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GOP Debate
DeSantis Adds Muscle to Trump Campaign ... on His Terms
Tom Jackson
6:00 PM | May 24, 2024
Let's get READY TO RUMBLE: GOP Primary Debate live-blogging with Beege
Beege Welborn
8:41 PM | September 27, 2023
At least the debate brought up the climate change hysteria
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | August 24, 2023
The case for and against Chris Christie
Duane Patterson
2:01 PM | December 01, 2022
Sunday Smiles
Pass the CR And Prepare For the Real Fight
The Death of Europe
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
Trump: We'll need tens of thousands of boots on the ground to crush ISIS
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | March 11, 2016
GOP debate winners and losers -- the envelope please...
Ed Morrissey
11:19 PM | March 10, 2016
The Skynet activation live blogging GOP debate thread
Jazz Shaw
8:01 PM | March 10, 2016
Final thoughts on the debate from the stage: Cruz wins at the close
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | March 04, 2016
Video: The "target Trump" debate finally arrived
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | February 26, 2016
Live blog: CNN/Salem Media debate
Ed Morrissey
8:01 PM | February 25, 2016
Jeb: It's "not important to me" whether there's a vote on Obama's SCOTUS nominee
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | February 14, 2016
The dominant player at the GOP debate was... the audience
Jazz Shaw
9:31 AM | February 14, 2016
GOP debate open thread: Republicans just love South Carolina... at least for this week
Jazz Shaw
8:01 PM | February 13, 2016
Apparently Marco Rubio's stall is all Joe Scarborough's fault
Jazz Shaw
4:41 PM | February 08, 2016
Ted Cruz "goes there" on proposal to force women to register for the draft
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | February 08, 2016
Throwing rocks in the Granite State
Jazz Shaw
9:31 AM | February 07, 2016
Open thread: Brace for impact. The New Hampshire GOP debate
Jazz Shaw
7:31 PM | February 06, 2016
Trump: Yes, I'll be at the next Fox debate -- with Megyn Kelly
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | February 05, 2016
Kasich's Obamacare Roadshow goes national
Jason Hart
4:41 PM | February 01, 2016
Video: Luntz group declares Rubio winner of non-yuuuuge debate
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | January 29, 2016
Open thread: The Gilmore Gang undercard debate
Ed Morrissey
6:41 PM | January 28, 2016
The Fox debate may not have Trump, but you can at least get Rand Paul instead
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | January 27, 2016
Hmmm: Trump to appear on "O'Reilly Factor" tonight
Ed Morrissey
1:21 PM | January 27, 2016
Trump drops the mic
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | January 27, 2016
RNC boots National Review from co-hosting debate after "Against Trump" issue
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | January 22, 2016
Video: The winner of the Luntz focus-group prize last night was ...
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | January 15, 2016
Attention, moderators: Ted Cruz knows how to work you
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | January 14, 2016
New Jeb ad: Trump's a jerk, you know
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | January 14, 2016
Video: Lindsey Graham exits the race
Ed Morrissey
10:31 AM | December 21, 2015
Has the Christie moment arrived?
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | December 17, 2015
Jeb: No, really, Trump's not a serious candidate
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | December 16, 2015
After the debate: Another view from Las Vegas
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | December 16, 2015
Morning after debate hangover wrap-up
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | December 16, 2015
Undercard Spin Room: "Nothing like the CNBC debate"
Ed Morrissey
8:49 PM | December 15, 2015
Open thread: CNN/Salem undercard debate; Update: Live blog
Ed Morrissey
4:41 PM | December 15, 2015
Rubio: Trump's not qualified to be President, you know
Ed Morrissey
3:21 PM | December 14, 2015
CBS/NYT poll: Trump back on top, Cruz edges Carson for runner-up nationally
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | December 10, 2015
Trump: I may charge CNN $5 million to appear in the debate
Ed Morrissey
5:21 PM | December 01, 2015
Will CNN criteria for the next debate push Paul offstage?
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | November 20, 2015
Still boffo BO: Fox Business debate scores record audience of 13.5 million
Ed Morrissey
8:01 PM | November 11, 2015
Debate 4 big loser: CNBC
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | November 11, 2015
Welfare reform should be a major focus in tonight's GOP debate
Kristina Ribali
8:01 PM | November 10, 2015
The debate's biggest loser: CNBC
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | October 29, 2015
Carly Fiorina demonstrates how debates neither make nor break campaigns
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | October 26, 2015
Paul insists he's staying in despite fundraising drop to $2.5M last quarter
Ed Morrissey
5:21 PM | October 02, 2015
Reader poll picks Fiorina as winner, Kasich for worst performance
Ed Morrissey
6:41 PM | September 17, 2015
GOP debate got better once Trump shut up
Taylor Millard
10:41 AM | September 17, 2015
Poll: The debates' losers?
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | September 17, 2015
Debate number 2: CNN's missed opportunity
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | September 17, 2015
Trump to CNN: Donate the profits I drive to veterans' care
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | September 09, 2015