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Seattle's Police Chief is Demoted Over Lawsuits
John Sexton
10:00 PM | May 30, 2024
BLM Garden, the Last Vestige of the CHAZ in Seattle, Gets Bulldozed
John Sexton
6:00 PM | December 28, 2023
Ice Cream shop in Seattle's CHOP zone files lawsuit against city (despite not serving cops)
John Sexton
7:00 PM | June 10, 2023
Family of teen killed in the CHAZ/CHOP sues the city of Seattle
John Sexton
3:20 PM | July 21, 2022
Sunday Smiles
The Truth Behind the Medicaid Melodrama
The Death of Europe
Columbia's Administration is Scrambling but Leftist Students Still Don't Get It
CHOP: Mayor Durkan considered giving the police precinct building to BLM (Update)
John Sexton
7:20 PM | February 01, 2022
Seattle Police faked "right-wing insurrection" when CHAZ formed
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | January 08, 2022
Oh my: Amazon looks at leaving Seattle over city council hostility
Ed Morrissey
10:13 AM | October 07, 2021
Pass the popcorn: WA supreme court unanimously OK's recall campaign against Seattle's Socialist council member
Ed Morrissey
4:41 PM | April 02, 2021
A call to arms: Quick thinking and fast action rescues 1600 vaccine doses after freezer failure
Ed Morrissey
1:01 PM | January 30, 2021
KOMO News special: The fight for the soul of Seattle
John Sexton
1:00 PM | December 21, 2020
CHAZ 2.0: Seattle was supposed to sweep Cal Anderson Park today but it looks like the mayor backed down
John Sexton
6:10 PM | December 16, 2020
ProPublica: Police pull back when morale sinks and that can lead to more violent crime
John Sexton
4:41 PM | September 03, 2020
Who is responsible for deaths inside the CHAZ/CHOP?
John Sexton
9:23 PM | August 26, 2020
Businesses in the former CHAZ/CHOP aren't so sure about abolishing the police (and worry about Antifa)
John Sexton
1:01 PM | August 07, 2020
What could go wrong? "Decriminalize Seattle" lines up majority council support for 50% cut in police budget
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | July 10, 2020
Breaking: Seattle PD ordered to take back CHAZ/CHOP; East Precinct reclaimed; Update: "Several vehicles" circling area, PD investigating
Ed Morrissey
9:45 AM | July 01, 2020
Seattle Mayor was unhappy CHOP people approached her house
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | July 01, 2020
Today's hot topics on #TEMS: "White wokeness," Seattle's brokenness, SCOTUS spokeless, intel stokeness, and more!
Ed Morrissey
3:41 PM | June 30, 2020
Father of CHAZ shooting victim: Bring in the National Guard -- now
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | June 30, 2020
As Seattle dithers: One dead, one critical in new CHAZ shooting
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | June 29, 2020
Today's hot topics on #TEMS: Seattle sue-em, cancel anthem, Pelosi tantrum, reform phantom, and more!
Ed Morrissey
3:41 PM | June 25, 2020
"De facto stamp of approval": CHAZ-trapped businesses file federal class-action lawsuit against Seattle
Ed Morrissey
8:41 AM | June 25, 2020
CHOP shooting victim claims Proud Boys or KKK responsible
John Sexton
9:31 PM | June 24, 2020
A third shooting victim picked up near the CHOP just a day after Mayor announced plans to shut it down
John Sexton
3:01 PM | June 23, 2020
Seattle Mayor announces the end of CHOP: 'It's time for people to go home'
John Sexton
9:21 PM | June 22, 2020
What really happened with the first shooting inside CHAZ/CHOP?
John Sexton
1:03 PM | June 22, 2020
Another shooting in the CHOP. Where is Seattle's mayor?
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | June 22, 2020
"Pure terror": Live streamer manhandled while reporting on CHAZ
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | June 19, 2020
Today's hot topics on #TEMS: DACA-rama, Bolton drama, Portland trauma, media doxxing diorama, economic comma, and more!
Ed Morrissey
3:41 PM | June 18, 2020
Portland mayor orders end to "autonomous zone," wonders what Seattle's thinking
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | June 18, 2020
CNN: Imagine there's no police ... but we still have a few "violence workers" on hand
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | June 17, 2020
WaPo: All hail the CHAZ "sentinels," or something
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | June 17, 2020
The CHAZ effect: *Nineteen* 911 calls get zero response after burglary, arson suspect held
Ed Morrissey
12:01 PM | June 16, 2020
Sunday morning talking heads
8:01 AM | June 14, 2020
Seattle mayor, PD chief to CHAZ: Let's make a deal ...? City council member: Let 'em have it! Update: PD planning to retake precinct?
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | June 12, 2020
Seattle mayor: It'd be unconstitutional and illegal for Trump to send troops into the CHAZ
11:21 AM | June 12, 2020
MAGA at the CHAZ? First the walls go up -- and then the forced deportations
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | June 12, 2020
Trump: Seattle authorities must regain control of the "autonomous zone"
11:31 AM | June 11, 2020
Seattle protesters declare "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" in city as police pull back
11:31 AM | June 10, 2020