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Andrew Brunson
Report: Giuliani was pushing to turn over cleric to Erdogan
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | October 16, 2019
NYT: Giuliani, Tillerson clashed over "prisoner swap" with Turkey
Ed Morrissey
9:21 AM | October 11, 2019
Pastor Brunson is home, but our diplomatic crisis with Turkey is not over
Jazz Shaw
2:01 PM | October 14, 2018
Breaking: Turkey court springs Brunson on "time served"; Trump: "WILL BE HOME SOON!" Update: On flight out
Ed Morrissey
10:31 AM | October 12, 2018
Sunday Smiles
The Death of Europe
When the Irish Invaded Canada
Pass the CR And Prepare For the Real Fight
Breaking: Turkey about to release Brunson, NBC reports; Update: State shrugs
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | October 11, 2018
White House rejects offer to free Pastor Andrew Brunson
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | August 20, 2018
Trump: Let's double down on Turkey sanctions
Ed Morrissey
10:01 AM | August 10, 2018
Turkey, US play "Let's Make (Another) Deal" to free Brunson
Ed Morrissey
4:01 PM | August 08, 2018
Did Erdogan welch on deal with Trump and Israel for Brunson?
Ed Morrissey
2:41 PM | July 27, 2018
Trump, Pence to Erdogan: Release Pastor Brunson or face sanctions
Ed Morrissey
2:01 PM | July 26, 2018
Breaking: Pastor Andrew Brunson moved from prison to house arrest in Turkey
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | July 25, 2018
The trial against Pastor Andrew Brunson resumes in Turkey
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | July 18, 2018
Pastor Andrew Brunson sent back to prison in Turkey... again
Jazz Shaw
2:31 PM | May 08, 2018
The end of the Turkish-American alliance is looking inevitable
Jazz Shaw
9:21 AM | March 26, 2018
Time is running out for Pastor Andrew Brunson
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | March 15, 2018
Turkey's president claims to be "on the same wavelength" with Trump. That's just terrific
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | November 28, 2017
The Turkey pardon Trump didn't get around to. Pastor Andrew Brunson
Jazz Shaw
6:41 PM | November 21, 2017
Turkey and the era of "hostage diplomacy"
Jazz Shaw
12:31 PM | October 25, 2017
Turkish president admits he's holding Americans hostage
Jazz Shaw
9:31 AM | October 08, 2017
Amid chaos, Trump pulls Turkey's president even closer
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | September 11, 2017
Germany finds that Turkey has turned hostage taking into an industry
Jazz Shaw
5:31 PM | September 02, 2017
Spain is now helping Turkey arrest journalists
Jazz Shaw
12:41 PM | August 10, 2017
Our "ally" Turkey just leaked the location of US troops in Syria
Jazz Shaw
9:01 PM | July 19, 2017
Turkey demonstrates concern over human rights by imprisoning chairman of Amnesty International
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | June 12, 2017
About face: Turns out Trump did discuss Pastor Brunson with Erdogan
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | May 17, 2017
So that meeting with Erdogan was kind of a bust, huh?
Jazz Shaw
10:01 PM | May 16, 2017
Guess who's coming to dinner at the White House (the AYFKM edition)
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | May 11, 2017
Fresh off congratulations from Trump, Turkey's president arrests a cartoonist and other journalists
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | April 18, 2017
Is Rex Tillerson taking up the cause of Pastor Andrew Brunson?
Jazz Shaw
4:01 PM | April 01, 2017
The Washington Post notices Turkey's "downward spiral"
Jazz Shaw
10:41 AM | March 15, 2017
Turkey is still pushing US to extradite their cleric while Pastor Brunson remains in prison
Jazz Shaw
12:01 PM | March 13, 2017
American Pastor Andrew Brunson has been held captive in Turkey for four months. The President must act.
Jazz Shaw
8:01 AM | February 06, 2017
How much influence will pro-Erdogan voices have on President Trump?
Jazz Shaw
11:01 AM | January 15, 2017
Turkey is holding an American pastor in prison on bogus charges
Jazz Shaw
8:31 AM | January 07, 2017