
I don’t know if I like calling Biden this, but it’s not a compliment

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr is moving swimmingly toward becoming the most incompetent president. We are adrift with an executive — let’s call him JoRo — incapable of doing or solving anything. The avalanche of crises that have bubbled up during this administration are many, and thus far, JoRo has managed to make them worse or not even know they’re happening.

We have a dire situation at the southern border, but Biden doesn’t care. It’s a humanitarian-level situation, but the Democrats’ lust to exploit these illegal aliens for votes is just too enticing. Inflation has hammered working families, our foreign policy is AWOL (where is Antony Blinken nowadays?), and the economic recession is bound to worsen. You all know this, but the discovery of classified materials at multiple locations has added a new layer of comedy.

Biden probably has completed his anti-Trump journey, which isn’t a compliment though liberals would liken that to a badge of honor. That’s what’s keeping me from declaring the man as such; the Left would adore that title. Everything Biden does has the exact opposite effect, especially when compared to his predecessor, who forced NATO nations to fork over their fair share, and we had a robust foreign policy—Russia wasn’t invading countries under Trump. The economy was booming, with millions of jobs being created, unemployment across the board hitting 50-year lows, and inflation was not spiraling out of control. Scores of companies were doling out bonuses to their workers, and Apple and others repatriated billions in offshore cash due to Trump’s tax cuts. Trump created the best job-creating and investing climate for small businesses in decades.

The pandemic set us back, but JoRo hasn’t built back better. He can’t. His base is incapable since they’re not comprised of working people. The Democratic Party base is increasingly urban and technocratic. That’s not most of the country, not even remotely close. Silicon Valley tech executives and entrepreneurs and college faculty members, who contributed the most to Democrats, aren’t the best brain trust for how to rebuild an economy for those who do work. It is a pool of folks that are great for a study of arrogance and condescension.

The classified document fiasco is Biden’s final level in this anti-Trump odyssey, though there’s no nuance here. Contrary to the liberal media, Donald Trump was cooperating with National Archives officials to return items they felt belonged with them, as evidenced by the email chains multiple outlets reported on as follow-up stories post-Mar-a-Lago raid last summer. Also in these communications were FBI directions to cease further document transfers to the National Archives in June; they ransacked Trump’s home in August. Trump had the authority to declassify anything having served as president. Joe Biden being vice president, doesn’t possess that power. Trump could handle such files and take them, if need be, which he did, most of which were personal mementos, like dinner menus to state dinners and cocktail napkins. They were also stored in a secure location protected by the Secret Service, handled by staffers with security clearances. That was not the case with Joe Biden when he absconded with classified documents from his time in the vice presidency. Who read them, had access, and handled the files is unknown.

It’s so bad that a special counsel is reviewing Biden’s reckless and gross incompetence in handling sensitive materials. Donald Trump also had a special counsel investigation, though that probe was based on political bias and fantasy. JoRo got busted being a sanctimonious idiot who had declared he takes the handling of classified materials seriously. That was a lie—dishonesty has become a hallmark characteristic of this administration.

It is yin and yang between these two men. One loved his country and grew the economy, while the other is dementia-ridden, a moron, and continues to bleed this nation dry with his abysmal agenda. Bring up any policy or event Biden does, and it ends in disaster. I guess Biden was already the anti-Trump president just by default by running against him, and maybe the first and possibly the only ‘anti’ candidate to win a national election. Both John Kerry and Mitt Romney ran as anti-Bush and Obama candidates, respectively, and lost handily, which circles back to the fact that Biden wouldn’t have won without COVID. But a long history of failure here makes the “anti-Trump” moniker for Biden even more accurate and damning.

The worst part is that we have another 24 months with this clown.

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