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Venezuela is no longer a place to have surgery... or take a shower
Jazz Shaw
12:41 PM | August 16, 2018
Oregon judge rules that schools must allow boys in the girls' locker rooms
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | August 01, 2018
New Hampshire prepares to make women second class citizens (again)
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | March 07, 2018
Army trains female soldiers to shower with "women with male genitalia"
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | July 17, 2017
Sunday Smiles
The Democratic Fork in the Road and the Woke Repudiation Imperative
When the Irish Invaded Canada
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
Texas jumps straight back into the transgender bathroom issue
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | May 22, 2017
"Morning Joe" squeals on Kellyanne Conway: She used to tell us that she hated defending Trump
3:31 PM | May 15, 2017
Video: Women aren't "celebrating" their "many shapes and sizes" with Dove's new ad
Jazz Shaw
10:01 PM | May 10, 2017
Here's a twist on the usual transgender locker room lawsuits
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | March 24, 2017
No, Trump's "transgender bathroom" memo is not a ban
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | February 23, 2017
The transgender bathroom case arrives at the Supreme Court
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | January 11, 2017
Texas court reaffirms injunction on Obama transgender mandates
Jazz Shaw
1:01 PM | October 22, 2016
Illinois judge cites "cisgender" subjects in transgender bathroom ruling
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | October 19, 2016
Will the Supreme Court simply duck the transgender bathroom issue?
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | September 26, 2016
New federal mandate on transgender bathroom access challenged in Congress
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | August 19, 2016
Obama to issue transgender bathroom mandate for federal facilities
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | August 16, 2016
Obama: Hey, I didn't make an issue out of transgender bathroom questions
Jazz Shaw
10:11 AM | August 08, 2016
SCOTUS barely dips a toe into the school transgender bathroom debate
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | August 04, 2016
The Kansas Board of Education has a message for the White House about their transgender decree
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | June 15, 2016
Charlotte Observer: Young girls should "overcome discomfort" about male genitals
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | May 20, 2016
Student solves "transgender bathroom" problem in one step, not that anyone will listen
Jazz Shaw
7:01 PM | May 14, 2016
North Carolina sues Justice Department over bathroom privacy law demands
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | May 09, 2016
North Carolina governor prepares for Justice Department deadline on bathroom privacy law
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | May 09, 2016
Target stock plummets as "transgender" bathroom boycott swells to over one million
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | April 30, 2016
An alternative idea to North Carolina's HB2 and Charlotte's bathroom ordinance
Taylor Millard
6:31 PM | April 17, 2016
University of Toronto learns why mandatory unisex bathrooms are a bad idea
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | April 11, 2016
Bruce Springsteen and the North Carolina bathroom privacy law
Jazz Shaw
7:01 PM | April 09, 2016
Feds threaten to withhold funding from North Carolina over bathroom privacy law
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | April 02, 2016
New York Governor jumps on the bandwagon, banning "non-essential travel" to North Carolina
Jazz Shaw
8:41 AM | March 30, 2016
San Francisco moves to ban official travel to North Carolina over bathroom privacy law
Jazz Shaw
1:01 PM | March 26, 2016
North Carolina passes bathroom privacy law
Jazz Shaw
2:01 PM | March 24, 2016
Daugaard vetoes South Dakota transgender bathroom bill
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | March 03, 2016
The "Battle of the Bathrooms" moves to North Carolina
Jazz Shaw
6:21 PM | February 22, 2016
Politinerds: Karen England of Privacy for All
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | January 08, 2016
It's on like Donkey Kong. California launches ballot initiative to ensure "bathroom privacy"
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | December 07, 2015
Illinois school reaches deal on "transgender student" locker room question, satisfying nobody
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | December 05, 2015
Department of Education orders school to allow boys to use girls' locker rooms, showers
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | November 03, 2015
ESPN apologizes for reporting on whether Michael Sam is showering with his teammates after practice
2:41 PM | August 27, 2014