NYT: Biden Should Leave the Race

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

If former President Donald Trump is such an extreme threat to democracy why are Democrats running a weak candidate like Joe Biden against him?

Democrats and their fellow travelers in the media have lied to everyone for almost four years. Since President Biden took office, his mental acuity and physical health have deteriorated right before our eyes. Yet, those around him and Democrats in office have sworn that the Joe Biden they see and work with behind closed doors is vigorous, sharp as a tack, a workaholic, and runs circles around his staff. 


Republicans and conservative media were accused of posting 'cheap fakes' - videos edited to make Biden look bad. There are plenty of video clips of Biden acting like an 81-year-old man with dementia. He wanders off and shakes hands with air, he is unable to figure out how to exit a stage, and his staff surrounds him as he walks to Marine One to cocoon him from the White House press corps. 

Joe Biden took a week to prepare for the debate. He hunkered down at Camp David with 16 advisers. 16. We were told he was doing great. He was doing practice debates and he was being given zingers and one-liners to get under Trump's skin. Team Biden was counting on Trump to lose his cool and Biden would look more calm and presidential.

Then the debate happened on Thursday night. Donald Trump was cool as ice. He was calm and looked quite presidential. Joe Biden was frequently frustrated and it was Trump who got under Biden's skin. Biden raised his raspy voice and at other times looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He had a gaped mouth and he kept looking off to his left side. He froze briefly a couple of times. It was painful to watch. This was the leader of the free world debating the former president and he couldn't articulate his thoughts. It was shocking to every viewer, particularly the media who have now been exposed as water carriers for Biden. They have egg on their faces and there is no going back from this. They have lied to us for years and they must be held accountable. 


The media has turned on Biden. They had little choice. CNN's pundit panel after the debate was funereal. They were grieving the death of the Biden presidency. Van Jones was near tears. Republican strategist Scott Jennings let it rip about how the media and the White House have been lying to the American people about Biden's condition. 

The New York Times published an op-ed on Friday evening. The paper's editorial board said it is time for Biden to leave the race. Just a couple of weeks ago the newspaper was virtue-signaling against conservatives over cheap fakes and here it is doing a 360 and calling for Biden to leave the presidential race. 


It's for the good of the country, you know. Democrats have to replace Biden with someone who can beat Trump in November. 

As it stands, the president is engaged in a reckless gamble. There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency. There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden. It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes.

If the race comes down to a choice between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, the sitting president would be this board’s unequivocal pick. That is how much of a danger Mr. Trump poses. But given that very danger, the stakes for the country and the uneven abilities of Mr. Biden, the United States needs a stronger opponent to the presumptive Republican nominee. To make a call for a new Democratic nominee this late in a campaign is a decision not taken lightly, but it reflects the scale and seriousness of Mr. Trump’s challenge to the values and institutions of this country and the inadequacy of Mr. Biden to confront him.


That's right - the New York Times would endorse the president suffering from dementia over the former president who is up for the job and has a successful record from his first term. You can't make this stuff up. 

The NYT board said that Biden's bad performance can't be written off as a one-time thing, just a bad night. And, he can't blame it on a cold. The damage has been done and his critics have been right about him. 

But the president’s performance cannot be written off as a bad night or blamed on a supposed cold, because it affirmed concerns that have been mounting for months or even years. Even when Mr. Biden tried to lay out his policy proposals, he stumbled. It cannot be outweighed by other public appearances because he has limited and carefully controlled his public appearances.

See, it's Trump who is the liar and now Democrats have to speak truth to power. Biden must go. 

The clearest path for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal truthfully with the American public: acknowledge that Mr. Biden can’t continue his race, and create a process to select someone more capable to stand in his place to defeat Mr. Trump in November.

It is the best chance to protect the soul of the nation — the cause that drew Mr. Biden to run for the presidency in 2019 — from the malign warping of Mr. Trump. And it is the best service that Mr. Biden can provide to a country that he has nobly served for so long.


The NYT rightly pointed out that the debate was of Biden's making. His campaign agreed to debate early, before the conventions have even been held, which hasn't been done in the past. Biden chose CNN. All the debate conditions were in Biden's favor, except for the stipulation that there were to be no notes at the podium. Biden, as we saw, can't speak without his notecards. 

Biden did a campaign rally in North Carolina on Friday to prove how strong he is. He used a speechwriter and teleprompters so the familiar Joe was back. Reporters played stupid and voiced their amazement that Biden was back after such a bad night. His cold was gone, too. 

They still think you are stupid. 

Most of the NYT piece is malarkey meant to save face. They cop to it when the board said it would still endorse Biden over Trump if he stays in the race. The hypocrisy is strong. 

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