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Erik Wemple
Jesse Singal: The media just went along with critics of the NY Times' trans coverage
John Sexton
7:20 PM | August 17, 2023
Erik Wemple takes a second look at the backlash to the NY Times' trans coverage
John Sexton
7:20 PM | June 15, 2023
Saying the quiet part out loud: Jim Cramer edition
David Strom
12:31 PM | November 02, 2022
Chait: Progressives need to overcome the fear of standing up to the woke mob
John Sexton
9:00 PM | November 01, 2022
Federal Workers Respond to Buyout Offer with Panic and Disbelief
The BIG 'Business' of Americans Helping Illegals Across the Border
So, Y'All Remember There Was That Other Big Fire in CA Two Weeks Ago?
Abigail Shrier Says the Trans Debate in America Has Finally Turned a Corner
Wemple: James Bennet was right and his leftist critics inside and outside the NY Times were wrong
John Sexton
9:20 PM | October 27, 2022
More CNN: Critics wondering why Stelter still has a job after Zucker scandal
Ed Morrissey
10:25 AM | February 03, 2022
Erik Wemple: Brian Stelter and CNN aren't taking much responsibility for their embrace of the Steele dossier
John Sexton
6:00 PM | November 23, 2021
Washington Post corrects its Steele dossier reporting going back more than four years
John Sexton
3:20 PM | November 12, 2021
Erik Wemple: Are the sites who reported false information about the Steele dossier going to correct the record?
John Sexton
9:20 PM | November 08, 2021
CNN sneers: Joe Rogan deserved our false report about him taking horse dewormer to treat COVID
11:21 AM | October 22, 2021
Washington Post: Biden's border censorship is suspicious and his explanation yesterday was 'lame'
John Sexton
5:00 PM | March 26, 2021
Wemple on CNN: Your Cuomo Brothers "love-a-thons" are a "major black eye," you know
Ed Morrissey
9:52 AM | March 15, 2021
Politico's meltdown continues: Staffers still demand action over Shapiro's one-day conservative guest gig
Ed Morrissey
9:02 AM | January 26, 2021
Cuomo to "Anonymous": How can we at CNN put you on the air when you lied to our faces -- and our viewers?
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | October 29, 2020
Glenn Greenwald's take on 'resistance journalism'
John Sexton
1:01 PM | May 20, 2020
Washington Post asks reporters to explain their 'sunny remarks' about the Steele dossier in light of the IG report
John Sexton
7:21 PM | January 08, 2020
WaPo media critic: Maddow has a lot to answer for with Steele dossier obsession
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | December 27, 2019
WaPo, Politico to NYT: Stop whining
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | August 27, 2019
"Commandeered"? CNN, MSNBC unrepentant for Avenatti promotion
Ed Morrissey
4:41 PM | May 24, 2019
Erik Wemple's video on Fox News isn't terribly convincing (Update)
John Sexton
3:31 PM | May 20, 2019
Erik Wemple on Lara Logan's claims of media bias
John Sexton
9:21 PM | February 19, 2019
Former NYT exec editor: On second thought, I'll "update" my media-standards book after plagiarism accusations
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | February 08, 2019
Fox News gets a wrist-slap for speculation about the shooter's motive, CNN gets a pass
John Sexton
1:21 PM | June 29, 2018
CNN suspends reporter for two weeks for editorializing in a tweet
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | November 20, 2015
Variety's buried lede: "Senior" NBC News execs "counseled" Williams to stop telling helicopter story
Ed Morrissey
10:01 PM | February 05, 2015
Media in crisis: Can Brian Williams' career survive?; Update: "An NBC News-wide scandal"
Ed Morrissey
10:41 AM | February 05, 2015
Reporters furious over the Clintons' ‘totalitarianism’
Noah Rothman
8:41 AM | September 25, 2014
WaPo: CNN coached audience to cheer for Hillary during town hall event
Ed Morrissey
7:01 PM | June 21, 2014
WaPo: Hillary interview whitewashed Benghazi
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | September 24, 2013
Libya questioner at debate: Obama didn't really answer what I asked him
4:41 PM | October 17, 2012