Trump Counters Biden's Birthday by Releasing His Own Doctor's Report

AP Photo/Charles Krupa

Former President Trump released a doctor’s letter Monday that claims Trump is in excellent health. It was a classic Trump move that provided some distraction from Joe Biden’s 81st birthday.


Dr. Bruce Aronwald reported that Trump’s health is improved due to an increase in exercise (golf), an improved diet, and a busy schedule.

“I am pleased to report that President Trump’s overall health is excellent. His physical exams were well within the normal range and his cognitive exams were exceptional. In addition, his most recent extensive laboratory analysis remains well within normal limits and was even more favorable than prior testing in some of the most significant parameters, most likely secondary to weight reduction,” Aronwald wrote.

He wrote that Trump’s cardiovascular studies were “normal,” that all of his cancer screenings came back negative, and that he had “reduced his weight through an improved diet and continued daily physical activity, while maintaining a rigorous schedule.”

“It is my opinion that President Trump is currently in excellent health, and with his continued interest in preventative health monitoring and maintenance, he will continue to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle for years to come,” Aronwald added.

This was a jab at Joe Biden. Voters are concerned about Biden’s advanced age and his outward appearance. His 81st birthday brought additional focus on his age. Trump is 77 years old, not much younger than Biden, but there is a sharp contrast between the two men.

Biden is fading. The presidency ages every president but in Biden’s case, given his age when he was elected, it is impossible not to notice. He doesn’t speak clearly, he mumbles. He loses control of his speeches on the teleprompter on a regular basis. When he ad libs, it is always a disaster. He is physically feeble. His staff are doing all they can to try to prevent another fall in public. (Don’t you wonder how often he falls when the camera isn’t on him?) And, the half jog he does only emphasizes his stiff gait. All signs point to a man who may not make it through an additional four years in office. The scariest thing about that is Kamala Harris would become president. We cannot have that.


Trump, in comparison, is able to get off and on a stage by himself. He plays a lot of golf (Biden sleeps on the beach.) Trump has a normal walk for a man his age and we have never seen him fall. Remember when Trump gingerly walked down a plank because the soles of his shoes made it slippery and the press went nuts mocking him? Yeah. Trump isn’t campaigning as much as he has in the past but we are in the primary season and he is solidly in first place. He also has other demands of his time because of the legal battles. He occasionally mixes up facts in speeches now. The DeSantis campaign launched a Trump Accident Tracker to keep a record of mistakes.

Here’s the thing – I take all medical reports on presidents and the former president, in this case, with a grain of salt. A president’s team will always do its best to keep him in the best light. Biden’s cognitive abilities weren’t tested during his annual exam. The doc doesn’t have to report on a test that isn’t given. In the case of Trump, it has been admitted that Trump makes up a health report and his doctor signs off on it. What?


In late December 2015, during his first campaign for the Republican nomination, Trump’s campaign released a glowing letter from the late Dr. Harold N. Bornstein that claimed Trump, a known fast food aficionado who eschewed vigorous exercise, would “unequivocally” be the “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

Bornstein later revealed that Trump had dictated the glowing assessment himself, calling it “black humor” and admitting that he had written it in five minutes while a limo sent by the then-candidate waited outside his office.

“I just made it up as I went along,” he told CNN in 2018. “It’s like the movie ‘Fargo.’ It takes the truth and moves it in a different direction.”

So, I don’t take any of them very seriously.

I don’t fear that Trump would not make it through a second term. I do with Joe Biden. In the meantime, the age of the two frontrunners will remain a topic of discussion. Men this old should not be running for president. YMMV.

Just in case you didn’t see Joe Biden’s birthday cake, take a look. That thing was a fire hazard! Notice how Biden grips the corners of the table. Was it to steady himself?

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024