The Stench of David Brock’s Lazy, Lying New Book

Townhall Media

    It’s a famous quote from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.”


    The quote came to mind when I saw that I have been lied about by David Brock in his new book Stench: the Making of the Thomas Court and the Unmaking America. When it comes to the lies of the Left, I have gotten to the stage where I have adopted some of Solzhenitsyn’s humor and irony about communists. Of course Brock, the founder of Media Matters, lied about me. It’s what he does. It’s what our American Stasi does.

    In this case the lie is about my involvement in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Kavanaugh, a high school friend, was falsely accused of sexual assault by a women named Christine Blasey Ford. Ford claimed I was in the room when the alleged assault took place in 1982 when we were in high school.

    For the past six years I have written extensively about Ford’s hit job, which was fueled by left—wing opposition research in places like Media Matters, extortion, and other criminal activity (remember Michael Avenatti?). 

    In 2022 The Devil’s Triangle: Mark Judge vs the New America Stasi, was published. I was interviewed by Eric Metaxas. Earlier this year I was interviewed by Martha MacCallum on Fox News and am the main protagonist in the documentary, Judge and the Justice, on Fox Nation. Kathleen Parker, the Pulitzer Prize winner at the Washington Post, wrote a column defending me. Me and two other writers have a movie script we are pitching to Hollywood. This year I reviewed Blasey Ford’s own book. I raised a lot of questions that the media have chosen to ignore.


    In hiding? I’m everywhere. People have started telling me to shut up about the Kavanaugh battle. I still suffer some bad PTSD and depressions from the episode and have moved on to wrote about the thinks I love - movies, novels, skateboarding and the culture of the 1980s. If you want to chip in to help here’s a link.

    So what does David Brock have to say? He claims that I am in hiding:

     At the time [2018], pressure mounted for Judge - who dismissed the Ford allegations in a brief interview with The Weekly Standard - to testify before the confirmation hearings. ”How could they want to get the truth and not have Mr. Judge come to the hearing?” New York’s Chuck Schumer politely asked, but in the end Judge escaped with a perfunctory FBI interview whose details were never revealed, Judge ducked the press - and has basically been hiding ever since.

    My “perfunctory” FBI interview which I write about extensively in The Devil’s Triangle, lasted three hours. In my book I also talk about a disagreement I had with Brett Kavanaugh in 1998, when I tried to convince him to get away from the Monica Lewinsky business. The attacks on President Clinton by operatives like David Brock, who was then on the Right, were too personal, I said. Let Clinton apologize and let’s be done with it. It was around this time that Brock switched teams and became a snipe for the Left. In an apologetic letter to President Clinton. Brock wrote: "If we continue down this path, if sexual witch-hunts become the way to win in politics . . . we can and will destroy everyone in political life.” Of course, in 2018 Media Matters went through all my writings and called me a “Peeping Tom.” Like CNN, they wanted to make my normal, red-blooded love of women as friends, mentors and works of art, something perverse.


    Brock has written about his personal demons, from his homosexuality to the fact that he was adopted. His father died of cancer in 1999, and in his book Blinded by the Right Brock offers this: "The impact of my father's death was such that I took the probings of my prior political commitments and ethical failings to a deeper level. I wondered whether the lessons I learned during my time in the right wing might be applied more broadly to the dangers of all political zealotry, whether on the right or the left.”

    The lesson didn’t take. When Brock viciously and erroneously attacked Bernie Sanders with slurs in 2016, Sanders erupted: “What the Clinton people do very well which is what modern politics is about is you spin,” Sanders said. “I don’t think you hire scum of the Earth to be on your team just because the other side does it.” Or as the Washington Post put it at the time: “What Brock offers is a Faustian bargain: We can win, he promises, but only if you are prepared to shed your scruples, principles and ethics and descend into a back-alley gutter fight with the right. One question when you build a political weapon is who aims the gun. Brock is not a man of the left. His institutions are not grounded in the populist-progressive movement. He’s an agent of the Democratic establishment, funded significantly by its biggest donors.”


    In other words, Brock is a member of the American Stasi. They lie, we know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, etc.

    I’m going surfing.

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