Will the White House finally light up to honor fallen police now?


Will the White House now provide stunt lighting for the police officers murdered by terrorists — the same way they provide it for far more mundane political events? The White House lowered the flags to half-staff in the wake of the horrific Dallas attack on July 7 that left five police officers dead. It’s one of the deadliest attacks on law enforcement in 100 years. During that night, Micah Xavier Johnson, angered by white people, and wanting to kill them, especially white police officers, opened fire at the conclusion of a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. Nine other officers were also wounded in the attack. Yet, a request by the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association to cover the White House in blue lighting on July 8 was reportedly ignored by the Obama administration (via PoliceMag):


FLEOA Foundation President Jon Adler issued the following statement [July 8]:

“While we appreciate the President’s proclamation to have our flag flown at half-mast in honor of our fallen Dallas police heroes, I respectfully request that he demonstrate his full respect for their ultimate sacrifice by illuminating the White House in blue. Actions speak louder than scripted words, and the honorable act of displaying law enforcement’s ‘Thin Blue Line’ at the White House would demonstrate the President’s sincere commitment to our fallen heroes and their families.

“Please know that the law enforcement community draws no comfort from Speaker Ryan’s remarks that it’s ‘A time for healing.’ As Speaker Ryan made that statement today, a police officer was shot in Missouri. We can’t heal while law enforcement officers continue to bleed.

“Please know that the law enforcement community draws no comfort from House Minority Leader Pelosi’s dispassionate remarks when she quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today. We don’t need her self-serving quotes from Dr. King; we need her to exude the leadership of Dr. King.

“I respectfully ask that all elected officials drop their scripted speeches, and feel the pain resonating in Dallas and across the country. Light a blue candle and say a silent prayer, but don’t insult the law enforcement community with perishable scripted gibberish. Five honorable heroes made the ultimate sacrifice in Dallas, and it would be a tribute to their service by illuminating the White House in blue.

“May all our fallen heroes rest in honor, and blessed eternal peace.”


The White House was not dimmed to blue lighting; in fact, during one press briefing last week, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explicitly stated that there are no plans of illuminating the residence blue in honor of the officers killed in Dallas.. Now, this really wouldn’t be an issue since they did order that all government buildings to lower their flags, but the official residence was turned into a rainbow on the day the Supreme Court struck down laws banning same-sex marriage. If they’re worried that turning the White House blue might look political, that’s weak sauce. If a gay marriage ruling can move the White House to taste the rainbow, then illuminating it in blue for the five officers who were all but assassinated in Dallas isn’t just appropriate—it’s required.

Moreover, in a larger sense, is this what we want our White House to become in American politics? Presidents from political parties that illuminate the official residence of the most powerful political figure in the world based on the political position he or she holds? This president, whether intentional or not, has seen some very politicized scandals emanating from institutions that should not even reek of such insinuations.

The Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency etc. have all been marred by such antics, like allegedly targeting conservative non-profits, failing to indict a major political figure (Clinton! cough…cough) for what appears to be explicit mishandling of classified information, and overreaching on regulations to combat so-called climate change. I would hope the White House would be safe from such perversions. Alas, that’s not the case. But since the cat is out of the bag now, the president has little wiggle room to deny a request from law enforcement organizations. I mean, now it’s just common sense. The Obama White House (again) was lit up as a rainbow to celebrate the Obergefell decision on gay marriage. To illuminate the residence for that and not the shootings in Dallas in which police were targeted is indefensible—and any reason to the contrary is weak sauce. This is why everything should not political, though it’s the default setting of the American liberal mind. It can get you into serious trouble and cause unnecessary headaches


With the latest shooting in Baton Rouge, you bet the calls to illuminate the White House blue will be lobbed once again.

At least Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott knows what he’s doing.



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