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Tennessee Bans Chemtrails
Jazz Shaw
3:00 PM | April 03, 2024
California Crushes Pennsylvania
John Stossel
6:01 PM | October 20, 2023
Another Leftist lie exposed, but no biggie...
David Strom
3:01 PM | August 08, 2023
Study: Recycling is bad for the environment
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | May 25, 2023
Federal Workers Respond to Buyout Offer with Panic and Disbelief
So, Y'All Remember There Was That Other Big Fire in CA Two Weeks Ago?
Trump to DEI Feds: You Can Run But You Can't Hide
It's Not Just Britain; All of Europe Must Be Rebooted
Inflation desperation: Biden to order more ethanol for cars as grain shortages loom
Ed Morrissey
8:24 AM | April 12, 2022
Evidence of some kind of chemical spill in remote Kamchatka region of Russia
John Sexton
7:01 PM | October 05, 2020
New Jersey drivers aren't driving enough so the government is... increasing the gas tax
Jazz Shaw
5:21 PM | September 01, 2020
Will the EPA fine San Francisco over homelessness?
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | September 19, 2019
Wind energy's dirty (not so little) secret
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | September 11, 2019
The next thing to ban: balloons
Jazz Shaw
2:41 PM | July 17, 2019
Homeowners win battle to have noisy wind turbines taken down
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | April 04, 2019
One man's idea to rid the ocean of drifting plastic
Andrew Malcolm
5:31 PM | August 08, 2018
So Europe wants to ban plastic straws now
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | May 30, 2018
Deep partisan split even penetrates views of the environment
Andrew Malcolm
6:41 PM | April 05, 2018
Your next "renewable" energy source is basically black sludge
Jazz Shaw
1:01 PM | December 09, 2017
Rio de Janeiro is on track! (To be "the filth Olympics")
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | July 21, 2016
A major name in golf will be missing the Olympics... and so will one jaguar
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | June 22, 2016
Michigan Governor to drink Flint water for a month to prove it's safe
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | April 19, 2016
John Roberts unilaterally backs Obama EPA over states on emissions rule
Jazz Shaw
2:01 PM | March 03, 2016
Obama boasts of China's climate goals while Beijing chokes in smog
Jazz Shaw
1:21 PM | November 30, 2015
Ho hum: another day, another toxic mine spill by the EPA
Jazz Shaw
5:01 PM | October 11, 2015
EPA says new clean water rules are in effect even though judge suspended them
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | August 29, 2015
The details behind that EPA gold mine spill just get worse and worse
Jazz Shaw
11:01 AM | August 23, 2015
Millions of gallons of toxic waste water spilled into river by... the EPA
Jazz Shaw
2:41 PM | August 07, 2015
Obama, Xi Jinping agree to more "carbon limiting" action
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | November 12, 2014
Video: Confused senior citizen convinced that shadowy villains are manipulating the weather
3:21 PM | May 07, 2014
Watchdog report: EPA didn't properly disclose noxious pollutant risks to study participants
Erika Johnsen
7:21 PM | April 02, 2014
EPA reveals yet another round of fuel standards they casually estimate will raise gas prices by only one cent per gallon
Erika Johnsen
6:41 PM | March 03, 2014
Obama's EPA is using the Clean Air Act to justify regulating emissions from power plants. Can they even do that?
Erika Johnsen
2:41 PM | February 25, 2014
Landmark-study alert: We still can't actually find a link between fracking and groundwater contamination. Shocker.
Erika Johnsen
10:11 AM | July 19, 2013
New plan from Gasland II: The faucet-fire lie wasn't big enough. We're going full garden hose.
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | July 09, 2013
New Obama gas initiative could force rise in gas prices
Ed Morrissey
10:31 AM | March 29, 2013
Great news: Beijing air quality upgraded to "hazardous"
Ed Morrissey
3:51 PM | January 14, 2013
Lisa Jackson: EPA isn't to blame for coal industry's problems
Erika Johnsen
2:01 PM | June 11, 2012