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private server
Did China get the complete set of Hillary e-mails after all?
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | August 28, 2018
They never learn. Here we go with Kushner's private email account
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | September 25, 2017
House Oversight Chairman Chaffetz refers Bryan Pagliano to DOJ for charges
John Sexton
9:21 PM | February 16, 2017
Looks like the CFPB has been using private communications devices too
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | February 14, 2017
Sunday Smiles
The Death of Europe
Well, Well, Well: Intl Criminal Court Prosecutor Hounding Netanyahu Has His Own Issues
NYT: Well...Schmaybe Green's Not So Cheap After All
FBI destroyed laptop belonging to Cheryl Mills after time-limited search
John Sexton
5:31 PM | October 03, 2016
By the way, Hillary Clinton was still emailing classified info after she left the State Dept
Jazz Shaw
12:41 PM | August 31, 2016
AP: Gee, Hillary lied to us, huh?
Ed Morrissey
9:41 PM | July 05, 2016
Report: Hillary's email scheme probably compromised covert CIA identities
Larry O'Connor
8:41 AM | June 09, 2016
Is Obama working the refs on the FBI's investigation into Hillary's server?
Jazz Shaw
1:21 PM | October 15, 2015
Number of classified e-mails on Hillary server doubles in latest release
Ed Morrissey
8:01 AM | October 01, 2015
NYT: FBI mulling whether Hillary aides broke the law by sending her classified material on private server
Ed Morrissey
8:01 AM | September 25, 2015
Video: HIllary dodges questions on Planned Parenthood videos, organ harvesting
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | September 18, 2015
Are Hillary's classified e-mails on Google, AOL servers?
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | September 14, 2015
Done and done: Justice Dept says Clinton could erase emails if she liked
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | September 12, 2015
Mitchell: I didn't ask Hillary some questions because I thought she'd end the interview
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | September 08, 2015
WaPo: Clinton personally paid State Dept employee to maintain private server
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | September 05, 2015
FBI starting probe of Hillary server to check for espionage
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | September 03, 2015
Hillary Clinton's IT technician will take the 5th if subpoenaed
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | September 03, 2015
Todd: The convenience argument is the worst Hillary can use, you know
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | September 01, 2015
Former Attorney General: Clinton may have "disqualified herself for elected office"
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | August 24, 2015
Hillary's comedy routines flop with Capitol Hill Dems
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | August 21, 2015
Judge to State: Hillary violated gov't policy, "wouldn't be here" otherwise
Ed Morrissey
6:01 PM | August 20, 2015
IT company that housed Hillary's server shocked to find how ugly politics can be
Jazz Shaw
1:21 PM | August 20, 2015
CBS: Hillary's computers were unsecured, too
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | August 20, 2015
Grassley would like to know if, how, when, why Hillary's attorney got a security clearance
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | August 18, 2015
Hmmm: Petraeus investigator managing DoJ probe into Hillary server
Ed Morrissey
2:31 PM | August 15, 2015
Fox poll: Two percent of voters think Hillary told the truth about e-mail server -- and only three percent of Democrats
Ed Morrissey
11:31 AM | August 15, 2015
AP: Top secret e-mails on Hillary server discussed drone warfare
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | August 14, 2015
How Hillary will probably shrug off the email server story
Jazz Shaw
8:41 AM | August 14, 2015
Scrubbed server, held hostage for months, to be released
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | August 12, 2015
Quotes of the Day
Jazz Shaw
8:31 PM | July 25, 2015
Axelrod knew nothing about that secret Hillary email server he was sending mail to
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | July 01, 2015
Drip, drip, drip... State Department offers to release Hillary emails every two months
Jazz Shaw
4:41 PM | May 27, 2015
Open thread: Semi-retired future president to hold "brief" press conference on e-mails; Update: 2:20 ET
1:21 PM | March 10, 2015