Jill Biden Responds to the Hur Report and It's As Bad As You Expected

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Jill Biden released her response to the Hur report through a campaign email. It is worse than I expected, which is saying something. 

She used the reference in the Hur report about Joe not remembering when his son, Beau, died to pander to mom voters. This is despicable. 


"I hope you can imagine how it felt to read that attack -- not just as Joe's wife, but as Beau's mother. 

I don't know what this Special Counsel was trying to achieve. We should give everyone grace, and I can't imagine someone would use our son's death to score political points. If you've experienced a loss like that, you don't measure it in years, you measure it in grief. 

May 30th is a day forever etched on our hearts. It shattered me, it shattered our family. 

So many of you know that feeling after you lose a loved one, where you feel like you can't get off the floor. What helped me, and what helped Joe, was to find purpose. That's what keeps Joe going, serving you and the country we love. 

Joe is 81, that's true, but he's 81 doing more in an hour than most people do in a day. Joe has wisdom, empathy and vision. He has delivered on so many of his promises as President precisely because he's learned a lot in those 81 years. His age, with his experience and expertise, is an incredible asset and he proves it every day."


No, Jill. This is not the reaction you should be giving. 

Jill wants to appeal to women, to moms, to independents who have turned away from supporting her husband for re-election. Make no mistake, this is a political statement. Just keep in mind that everything she and Joe do is political. That is what 50 years in elected office will do.

Jill doesn't want to give up her position or her residence in the White House. She is more power-hungry than her husband. She did not release her statement on her Twitter account for the world to see. She sent it in an email to campaign donors. That says it all. 

Her X (Twitter) bio says: "First Lady of the United States Jill Biden. Community college educator. Military mother. Grandmother. Wife of @POTUS." Notice she puts her husband, the leader of the free world, last. The only reason she is on the national stage is because of to whom she is married. 

Special Counsel Hur showed plenty of grace to Joe Biden in his report. He chose not to charge him with the crimes he committed since Biden's days in the Senate. The reason, according to Hur, is that a jury would find Biden to be an old man who has lost his memory. It would be too difficult to prosecute him. 

Would Jill Biden prefer her husband to be prosecuted? That's the choice - either he is too mentally demented to do his job and to stand trial or he must be prosecuted. Which is it?


She thinks that Hur is settling political points. He is a Trump appointee, true, but Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed him as the special counsel in this case. Garland is a Democrat and a member of Joe Biden's administration. 

We know why Biden turned down an opportunity to interview before the Super Bowl. It's a guaranteed audience of well over a million viewers. A presidential candidate would jump on that chance to reach that many people at one time. But, Joe's inner circle who keep him in a cocoon can't risk it. Who knows what he would say? 

Joe Biden had a very bad week. He continually misspoke. He claimed to have spoken to world leaders who have been dead for years. He forgot the name of Hamas, instead referring to them as the opposition. He said Netanyahu has gone overboard in Gaza. His third-year poll rating is the second lowest to Jimmy Carter. And, 70% of Americans do not think Biden is mentally fit to do his job. 

There is only so much Jill and his other handlers can hide. We see with our own eyes Biden's deterioration, both mentally and physically. He frequently trips and falls. We are only one big fall away from President Harris. With Biden, it isn't just a heartbeat away. Who is answering the 3 a.m. phone calls? 

Jill Biden brazenly raised money off her stepson's death. She is shameless in her partisanship. Her hatred of Trump and her desire for power is something we haven't seen in a first lady since Hillary Clinton. Can Democrats bribe Jill with a Senate seat in exchange for Joe abandoning his re-election bid? 


The Hur report, to be clear, did not exonerate Joe Biden. It found him to have willingly retained classified documents for many years. He is a corrupt politician. He shared some of the documents with his ghostwriter. Biden is being treated with kid gloves because he is old and demented. He is not capable of being president. 

Did you notice that Jill doesn't dispute the guilt of her husband? 

Jill Biden should be grateful for the Hur report. She and other Democrats can circle the wagons around him. The damage is done, though, and we are not nearly as stupid as she thinks were are. 


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024