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Old British MacDonald Had a Farm, E-I-E-I-Gone
Beege Welborn
2:40 PM | November 20, 2024
French Farmers on a Rampage: EU Steps in Cow Poopie Again
Beege Welborn
2:40 PM | November 18, 2024
You Heard It Here First: Moo Juice Is Racist
Beege Welborn
5:30 PM | June 24, 2024
War Gaming How to Get the Peasants to Eat the Bugs
Beege Welborn
5:30 PM | May 15, 2024
Sunday Smiles
Pass the CR And Prepare For the Real Fight
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
The Death of Europe
Worm turnings: EU "nature law" THIS CLOSE to not passing
Beege Welborn
8:41 PM | June 27, 2023
Queering everything
David Strom
3:31 PM | January 09, 2023
Wheat prices are up but American farmers can't cash in
Jazz Shaw
9:44 AM | March 21, 2022
Too dumb to check: Now we're potty training cows to stop global warming
Jazz Shaw
4:31 PM | September 14, 2021
Milk without cows or other animals?
Jazz Shaw
4:31 PM | August 10, 2021
Thunberg focuses on food production while Chinese state media fat-shames her
Karen Townsend
1:01 PM | May 22, 2021
California farm workers voted by massive margin to leave union (but nobody told them)
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | September 20, 2018
Whole Foods may have a whole new problem
Jazz Shaw
3:31 PM | June 14, 2015
Farm bill talks still stalled out as the clock winds down
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | December 02, 2013
Study: The rapid growth of food stamps hasn't really helped to reduce hunger
Erika Johnsen
5:21 PM | October 17, 2013
House approves $4 billion annual cut to almost $80 billion for food stamps; over to you, Senate
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | September 20, 2013
Shock: Farm lobby really, really doesn't want the farm bill to get split up
Erika Johnsen
7:31 PM | July 02, 2013
Reid on the farm bill: Boehner should've known he couldn't pass "a partisan love note to the tea party"
Erika Johnsen
5:21 PM | June 25, 2013
Excellent: Senate introduces a bill to abolish RFS biofuels mandate
Erika Johnsen
6:31 PM | June 21, 2013
Agribusiness lobbyists pretty upset about that farm bill's failure right about now
Erika Johnsen
8:31 AM | June 21, 2013
Oh, SNAP: House rejects the farm bill with bipartisan opposition
Erika Johnsen
3:31 PM | June 20, 2013
White House threatens to veto House farm bill because it isn't expensive enough
Erika Johnsen
11:11 AM | June 18, 2013
Yes, the "new and improved" farm bill is still chock-full of agribusiness pork
Erika Johnsen
5:01 PM | June 16, 2013
Psst: There are four separate scandals going on at EPA right now
Mary Katharine Ham
9:21 PM | June 10, 2013
Senate poised to pass that terrible farm bill along to the House
Erika Johnsen
6:41 PM | June 10, 2013
Behold, the vicious cycle of "temporary" federal subsidies that just won't die
Erika Johnsen
12:41 PM | June 03, 2013
The Obama admin wants to reform food aid and the agribusiness lobby is not okay with it
Erika Johnsen
3:21 PM | April 04, 2013
WaPo: Does anybody else think these agriculture subsidies are getting out-of-control?
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | February 19, 2013
Solis: I really wish I had been able to pass those spectacularly obtrusive farm-labor regulations, darn it
Erika Johnsen
8:14 PM | January 28, 2013
The other, other cliff: With no farm bill, milk prices set to soar
Erika Johnsen
2:01 PM | December 28, 2012
Vilsack: Rural America is becoming less and less relevant
Erika Johnsen
2:41 PM | December 11, 2012
The EPA hearts Big Ethanol
Erika Johnsen
5:11 PM | November 16, 2012
Burning our food: The drought and the vice of ethanol
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | July 28, 2012
Biofuels industry liable to lose their federal funding
Erika Johnsen
2:01 PM | July 11, 2012
Yes: Billions in agriculture subsidies could face the chopping block
Erika Johnsen
11:41 AM | June 04, 2012
Labor Dep't drops regulations banning kids from working on farms other than parents'
10:05 PM | April 26, 2012
Obama: I'll veto bill that will provide water to California's Central Valley
Ed Morrissey
2:30 PM | February 29, 2012
Exclusive interview with Tim Pawlenty
Ed Morrissey
12:20 PM | May 23, 2011