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Blue on blue: Senate Dem civil war erupts over banking reform
Ed Morrissey
8:41 PM | March 13, 2018
115th Congress on pace to be least productive since ... Millard Fillmore?
Ed Morrissey
8:01 PM | July 18, 2017
Appeals Court: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's structure unconstitutional
John Sexton
1:01 PM | October 11, 2016
Rick Perry is ready... to regulate Wall Street
Jazz Shaw
6:31 PM | June 07, 2015
Sunday Smiles
Pass the CR And Prepare For the Real Fight
The Death of Europe
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
Great news: Subprime loans at highest level since 2008
Ed Morrissey
8:01 PM | February 19, 2015
Harvard study: Dodd-Frank actually made "Too Big to Fail" even bigger
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | February 12, 2015
Warren: I'm not running for President
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | December 15, 2014
Elizabeth Warren: You know who's really to blame for this financial crisis and middle-class erosion? Reagan.
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | May 20, 2014
Fed: Oh, you bet your bottom dollar we're appealing that ruling on debit fee caps
Erika Johnsen
1:01 PM | August 23, 2013
Obama to regulators: Can we please get this Dodd-Frank show on the road?
Erika Johnsen
9:21 PM | August 19, 2013
Judge sides with Obama admin, throws out states' suit against Dodd-Frank
Erika Johnsen
2:31 PM | August 03, 2013
Sen. Enzi: The CFPB is going to act like the "Google Earth" of all financial transactions
Erika Johnsen
1:21 PM | July 17, 2013
Richard Cordray confirmed as director of the Consumer Financial "Protection" Bureau after two-year Dodd-Frank battle
Erika Johnsen
8:41 PM | July 16, 2013
Great news: Subprime auto loans up 18% in 2012
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | April 04, 2013
Santelli: Where the heck was Immelt on regulatory uncertainty two, three, four years ago?
Erika Johnsen
6:26 PM | March 11, 2013
The Consumer Financial "Protection" Bureau steps into the fray
Erika Johnsen
11:21 AM | January 11, 2013
OMB: No way is there a "regulatory tsunami" on the Obama admin's docket
Erika Johnsen
4:31 PM | December 27, 2012
GOP: This Consumer Financial "Protection" Bureau looks an awful lot like a "run-away regulator"
Erika Johnsen
2:41 PM | December 14, 2012
Bank of America backs away from new fees; populists rejoice
Erika Johnsen
5:31 PM | December 01, 2012
Are we really facing a regulatory onslaught in Obama's second term? (Hint: Yes.)
Erika Johnsen
12:31 PM | November 25, 2012
Get excited -- Dodd-Frank is also here to stay
Erika Johnsen
1:51 PM | November 09, 2012
Obama on Leno: These banks are profit-seekers, which is precisely why we need to regulate them
Erika Johnsen
5:21 PM | October 25, 2012
Exciting news courtesy of Dodd-Frank, et al: "Free" checking, isn't
Erika Johnsen
3:21 PM | September 24, 2012
Federal regulations increased 7.4% during Obama's first three years
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | September 11, 2012
Elizabeth Warren: "The system is rigged." Yes. Yes, it is.
Erika Johnsen
2:01 PM | September 06, 2012
Bernanke: Who's up for a ride on the QE3?
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | August 31, 2012
Even more exciting up-and-coming financial regulation: Big banks now required to produce emergency plans
Erika Johnsen
4:41 PM | August 10, 2012
Obama: When I try something that doesn't work, I don't try it again -- except when I do
Erika Johnsen
6:31 PM | July 22, 2012
Looks like Wall Street isn't crushing quite so hard on Obama this time around
Erika Johnsen
4:01 PM | July 16, 2012
Glorious: Texas bank to launch constitutional challenge to Dodd-Frank
Erika Johnsen
4:31 PM | June 21, 2012
USA Today: Real FY2012 deficit is ... $5 trillion
Ed Morrissey
12:41 PM | May 24, 2012
New Obama ad will "run on our record," but leave out ...
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | May 07, 2012
Dodd-Frank costs US financial sector 24 million man-hours per year for compliance
Ed Morrissey
12:46 PM | April 17, 2012
Great news: "Too big to fail" banks even bigger now
Ed Morrissey
9:51 AM | April 16, 2012
Cordray: Say, what this CFPB needs is more power
Ed Morrissey
10:25 AM | February 17, 2012
Senate votes down amendment to delay debit card rule
Tina Korbe
4:40 PM | June 08, 2011