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“You didn’t build that”
Video: Obama to college grads: Luck kept you from becoming a drug dealer
Larry O'Connor
5:01 PM | May 09, 2016
Video: Ted Strickland joins the "you didn't build that" brigade
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | March 07, 2015
Hillary Clinton would kinda-sorta like to amend her comments about businesses and jobs
Mary Katharine Ham
9:31 PM | October 27, 2014
Santorum: It was dumb to make Obama's "you didn't build that" comment the theme for the GOP convention
4:01 PM | June 14, 2013
Federal Workers Respond to Buyout Offer with Panic and Disbelief
So, Y'All Remember There Was That Other Big Fire in CA Two Weeks Ago?
The BIG 'Business' of Americans Helping Illegals Across the Border
Trump to DEI Feds: You Can Run But You Can't Hide
An election-day lesson in free-market economics
Erika Johnsen
2:21 PM | November 06, 2012
Videos: "You didn't build that," revisited
Erika Johnsen
2:41 PM | September 17, 2012
Bay State Beatdown. Brown 49 - Warren 43
Jazz Shaw
2:01 PM | August 26, 2012
PPP poll in MA shows Brown up five over Warren
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | August 22, 2012
Is Warren an anomaly or a harbinger for the Democrats?
Ed Morrissey
2:21 PM | August 06, 2012
New Warren ad: Golly, why aren't we more like China?
Ed Morrissey
11:06 AM | August 01, 2012
New RNC/Romney ad: Believe in the America you built
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | July 31, 2012
Great news: Author of "You didn't build that" gets prime-time slot at Democratic convention
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | July 31, 2012
New Romney Super PAC ad: "Olympics"
6:41 PM | July 30, 2012
A "You didn't build that" convention?
Ed Morrissey
6:31 PM | July 29, 2012
A younger Obama considered his first employer, "the enemy"
Jazz Shaw
1:01 PM | July 28, 2012
Maybe racism is why people are irritated at Obama's "you didn't build that" line
8:01 PM | July 27, 2012
Romney: To suggest that profitable businesses don't help people, is a really weird idea
Erika Johnsen
6:41 PM | July 27, 2012
Will four words -- or two -- derail Obama's re-election?
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | July 27, 2012
Change: Obama going positive with ad to air during Olympics
Erika Johnsen
12:41 PM | July 27, 2012
Brutal new ads: "It Worked," "Didn't Build That"
7:21 PM | July 26, 2012
They built it: Meet Jim and Ché
Mary Katharine Ham
6:01 PM | July 26, 2012
'You didn't build that': When push-back falls flat
Mary Katharine Ham
12:41 PM | July 26, 2012
Rasmussen: Consumer confidence hits 2012 low
Ed Morrissey
12:06 PM | July 26, 2012
Gallup: Obama hit new low with business owners in the second quarter
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | July 26, 2012
Obama has 'no patience' for frequent quoting of dumb thing he said
Mary Katharine Ham
1:21 PM | July 25, 2012
Videos: David Axelrod's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad morning
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | July 25, 2012
New American Crossroads ad: "Replay"
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | July 25, 2012
Team Romney aggressively courting small business in swing states this week
Ed Morrissey
11:21 AM | July 25, 2012
New RNC ad: "These aren't gaffes"
Ed Morrissey
1:21 PM | July 24, 2012
Obama: Hey, Romney's taking my "you didn't build that" line out of context
Ed Morrissey
11:21 AM | July 24, 2012
Video: How Obama tax hike hurts an Ohio small business
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | July 24, 2012
Ugh: NBC trying to manufacture a "you didn't build that" moment for Mitt Romney
Erika Johnsen
4:01 PM | July 23, 2012
Rasmussen: 72% think small business owners did "build that"
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | July 23, 2012
New Brown ad attacks Warren over "you didn't build it" argument
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | July 23, 2012
Mitt Romney will "say anything to get elected," apparently
Erika Johnsen
10:01 AM | July 20, 2012
Obamateurism of the Day
Ed Morrissey
8:01 AM | July 20, 2012
Quotes of the day
Erika Johnsen
10:01 PM | July 19, 2012
Study shows Obama tax plan bad news for the economy -- especially in blue states
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | July 19, 2012
Romney on offense, Democrats doubling down on "you didn't build it"
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | July 19, 2012