
A GOP victory doesn’t matter until they slay the Boogeyman who spells his name D-O-J

Sarah Silbiger/Pool via AP, File

As we approach the end of the 2022 election cycle, there is a good chance that the GOP not only retakes the House but regains the majority in the Senate. It will be a red tsunami, and we’re seeing signs that it’s coming back.

The August spending bill and the abortion hysterics have either petered out or are so far outside voters’ minds it’s not even worth mentioning on the stump. Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report fired a warning flare recently for Democrats: there’s no more good news for you this year. Abortion isn’t a life vest—it’s an anvil for most voters, given the left’s position on the subject. No one supports late-term abortion except people like Dr. Kermit Gosnell.

I’m not going to pop any champagne until the ballots are counted, but if we emerge victorious, what then? What good is a GOP victory if we don’t take care of the boogeyman hiding under the bed, who spells his name with these letters D-O-J?

Donald Trump clinched the win in 2016, the most significant political upset in modern American political history. Before COVID hit, his agenda got the American economy on hyperdrive, with scores of companies giving bonuses to workers, repatriating offshore cash, or both. Unemployment hit a near-50-year low, which leeched across the board in all demographics. People were getting back to work, especially those in the African American community. The pandemic took a blowtorch to what was the best job market for this demographic on record. The point is a lot of good economic policy was being enacted, but the Department of Justice was surreptitiously working to hamstring and undermine the Trump presidency. It’s a separate debate regarding its contents, but the truth is it worked. Trump lost the 2020 election, partially due to the sordid and covert workings of the anti-Trump deep state that had taken hold at the DOJ and the intelligence community.

If the Republicans win in 2022 and hopefully 2024, what good can we do if we have a Justice Department running amok and loyal only to the Democratic Party? The Mar-a-Lago raid on August 8 explicitly showed the lengths the Federal Bureau of Investigation would go to send a warning to those they despise politically. Trump is just one chapter in this sordid tale of corruption at the Justice Department. They’re coming after you, too. Ordinary citizens are now getting raided for no other reason than being conservative.

Since Joe Biden delivered that Nazi-esque speech on September 3, declaring those who don’t support him as enemies of the state, we’ve heard more stories about how the Department of Justice has acted upon that order. You might not know Mark Houck, but he’s one of the latest victims of a Justice Department running amok. Recently, 30 FBI agents, some decked out in full tactical gear, arrested him over FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act violations. He supposedly attacked a “patient escort,” which his lawyer says is a groundless accusation. To make matters worse, even without legal justification to charge Houck under FACE, he had already surrendered to federal authorities. He was going to cooperate with investigators, but federal agents still barged into his house. Over at Townhall, Mia has a lengthy and disturbing post of other pro-life activists that the FBI has targeted. In California, 1,400 safety deposit boxes were pried open in a large-scale ransacking by federal agents who knowingly lied to a judge to sign off on their search warrant.

These actions shred the remarks made by Attorney General Merrick Garland after the raid on Trump’s home, where he described the employees of the Justice Department as dedicated public servants and patriots. They’re scumbags.

We’re facing a leviathan here that congressional Republicans have yet to grasp. Some pay lip service to it, but Big Tech working with federal law enforcement to target conservatives provides another layer we’re ill-prepared to confront. We’ve known for years about Silicon Valley’s innate bias against conservatives. They censor stories that could harm Democrats, as we saw with Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election. They curb the reach of stories that make the left look bad. They’re reportedly spying on the private messages of accounts that question the 2020 election and relaying that information to the FBI.

The third front is the media war since these former DOJ officials sign contributor deals with an array of liberal networks to peddle the talking points of the Justice Department, lend it credibility, and covertly create a pro-raid, pro-DOJ echo chamber. When the DOJ executes a raid that might be constitutionally questionable, they make sure the target is unpopular and incapable of garnering public sympathy. Since the 9/11 attacks, the DOJ has increased its search power to where it’s now near universal. Matt Taibbi has written extensively about how the DOJ was always dangerous but has become out of control.

As we saw in 2016 and 2020, this institution does interfere in elections. Whether peddling grade-A nonsense about Russian collusion or telling Facebook to censor any news about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the FBI always seems to make its way into the story. For 2024, it might as well have bought the stage from which Trump will announce his candidacy again after that Mar-a-Lago stunt, which united the GOP like no other. These guys must be reined in, and it will take years. The crusade to clean up the DOJ is our long war; thus far, we might not have the smarts, patience, or will to do it.

I will still celebrate Republican Party victories, but the DOJ monster will always lurk to make life difficult for us. We have enemies of the state—they all carry Justice Department badges.

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