
Media Matters and the End of the Stasi

Townhall Media

“If the State security, which had done all the dirty work for the Communist Party, continued to work, the demolition of the Wall would have been no use at all."

These are the words of Irmtraut Hollitzer. She runs the Stasi Museum in Germany. Her observation was made after she discovered the secret file that the Stasi, the East German secret police, had been keeping on her. It’s great that the Berlin Wall was coming down, but as Hollitzer notes, there was an entire subterranean system that needed to be ripped out at the roots. 

This is an important lesson for delighting at the implosion of so much of the corrupt leftist media. It’s great that the Washington Post has lost $70 million in one year and half its audience. It’s great that Media Matters is laying off staff. Ratings in the tank at CNN? Cheers.

Yet if conservative journalism is really going to attack this problem, we have to dig deeper. Some readers might recognize my name from 2018. A high school friend of Brett Kavanaugh, I was roped into the media hellscape even then-Judge Kavanaugh was accused of crazy behavior as a teenager, including drugging girls and gang rape. Opposition researchers, politicians and the media wither together for weeks to dig up stuff about me and Kavanaugh. Then they dumped it on us all at the last minute. 

We survived, largely because I had read a lot about the German Stasi and knew that America has its own equivalent - liars and extortionists and propagandists who all work together for the left. They had been setting us up for months and their operation had very deep roots. In 2022 I published my findings in the book The Devil’s Triangle: Mark Judge vs the New American Stasi. A good summation of my findings recently ran in Chronicles. 

Of course, in 2018 Media Matters came after me. It’s a beauty of a headline: 

Wash. Post reporter: Kavanaugh friend Mark Judge is the kind of person you might describe as a men's rights activist

I had no idea what a men’s rights activist is or believes - in fact I still don’t. Avi Selk at the Washington Post went on TV and noted that “while he never said the words” that Mark Judge “sounded like the kind of person you might describe as a men’s rights activist.” 

People, not a few of them conservatives, have said that I should stop writing about the hit that was put on us in 2018. I can only reply that the people saying that are not real journalists, and don’t really have the stones to deeply, over time and with specific intention, dismantle the “devil’s triangle” of media, the left and the oppo researchers who are not slowing down in their crusade to ruin lives and build a socialist utopia. 

Elon coming for Media Matters is great. Hulk Hogan body slamming Gawker was epic. Yet we need to go deeper. Avi Selk at the Washington Post is also a scumbag. As is Jonathan Chait at New York magazine, who claimed in 2018 that a woman who claimed she was gang raped at a party Brett and I were at would “finish Kavanaugh.” Ruth Marcus, Jennifer Rubin, Rachel Maddow - these are the cockroaches in the bowels of the ship that need to be smoked out - to say nothing of the oppo researchers and criminals like Michael Avenatti. Avenatti is in jail, but there are a dozen more of him right now beavering away to destroy your life.

Update: This was edited after publication for grammar and readability. 

Mark Judge is a journalist and filmmaker, and is a new contributor to our VIP program. His books include The Devil’s Triangle: Mark Judge vs the New American Stasi, A Tremor of Bliss: Sex, Catholicism, and Rock ‘n’ Roll, and Damn Senators: My Grandfather and the Story of Washington’s Only World Series Championship. His work has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Daily Caller. Mark also has a GoFundMe page as well as a GiveSendGo account, for those who don't like GoFundMe.

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