Ho-lee-smokes. I know I’ve been hard on both wind power schemes and my ancestral Scottish homeland for their renewable energy authoritarian fever dreams, but DAY-YUM.
Never in my wildest imaginings did I think they’d keep assisting me in my quest to expose and crush their mendacious, malicious incompetence completely.
And, yet, here we are.
Thanks to a real whistle-blower (not a Bunny Boiler type), we now know a bit more about the efficiency of those wondrous turbines.
Monday Mirthiness – Diesel Powered Wind Turbines? Yes, Really. https://t.co/ujRd4jaxYh
— Watts Up With That (@wattsupwiththat) February 6, 2023
What in the wide world of wind sports?
Scottish Power has been accused of “environmental madness” after it was revealed more than 70 of its wind turbines had been hooked up to diesel generators.
The Sunday Mail revealed via a whistleblower that diesel generators were used on 71 turbines in order to prevent them freezing during cold weather in December.
Scottish Power told the publication that this took place after a fault developed on the grid.
Sixty wind turbines at Arecleoch windfarm and 11 at Glen App, both in South Ayrshire, were affected.
Apparently, what had happened was it got cold in December (who knew?). The major electric line Scottish Power (subsidiary of Spanish turbine company Iberdrola) had run between the turbines to keep them warm when if it got cold in winter (who knew?) had some sort of electrical burp in it. So they had to hook up six industrial size generators to these towers to warm them up enough to let them refire, and then keep them warm. The generators ran on that filthy dirty diesel for about 6 hours a day.
Sixty turbines at Arecleoch Wind farm and 11 at Glenn App near Cairnrayn in South Ayrshire were affacted and connected to six huge diesel generators. The windfarms are operated by Scottish Power Renewables, a subsidiary of Spanish-based Iberdrola, which operates 1183 onshore turbines which can produce enough electricity to power two million homes.
But the whistleblower revealed how they had to bring in generators after the issue was discovered.
The worker said: “During December 60 turbines at Arecleoch and 11 at Glenn App were de-energised due to a cabling fault originating at Mark Hill wind farm. In order to get these turbines re-energised diesel generators were running for upwards of six hours a day.”
The whistleblower also had a few more facts to add about what was happening on the ground with the turbines.
He also claimed there had been other technical issues and environmental problems discovered. They include:
• Turbines left operating on half power for long periods due to faulty convertor modules.
• Others in “test mode” where they take rather than contribute electricity to the grid.
• Over 4000 litres of oil leaked from hydraulic units on turbines and sprayed over the countryside.
• Concerns about safety standards and transparency.The whistleblower said: “Turbines are regularly offline due to faults where they are taking energy from the grid rather than producing it, and also left operating on half power for long periods due to parts which haven’t been replaced.
“Dirty hydraulic oil is also regularly being sprayed out across the Scottish countryside due to cracks in mechanisms. Safety standards have not improved since a worker was killed in 2017 at Kilgallioch wind farm.”
Hello. Once again, turbines cannot operate without hydraulic oil and it spews everywhere, even when the turbines are in good shape, as these apparently are not. How environmentally friendly! And using grid energy as opposed to producing it? Whut? These things are a mess and a big, fat lie, perpetrated over and over and over again on the citizens of Scotland by their elected WEF toadies.
Do you know who has been able to operate through all this? Well, the head of Scottish Power hasn’t done so badly. He’s made enough to keep his lights on. No going to a warm library for him.
…We revealed last year how the chairman of ScottishPower, Spaniard Ignacio Galan, earned over £11million in 2021. He took home the massive package as millions of customers face being plunged into poverty by rocketing fuel costs.
Plunging millions into poverty is more of a feature than a bug in this guy’s world. This continuing grift is enabled by useful idiots like clueless Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon (fondly known as “Wee Nippy“) – who’s never met a progressive cause she couldn’t march for or impose. In fact, she seems to have handed over just about the entire country’s energy future to offshore interests, while sanctimoniously impoverishing her citizens.

Wee Nippy’s made sure to staff her cabinet with able Pete Buttigieg School of Management graduates like this:
Michael Matheson told MSPs there are 19,000 windmills on the country's hillsides whereas in fact there are around 4,000. He only admitted his glaring mistake after it was spotted by the Scottish Expresshttps://t.co/UUzMjOxNlZ
— Scottish Express (@ScotExpress) January 28, 2023
The “energy minister” hasn’t any idea how many electrical whirly things he has! Sound familiar?
…He told Scottish Conservative MSP Liam Kerr there were “approximately” 19,000 onshore turbines already installed comprising 8.7GW of generating power, and 264 offshore turbines comprising 1.9GW.
However, the word “approximately” was doing an awful lot of heavy lifting for Mr Matheson because officials have now admitted there were only 3,940 onshore turbines in Scotland at the time the question was answered.
I’ll bet he’s completely in the dark about them not whirling so well, either.
And it’s not just this debacle with turbines falling apart and then needing diesel generators during a winter that turned out to be cold (who knew?). I wonder if anyone’s broken it to him yet.
Kincardine? We have a problem.
Developers battling issues at major Scottish floating wind farm
Work is still ongoing to iron out issues at the world’s largest floating wind farm, well over a year since it became fully operational.
Allan MacAskill, who spearheaded the development of Kincardine, told a Scottish Renewables conference in Glasgow on Thursday that one of the five turbines at the project is still in need of repair.
It follows work to fix another of the units at the wind farm, about nine miles off the coast of Aberdeenshire, between the Granite City and Stonehaven.
Last year engineers were forced to remove one of Kincardine’s V164-9.5MW Vestas turbines and tow it to a port for a patch-up.
“Return to port is not something we should be doing on a regular basis; it’s not a good way of running and undertaking repairs,” Mr MacAskill told the trade body’s Offshore Wind Conference.
…“We’ve had problems with the turbines. We will repair them – we’ve got one done and the other will be done soon. But, we’re not doing it in the most efficient or effective manner, and there are much better ways of doing it.”
They only have five turbines at this off-shore farm. Granted, the largest ones ever installed, but they’re still breaking down and it hasn’t even been a year since the farm went operational. And I’m using “operational” loosely when 20-40% of your assets are out of commission at any given time.
Also, notice the name of the turbine manufacturer – Vestas. That might ring a bell from my post on Friday about warranty issues eating these turbine companies alive, and how they are all – ALL – crying for government support to be able to stay in business.
It turns out that when you start running these companies to ground, they’re all interconnected. The Spanish multi-national Ibergrola, which is responsible for this mess in Scotland? They also own Avangrid, again another failing company in my post on Friday. This is the company that is trying to pull out of its offshore wind farm contract with the state of New Hampshire because it’s suddenly too expensive for them to build.
It seems like every single day, another example emerges of why they shouldn’t get another dime and most assuredly, why there shouldn’t be another mandated state or federal cut-off for this big transition to cold, poor, and dark. That’s before a single one of the environmental lies are exposed, and the efficiency claims debunked completely.
It’s been decades wasted and billions upon billions blown on this crap.
Enough already. Diesel do it for me.
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