
The Democrats’ Final 2022 Pitch Is What Happens When You Live in a Bubble

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

There must be a decent chunk of the Democratic Party, at least with its operative class, who must have been a few bottles of whiskey deep during Joe Biden’s last-minute pitch to voters last night. Inflation has reached record highs, the economy is in recession, and crime has surged.

What does Joe Biden do: scare America?

It was a retread of his ‘GOP are Nazis’ speech from earlier this Fall, where he soiled sacred ground in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia to declare that anyone who disagrees with him is an enemy of the state. This address was no different, except it was a smaller venue, had no applause lines, and dropped when everyone else was ready to watch the Phillies take on the Houston Astros in the World Series.

In truth, to be unbiased for a second, the speech was the only redoubt Biden could erect before his party takes an epic beating next week. The clock ran out. Democrats’ bubble mentality came to bite them again when they figured out too late that this election cycle was not going to be about abortion—which was the quintessential smoke and mirrors event this year. It got a ton of oxygen when Republican operatives bought into this trend for a second.

Still, the August consumer index report, the continued economic torpor, and the spike in crime washed away any hope that the Left could make this contest into a national referendum on Roe. Even the most ardent pro-choice American isn’t stupid enough to sacrifice their home and family well-being to uphold abortion rights.

I’ve mentioned this over at Townhall, but the Democratic base is comprised of aging hippies, BLM supporters, billionaire tech entrepreneurs, and stark-raving mad feminists. It’s the gold standard of minority politics. It’s overwhelmingly white, wealthy, educated, and makes up likes than a quarter of the electorate—no wonder why the abortion hysterics suffered a quick death.

Democrats chose to hold voters who were worried about inflation and crime with disdain, smearing them as racist and even insinuating that their problems weren’t based in reality when the opposite was true. This year’s top three issues for Democratic voters were global warming, abortion, and January 6. All three are either overblown or so immaterial that they shouldn’t even be considered a matter of concern. Like all liberals, their condescension got the better of them, and they will be reminded that they’re the minority ideology with an unpopular agenda that lacks cross-voter appeal. It’s also entirely ungovernable, given the far-left makeover within the rank and file.

Joe Biden’s declining mental health and inability to execute the duties of his office also doesn’t help Democrats. His munching on an ice cream cone at a Portland Baskin Robbins declaring the economy to be “strong as hell” was a soundbite demonstrating the Democratic Party’s appalling lack of concern for a deteriorating economy. They wasted time not caring about the concerns of working people, and now they’re going to pay for it as a red tsunami is about to wash most Democrats into a sea of obscurity.

Wasting this last week saying that those who don’t vote for us will destroy the country is just the cherry on top of the past 18 months of incompetence and mismanagement.

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