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Ibram X Kendi
Ibram Kendi Leaves Boston University and Shutters His Center for Antiracist Research
John Sexton
8:00 PM | January 30, 2025
Study: DEI Training Created Perceptions of Prejudice 'Where None Was Present'
John Sexton
7:20 PM | November 25, 2024
The Legal Backlash to DEI Training
John Sexton
1:20 PM | August 09, 2024
Kendi Thinks a Big Problem at His Anti-Racism Center Was All the Woke Employees
John Sexton
3:20 PM | June 05, 2024
Sunday Smiles
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
When the Irish Invaded Canada
The Death of Europe
NY Times: SATs Aren't Racist and Universities Should Use Them
John Sexton
4:00 PM | January 08, 2024
Ibram Kendi's Simplistic View of Equity, Race and Success Overlooks a Lot
John Sexton
4:00 PM | January 04, 2024
Kendi: White People Can't Connect to Humanity
David Strom
7:01 PM | December 05, 2023
The problem with Kendi's antiracism center: His antiracism outlook is nonsense
John Sexton
1:30 PM | October 05, 2023
A left-wing take on the fall of Ibram Kendi: He gave white liberals what they wanted
John Sexton
8:00 PM | September 28, 2023
NY Times readers let Ibram Kendi have it
John Sexton
12:41 PM | September 26, 2023
'An imperious leadership style': What went wrong with Ibram Kendi's antiracist research center
John Sexton
8:00 PM | September 25, 2023
Week in Review: Menendez woes, Biden's doze, Kendi snows, and more!
Ed Morrissey
6:01 PM | September 22, 2023
"I don't know where the money is": Boston U launches inquiry into Kendi's 'anti-racist' research center
Ed Morrissey
11:31 AM | September 21, 2023
Ibram Kendi's Center for Anti-racism lays off majority of staff
John Sexton
6:40 PM | September 19, 2023
Lawsuits challenge DEI requirements at California Community Colleges
John Sexton
9:20 PM | August 18, 2023
Progressive plan to win over white voters: Talk more about race
John Sexton
9:20 PM | August 01, 2023
Washington Post: Why are parents objecting to books on race and gender for five year olds?
John Sexton
9:20 PM | July 12, 2023
Want to be a Seattle firefighter Lt.? Best know your woke reading list!
David Strom
6:01 AM | May 26, 2023
Corporate DEI is mutating into something slightly less extreme
John Sexton
4:00 PM | May 15, 2023
Woke isn't easy to define which gives the left room to cheat
John Sexton
6:44 PM | March 15, 2023
Number of Virginia high schools who failed to inform students of merit awards rises to 17
John Sexton
7:00 PM | January 19, 2023
Ibram Kendi attacks John McWhorter's latest column on standardized tests for licensing
John Sexton
1:00 PM | August 29, 2022
Washington Post meltdown day 7: The Kendi-DiAngelo Kafka trap (Update: Bye, Felicia)
John Sexton
1:20 PM | June 09, 2022
Netflix drops anti-racist shows connected to Ibram Kendi
John Sexton
3:34 PM | May 18, 2022
Dana Milbank: Ted Cruz is a hypocrite for sending his kids to a school with some of the same books in the library (Update)
John Sexton
3:20 PM | March 24, 2022
Judge Jackson keeps her distance from Ibram Kendi during questioning by Sen. Cruz (Update: Kendi's response)
John Sexton
7:20 PM | March 22, 2022
Ibram Kendi doesn't run the Democratic Party...yet
John Sexton
5:30 PM | February 17, 2022
McWhorter: The priests of the woke religion 'aren't open to other ideas'
John Sexton
5:33 PM | October 29, 2021
Some progressive criticism of Ibram Kendi's confused antiracism
John Sexton
5:25 PM | July 23, 2021
Ibram Kendi's take on defunding the police
John Sexton
5:30 PM | July 19, 2021
Ibram Kendi suggests we should have a Congressional Racism Office to score bills
John Sexton
9:20 PM | July 16, 2021
The CRT backlash and progressives' big lie about the culture war
John Sexton
7:20 PM | July 08, 2021
Andrew Sullivan: Critical Race Theory a 'potent threat to liberal civilization'
John Sexton
6:30 PM | June 01, 2021
Federal judge rules lawsuit alleging racial discrimination in admissions at elite high school can proceed
John Sexton
6:25 PM | May 21, 2021
Professor criticized Critical Race Theory at University of Vermont, now students want him fired
John Sexton
5:29 PM | March 16, 2021
Too bad to check: High school sends '8 White Identities' outline to parents
John Sexton
9:20 PM | February 16, 2021
Bari Weiss: 'American liberalism is under siege'
John Sexton
1:01 PM | October 15, 2020
At New York's PBS station, the Inclusion and Diversity Council demanded the CEO resign
John Sexton
1:01 PM | October 13, 2020