Bus number sixteen arrives in Los Angeles, courtesy of Governor Abbott in Texas

Rich Pedroncelli

The sixteenth migrant bus since June arrived in Los Angeles from Texas Monday. The passengers were from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras and Venezuela. There were 23 adults and 15 children.


The mayor’s office released a statement.

“One bus with migrants on board from Texas arrived around 2 p.m. today at Union Station,” Zach Seidl, deputy mayor of communications for Mayor Karen Bass, said in a statement.

“This is the sixteenth bus that has arrived,” he said. “The city has continued to work with city departments, the county, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year. As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan.”

Good. Governor Abbott should double up, then, and keep the migrant buses rolling to Los Angeles. The sanctuary city is prepared and working its plan for the arrival of illegal aliens, right? That’s what is sounds like.

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) confirmed the arrival of the bus. A spokesperson claimed that “some have not eaten in days.” Forgive me if I call horse hockey to that statement. The migrant buses from Texas are stocked with food and water for the illegal aliens to have during their road trip. If they didn’t eat it was their decision, not because of neglect. Nice try to slam Texas, CHIRLA. Do better.

CHIRLA is a member of the L.A. Welcomes Collective. It is a network of nonprofit, faith groups and city and county services that respond to the arrival of migrant buses. The group goes all warm and fuzzy on the illegal aliens as it talks about being kind to strangers. Given that their first act was to illegally enter this country, I think that providing shelter, food, medical services, education for the children, and free transportation to whatever city they want to go to is quite “kind” to these strangers. Plus, the reasons given that they are asking for asylum do not legally qualify them for asylum.


“Asylum-seekers are human beings who have undergone traumatic experiences in their country of origin and while en route to the safe haven they call USA. They are in distress and need our support,” CHIRLA said in a statement. “As a nation, we have been kind to strangers and we will do it again.”

The Biden border crisis is out of control. A two-month-old baby was found abandoned at the border in the Rio Grande Valley. This is the face of the Biden border crisis. This should be used in every Republican campaign ad this election cycle. The open border is a political decision from Biden and should be treated as such.

Migrant buses are part of Operation Lone Star, an initiative Governor Abbott put in place when the Biden border crisis ramped up. Texas and other border states have been left to fend for themselves. Abbott uses the migrant buses as a tool to capture the attention of the rest of the country. Sanctuary cities encourage illegal immigration. Word is out through the cartels that once illegal aliens cross into the country, they will be allowed to stay. They have flooded the border since Biden came into office.


On June 9 the Los Angeles City Council approved a motion to formally declare the city as a sanctuary city. This is what they want, right? The illegal aliens ask to go to these cities. Texas taxpayers pay for Operation Lone Star and migrant buses, providing transportation to sanctuary cities. The illegals sign forms in Texas before they board the buses that state they are willingly making their trips elsewhere. It is a fallacy that the illegals all cross the border and then want to stay in Texas. Many do not – they are on their way to other places in order to find work or reunite with family and sponsors.

Mayor Karen Bass complains that she doesn’t get enough information about the buses before they arrive.

Mayor Karen Bass has complained that Abbott’s office does not share enough information with Los Angeles about the shipments. She told KNX that if Abbott’s concerns and actions were legitimate and sincere, then “someone in the government and Texas would notify us and coordinate with us.”

“We hear about the buses headed our way when they’re on the way. We have no idea who’s going to be on the bus, how many people it is or what condition they’re going to be in when they get here,” she said. “Sometimes they haven’t had any food, barely had enough water.”

She, too, tries to say that the illegals are without food and have barely enough water. Progressives have no shame. She should prepare for more buses because the illegal immigrants are still coming. Many migrants are taking freight trains to the border to cross over.


Get ready, Mayor Bass.

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