Au contraire, Ms. Jean-Pierre. KJP accuses Republicans of "political stunts" in trying to secure border funding.

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean- Pierre is in a tough spot. She is the official spokesperson for the president and she has to try to make sense of his policies. Even on her best days, she fails miserably.


I think we can all agree that KJP is in way over her head. She is easily the worst White House press secretary in my lifetime and there has been some strong competition. Monday she was asked about Speaker Kevin McCarthy saying he wants additional funds for Ukraine to be tied to funding on border security. A reporter asked if that is something the White House could support.

Jean-Pierre claimed that Americans were “fed up” over these “political games” and “political stunts that House Republicans are doing on our national security and also our government.”

She claimed that President Joe Biden “has delivered record funding” for Border Patrol and then demonized what she said were “extreme House Republicans.”

Americans are “fed up” with open borders. Illegal immigration is a top issue for voters, thanks to the Biden border crisis and his mismanagement of the border for over three years. Biden may have “delivered record funding” but that is to help correct a problem of his own making. The Biden border crisis is intentional. Joe Biden rolled out the welcome mat on his first day in office and the illegal immigrants came. They pore over the southern border because they can.


When New York Governor Kathy Hochul began to speak out about the southern border being “too open right now”, KJP must have known that the Biden administration was in for a rough patch. KJP launched into a word salad as she blamed Republicans for the border crisis when she was asked if the president agreed with Hochul’s remarks.

“The President, on his own, without the help of Republicans in Congress — let’s not forget, he put forward a comprehensive piece of legislation to deal with immigration reform,” she claimed. “Remember, this — this immigration system has been broken for decades. And it’s been three years. That’s been almost three years since he put forth that piece of legislation.”

She claimed that the administration has added “deterrence” factors to discourage people from illegally entering the country.

Malarkey. The Biden administration continues to make decisions that create magnets for illegal border crossers. He has increased the number of Venezuelan illegal immigrants who are allowed to have parole and remain in the United States. Venezuelans are a big part of the illegal immigrant population. Now the Biden administration is working on expediting work permits for illegal aliens. What could possibly go wrong? The majority of illegal aliens seeking asylum in the United States do not qualify because they come here for jobs and financial opportunity. That isn’t a reason for asylum.


Let’s not forget that the reason Republicans didn’t vote in favor of Biden’s immigration reform legislation is because a top demand is blanket amnesty and pathways for citizenship for illegal aliens. Republicans fell for that deal during the Reagan administration and got burned. Democrats don’t uphold their end of political agreements. Republicans would be ill-served to agree to go along to get along with Democrats now. They have no interest in securing the border.

KJP refused to answer when a reporter pushed back by asking if Biden believes the southern border is closed. She claimed that Republicans are trying to politicize the issue and make it worse.

“That’s what Republicans are trying to do and turn it into a political stunt,” she claimed. “The President is actually dealing with the issue that’s in front of him by getting record funding, 25,000 federal agents at the border. That is something that this President has been able to do.”

Biden sent 25,000 federal agents to the border because of his border crisis. The processing system is so backlogged that most of those federal agents were sent to be paper pushers. They aren’t protecting the border. Asylum claims are facing a backlog that will take several years to work through. Illegal aliens are being allowed to remain in the United States while the process moves forward. Why wouldn’t they come? The welcome mat is out.


The Biden administration is out of control and clueless when it comes to keeping America secure. A country without borders is not a sovereign country. Help us fight the good fight here at Hot Air. Please consider subscribing with a VIP membership. We can use you on our team. Go HERE and use the code SAVEAMERICA for 40% off membership. We have a country to save and it begins with the upcoming presidential election. Republicans and conservatives are the ones saving democracy, not the Marxist Democrats. Join us. Thank you for your support.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024