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles won’t be enough to prevent the world from overheating. So people will have to give up their cars. That’s the alarming conclusion of a new report from the University of California, Davis and “a network of academics and policy experts” called the Climate and Community Project.

…Problem No. 1: Electric-vehicle batteries require loads of minerals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel, which must be extracted from the ground like fossil fuels.

“If today’s demand for EVs is projected to 2050, the lithium requirements of the US EV market alone would require triple the amount of lithium currently produced for the entire global market,” the report notes.

…The report concludes that the auto sector’s “current dominant strategy,” which involves replacing gasoline-powered vehicles with EVs without decreasing car ownership and use, “is likely incompatible” with climate activists’ goal to keep the planet from warming by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius compared with preindustrial times. Instead, the report recommends government policies that promote walking, cycling and mass transit.

Governments, the report says, could reduce “financial subsidies for private vehicles,” such as on-street and free parking. They could also impose charges on pickup trucks and SUVs (including electric ones) and build more bike lanes. Urbanites who suspect the expansion of bike lanes in their cities is intended to force people to stop driving aren’t wrong.

…But what about suburbanites who need cars to get around? Reducing “car dependency” will require “densifying low-density suburbs while allowing more people to live in existing high-density urban spaces,” the report says.

Translation: Force more people to live in shoe-box apartments in cities by making suburbs denser and less appealing.


There’s the future, the EV future, they’re planning for you. It’s all laid out by the academics, the big Green dreamers and the grifters.

We have to be unswerving, absolutely resolute in our refusal to accept anything less than retaining our quality of life.

No boxes. No bugs. Lights ON.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024