
Welcome to the Summer of Kamala and Orange Brandon

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Ready or not, the Summer of Kamala is upon us. 

The panic is real over President Biden's ability to win re-election. Democrats desperately want to defeat former President Trump in November. 

The dam is breaking. Calls for Biden to drop out of the race are growing louder and the number of Democrats willing to speak out against Biden is increasing. 

There is one problem with those who wish to kick Biden to the curb just a little more than four months to election day - who do Democrats replace Biden with? 

Black Democrats, especially black women Democrats, are furious that Kamala's name doesn't appear on the list of possible replacements. All of those names are of white Democrats. The one Democrat woman on everyone's wish list is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a white woman. I am totally perplexed about the love being shown to Whitmer but I'm not a Democrat. 

The long knives are coming out, slowly but surely. Black voters, especially black women, are speaking out - if another Democrat leapfrogs over Kamala, that move would be a game-changer. They are not so subtle about threatening to skip voting for the top of the ticket.  

Democrats are stuck with the ticket. Biden and his family don't want to leave power and the White House. Kamala Harris is his insurance policy. Kamala is even more unpopular than Biden, which is saying something. 

The problem with diversity hires is that they are difficult to fire. Biden made a point of promising to pick a black woman as vice president because black women voters were so important in his 2020 victory. The reality is that Biden's 40+ years in office don't qualify him to be president and the color of Kamala's skin doesn't qualify her to be vice president. Both of those opinions have proven to be true. Both have been a disaster for our country. 

Kamala's camp is showing support. For now, Kamala is playing a loyal teammate and telling her staff to do the same

The mandate among Harris campaign staff is to remain firm, stay in line, and keep the focus on the Biden-Harris ticket, one source told CNN. The vice president’s staff received similar guidance in a virtual staff meeting Monday to follow the vice president’s lead and keep heads down, another source told CNN.

The internal marching orders echo the message Harris is taking on the trail. On Tuesday, Harris again batted down the idea of running in Biden’s place during a brief interview with CBS.

She is letting others do the dirty work. Kamala is not stupid, despite her incompetence. Her career history is one of failing up. She plans to continue waiting in the wings waiting for Biden to drop out or be carried out. 

“Look, Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once and we’re going to beat him again, period,” she said.

“I am proud to be Joe Biden’s running mate,” she later added.

There is the latest poll conducted by CNN following the debate that shows Kamala trails Trump in a hypothetical matchup by just two points. "47% of registered voters support Trump and 45% Harris, a result within the margin of error that suggests there is no clear leader under such a scenario."

Is that poll an outlier? We have to wait and see how the polling shakes out over the next few days. 

Meanwhile, former Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan is publicly calling on Democrats to replace Biden with Kamala

“We talk about President Biden’s administration being the most successful in modern history. We brag about that. She was in the room. She was right there, three-and-a-half years, went through the campaign with him,” Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper Tuesday.

“I think she would be able to talk about that much clearer than the president would be able to,” Ryan added, referring to the administration’s record. “I think she would absolutely juice up the Democratic base.”

He isn't stupid, either. "Juice up the Democratic base." Democrats cannot win without a majority of black voters. 

Nonetheless, the leaks are showing up and I love this tweet.

Kamala's sources say she is loyal to Biden. That may be but don't forget she has her own presidential aspirations. She ran in 2020 but was so unpopular that she suspended her campaign before the Iowa caucuses. 

“Some just don’t understand the rules, some are stirring the pot and some have their own agenda,” one source close to Harris said, when asked about calls for Harris to replace Biden on the ticket. “But for her, there is one plan and focus and it starts with Joe Biden and this country.”

Biden and Kamala were scheduled to have lunch together today. They have been in communication since the debate, though Biden has been avoiding speaking with Democrat leadership in Congress. 

Have you noticed that Orange Brandon has joined the chat? One of the lamest of the excuses being batted around about Biden's debate performance is that CNN's makeup was bad on Biden. Biden looked pale and sickly but makeup can only do so much. So, Biden showed up for his press briefing after the Supreme Court's immunity ruling with a fresh spray tan. Orange Brandon! Now we have two old men with spray tans running for president. What a time to be alive.

Listen, I'm not always right in political predictions but I'll say this about Biden staying in the race - his family is all for it and I think he'll listen to his family. We know that Jilly from Philly is running the show. Recent reports say that Hunter is sitting in on high-level meetings. Lots of Biden family members will be at the White House for the July 4th festivities. They will all be whispering in his ear to ignore everyone and stay in the race. They sure don't want the Biden Crime Family's gravy train to dry up. 

Someone will have to convince Jill that it is time for her husband to retire. Her version of elder abuse is dangerous for our country. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Biden is not running the country. Our country is being run by a committee of unelected officials around Biden in the White House. As long as Jill is in control, Joe will remain in the Oval Office. 

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