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Paul Krugman
Inflation Continues to Climb (Paul Krugman Hardest Hit)
John Sexton
1:00 PM | April 10, 2024
CORRECTION: Pamela Paul in NYT: even if Trump is innocent, this is justice
David Strom
12:41 PM | April 07, 2023
Paul Krugman jumps on the bogus 'red state murder problem' bandwagon
John Sexton
3:00 PM | October 25, 2022
Krugman: C'mon, the bad-economy narrative is a media concoction
Ed Morrissey
8:24 AM | August 01, 2022
Sunday Smiles
Pass the CR And Prepare For the Real Fight
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
The Death of Europe
Paul Krugman's latest screed overlooks a few things (Update)
John Sexton
9:20 PM | July 26, 2022
NY Times opinion columnists on the things they got wrong (sort of)
John Sexton
1:20 PM | July 21, 2022
NY Times corrects Charles Blow's mischaracterization of Florida's anti-CRT bill
John Sexton
1:20 PM | March 29, 2022
Krugman: China can't prop up Russia's economy
John Sexton
5:20 PM | March 08, 2022
Down the rabbit hole: Paul Krugman's role in the Sarah Palin libel trial (and mine)
John Sexton
5:30 PM | February 09, 2022
Paul Krugman weighs in on 'right-wing thought police'
John Sexton
5:32 PM | January 25, 2022
Krugman: On second thought, maybe Trump didn't corrupt BLS and this jobs report is real
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | June 05, 2020
New Yorker: Just how socialist is Bernie Sanders?
John Sexton
5:21 PM | March 02, 2020
Krugman joins AOC in assuring Democrats that Sanders' Medicare for All plan won't pass
John Sexton
8:41 PM | February 20, 2020
Krugman: Relax, Bernie Sanders isn't a socialist (Update)
John Sexton
1:01 PM | February 14, 2020
Paul Krugman: Someone used my IP to download child porn but the NY Times is 'on the case'
John Sexton
9:21 PM | January 08, 2020
Good news from Paul Krugman: My own side's anti-semitism doesn't scare me
1:31 PM | March 07, 2019
What happened to Paul Krugman's concern about town hall civility?
John Sexton
3:21 PM | May 12, 2017
Krugman: Trump has incentive to allow a terrorist attack
John Sexton
5:21 PM | December 16, 2016
Krugman: Trump's victory tainted and 'illegitimate'
John Sexton
5:01 PM | December 12, 2016
Flashback: Washington Post editorial blasts Republicans for attacking FBI Director Comey
John Sexton
8:31 PM | October 29, 2016
Paul Krugman goes full conspiracy theory on FBI Director Comey's letter to congress
John Sexton
3:21 PM | October 28, 2016
Even Krugman thinks Sanders is 'over the edge'
Matt Vespa
8:01 PM | April 12, 2016
This year it will be Marco Rubio pushing grandma's wheelchair off the cliff
Jazz Shaw
6:41 PM | August 17, 2015
How the GOP became the Party of Pizza
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | March 07, 2015
Tea Party mom wins lawsuit after being arrested for her beliefs
Noah Rothman
10:01 AM | December 15, 2014
Truth versus power in American governance
Jazz Shaw
7:21 PM | November 07, 2014
The Democratic autopsy
Noah Rothman
10:01 AM | November 07, 2014
Income-inequality warrior to earn $225,000 per year for doing nothing in particular about income inequality
2:41 PM | April 16, 2014
Flashback: When Democrats wanted to scrap "embarrassing" gov't healthcare launches
Morgen Richmond
10:41 AM | November 05, 2013
Scarborough on Krugman: "self-consumed professor" with a "daily ... ideological Vaudeville act"
Ed Morrissey
2:31 PM | February 16, 2013
Krugman: Deficit problems "already, to a large degree, solved"
Ed Morrissey
8:31 AM | January 18, 2013
Video: The ultimate Krugman takedown?
10:04 PM | July 10, 2012
Paul Krugman keeps pretending that spending has gone down
Dustin Siggins
10:01 PM | June 11, 2012
Flame war of the year: Estonian president unloads on Paul Krugman on Twitter
8:41 PM | June 06, 2012
Another liberal myth down the drain
Dustin Siggins
10:00 PM | May 08, 2012
Krugman to Obama: You're gonna lose unless you demand a huge stimulus package
Ed Morrissey
11:21 AM | May 02, 2012
Krugman: We're in a depression, you know
Ed Morrissey
4:16 PM | May 01, 2012
Fed to WH: We're not going to bail you out
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | April 26, 2012
And the MRC award for the Quote of the Year goes to ...
Tina Korbe
6:55 PM | December 19, 2011