Some pretty ugly people typing some pretty ugly Tweets

Eric Gay

I can’t for the life of me understand what makes these tiny-brained, shrunken-hearted, simply miserable individuals fire their little fingers off without a second thought. Inevitably, the second a tiny chunk of situational awareness and self-preservation kick in, it’s DELETE DELETE DELETE!!! Sorry, guys. You got busted being the jerks you truly are in the core of your soulless beings.


Take, for instance, Congressman Henry Cuellar who – by the hair of his chinny chin chin and in spite of an FBI raid at his home with an on-going federal investigation – just defeated Republican Cassy Garcia to retain his seat. Where one would think a fellow that compromised already would be on his knees thanking GOD he’d pulled a win out of nowhere and offering his opponent kudos for a spirited contest…but no.

In a macho show of classless, sexist swagger, Cueller hit “send” on this masterpiece of bully boy bluster.

Fast and furious isn’t just a movie – it’s also the blowback Mr. Machismo got for braying like an ass. The original Tweet went “Poof!” pretty quickly, replaced by what he should have tweeted to begin with. I hope he gave the campaign staffer who wrote it a gratuity.


To Tweeps’ credit, the comments under his amended version are filled with nothing but the original Tweet. PILE ON, my friends.

Then there are the types who are experiencing the panic of, not a slow slide, but a rapid descent down the expert slope of “public figure” into “who are you” obscurity and it’s terrifying them. Their desperate attempts to claw their way into maintaining any relevance, when that last day on the government dole is gone, makes them even more bitter and pathetic a biological human than they already were.

Take Adam Kinzinger (as the old Henny Youngman joke says) PLEASE.

WOOF. Talk about an implosion. Get this guy counseling now – he won’t make it 6 months on the outside without it. Somehow people find it surprising Kinzinger stooped this low. I don’t.


Especially if you’ve the stomach to check out his personal timeline, which is what his ugliness is posted on. It’s full of nothing by tongue out, nyah-nyah-nyah snipe. I’m assuming he’s establishing his street cred for an MSNBC gig, but the way they’re having to cut back, that might well be all for naught. Exiting Congress as a turncoat, vicious, sniveling partisan teenager will only get you so far before opportunities for your one note act dry up, and no one comes calling.

Then there’s the elected officials who are using the platform to outright threaten any peasant – rich or poor – who subjects their august selves to “mockery“…

…coupled with the shameless legacy media toadies who encourage and support their efforts.

…Musk responded to one user who had suggested he was taking a major risk by poking fun at a Democrat who that may crack down on Twitter, causing Musk to reply, “Are you suggesting the Senator will abuse his political power to attack me?”


I know we’re in for more as fading starlets like Kinzinger meltdown and reelected, blowhard Democratic senators surreptitiously wipe the flop sweat off their brows whilst firing up for another two years of gaslighting. It’s nice to have all their arrogance, ignorance and vitriol for the record, though. Transparency and the consequent exposure are the things they cannot survive, nor withstand the public mockery it brings. To be able to pull any one of these gems up when they start and say, “DIS YOU?” is priceless.

Because it really is.

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