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Jamal Khashoggi
Biden eases sanctions on Venezuela. Yes, seriously
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | November 27, 2022
Biden's new Saudi policy: Immunity for "pariahs"?
Ed Morrissey
9:01 AM | November 18, 2022
The muted response to the murder of Jeff German
Jazz Shaw
8:52 AM | September 12, 2022
Biden: Saudis are lying and stop talking about our fist-bump
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | July 17, 2022
Sunday Smiles
The Death of Europe
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
When the Irish Invaded Canada
Tapper to Coons: How can Biden have fist-bumped Khashoggi's murderer?
Ed Morrissey
2:31 PM | July 16, 2022
Biden: Saudis will pump more oil. Saudis: Well ...
Ed Morrissey
8:45 AM | July 16, 2022
Saudis: Hey, guess who's meeting with MBS next month?
Ed Morrissey
6:41 PM | June 14, 2022
Pariah pilgrimage: Biden to beg Saudis for more oil in person
Ed Morrissey
9:31 AM | June 03, 2022
It's suddenly okay to host a Saudi prince again
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | July 07, 2021
Triggered media respond to Biden's whiff on Khashoggi
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | February 27, 2021
Signals: Biden to release CIA report fingering Saudi crown prince in Khashoggi hit
Ed Morrissey
10:33 AM | February 25, 2021
Saudi Arabia orders death penalty for five over Khashoggi killing
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | December 23, 2019
MBS "takes responsibility" for Khashoggi's death
Jazz Shaw
10:31 AM | October 01, 2019
A curious time for a visit with the Saudis
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | June 24, 2019
Fran Lebowitz to Maher: Maybe the Saudis can give Trump the Khashoggi treatment
Karen Townsend
4:01 PM | May 18, 2019
Coming to America: Saudi Arabia's first female ambassador
Karen Townsend
3:31 PM | February 24, 2019
Supposed "suspects" in Khashoggi's killing go to court
Jazz Shaw
10:01 AM | January 03, 2019
Trump working on extraditing Gulen again?
Jazz Shaw
11:01 AM | December 16, 2018
CIA has smoking gun on Saudi Prince?
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | November 23, 2018
Trump: I don't know if Salman lied to me, skips question on weapons sales
Taylor Millard
8:01 PM | November 18, 2018
White House denies looking into Gulen deal
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | November 17, 2018
CIA: Saudi crown prince ordered Khashoggi's execution
John Sexton
8:41 PM | November 16, 2018
Crackdown or move-on? Trump admin sanctions 17 Saudis for Khashoggi assassination
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | November 15, 2018
Turkey: Saudi "investigators" were actually scrubbing evidence
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | November 06, 2018
Saudis: Okay, okay, Khashoggi murder was planned
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | October 25, 2018
Raytheon shows the cost of cutting economic ties with Saudis
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | October 24, 2018
Turkish president accuses Saudis, claims Turkey is "the joint conscience" of the world
Jazz Shaw
9:41 AM | October 23, 2018
Did Saudis bring in a Khashoggi body double to cover up planned murder?
Ed Morrissey
8:01 AM | October 22, 2018
Turkey says they supposedly will 'never allow a cover-up' in journalist's death
Jazz Shaw
11:31 AM | October 20, 2018
Saudis conclude Khashoggi died after a fight broke out in the consulate (Update)
John Sexton
7:21 PM | October 19, 2018
Turkey: Why no, we're not sharing recording or transcript of Khashoggi murder with US
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | October 19, 2018
Trump on Gianforte: "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!"
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | October 19, 2018
Trump: This rush to judgment on Saudi Arabia is just like the Kavanaugh hearing
John Sexton
9:21 PM | October 16, 2018
Khashoggi crisis: Pompeo meets Saudi king as UN rights office calls for immunity waivers
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | October 16, 2018
Trump: Saudi king tells me he knows nothing about Khashoggi disappearance; Update: "Rogue killers"?
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | October 15, 2018
Multiple nations want joint Saudi-Turkey probe into Jamal Khashoggi disappearance
Taylor Millard
8:01 PM | October 14, 2018
Blaming Trump for Jamal Khashoggi is a little...extreme
Taylor Millard
6:31 PM | October 14, 2018
Trump: "Severe punishment" for Saudis if they killed Khashoggi
Ed Morrissey
1:01 PM | October 13, 2018
Breaking: Turkey court springs Brunson on "time served"; Trump: "WILL BE HOME SOON!" Update: On flight out
Ed Morrissey
10:31 AM | October 12, 2018
Breaking: Turkey about to release Brunson, NBC reports; Update: State shrugs
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | October 11, 2018
Lindsey Graham: There'll be "hell to pay" if the Saudis murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi
10:01 PM | October 10, 2018
Saudis to Turkey: Search our consulate for missing WaPo columnist, dissenter
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | October 09, 2018