Joe Biden let his inner racist slip during speech to Congressional Black Caucus conference

Nhac Nguyen/Pool Photo via AP

He did it again. Joe Biden referred to a black man as ‘boy’ Saturday during a speech to the Congressional Black Caucus. Joe Biden has a strong racist streak in his personality and sometimes it comes out.


The speech Biden made at the annual awards dinner for the Congressional Black Caucus’ 52nd Annual Legislative Conference was a doozy. Rappers LL Cool J and MC Lyte were presented with Phoenix Awards for their contributions to the Hip Hop genre. The president mangled LL Cool J’s name and then called him ‘boy’ when he made a bizarre reference to the size of the rapper’s arms.

While on stage, Biden, 80, said: ‘Two of the great artists of our time representing ground-breaking legacy of hip hop in America, LL Jay Cool J, uhhh…’ – as the audience laughed at his latest gaffe over the rapper’s name.

Biden then added: ‘By the way that boy – that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs.’

What is so hard about LL Cool J’s name? And, no one wants to visualize Joe Biden’s thighs.

Biden’s inner racist has been showing more frequently as his time goes on in the White House. Earlier this year he was criticized for referring to Maryland’s first black governor as a ‘boy’.

‘You got a hell of a new governor in Wes Moore, I tell ya,’ Biden told members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers in February.

‘He’s the real deal, and the boy looked like he could still play. He’s got some guns on him,’ he added.

In May he also raised eyebrows after telling a White House attendee to ‘hush up, boy’ during an event celebrating Islamic holiday Eid-al-Fitr.

The awkward exchange came as the audience member, who is believed to be a Muslim man, interrupted the president as he marked the occasion before a packed crowd.

‘You want to come and make a speech?’ Biden responded after he was heckled.

‘Hush up, boy, as my mother would say’ he continued in a mimicked Southern drawl.


In 2019, Biden told a weird story about former Mississippi senator and plantation owner James Eastland. Despite being a white supremacist, Biden said he respected Eastland. ‘He never called me ‘boy,’ he always called me ‘son.” What? Did Biden forget he’s white?

Senator Cory Booker calls Biden’s racial slips “inappropriate.”

Booker, on CNN, said it was inappropriate. ‘You don’t joke about calling black men “boys”,’ he said.

He later added that he’d had a constructive conversation with Biden about his use of the term, adding: ‘This is about him invoking a terrible power dynamic that he showed a lack of understanding or insensitivity to by invoking this idea that he was called ‘son’ by white segregationists who, yeah, they see in him their son.’

I don’t think being considered like a son to a white supremacist is the compliment Biden thought.

Both Biden and Kamala Harris spoke at the event. Both of them used political hyperbole that has been debunked but is frequently brought out in Democrat speeches. Kamala is focusing on “reproductive freedom”, which is code for abortion without any limits, and she calls objections to more gun control measures as actions by extremists. She also brought out the trope that Florida officials claim slaves benefitted from slavery.


The vice president also blasted Florida officials for “intend[ing] to tell our children that enslaved people benefited from slavery.” She was referring to a controversial line in Florida’s new instruction on African American history, which addresses “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”

Biden, a very divisive president, accuses Republicans of divisiveness. He went on to sound as he did in 2020 – “democracy is at risk” and that there is a “battle for the soul of America.” He said Americans no longer think democracy is at stake now as it was in 2020. Funny, I think about half of the country thinks it is a threat to democracy when the president and his attorney general run election interference for the 2024 election when they persecute and prosecute Donald Trump, Biden’s leading challenger. It certainly looks like an orchestrated effort among special counsels and district attorneys to put Trump in jail and keep him out of the White House.

Biden wants everyone to think he saved America.

Biden, 80, noted that there are conversations surrounding whether he fit for office given his advanced age, but said he “knew what to do” to support the U.S. and its allies when he took office in 2021.

“When I came to office, this nation was flat on its back,” Biden said. “I knew what to do. I vaccinated the nation and rebuilt the economy. When Russia invaded Ukraine. I knew what to do. I rebuilt NATO. And brought our alliance to rally the world. And above all, when democracy was taken I knew what to do.”


That’s quite a fantasy world Biden lives in. His favorability rating is at 37%, an all-time low. The latest ABC News/WaPo has Trump at 51% and Biden at 42% in a 2024 match-up. I would bet that Biden agreed to visit a picket line in Michigan on Tuesday because Trump will deliver a speech in Detroit on Wednesday.

He blamed Trump and MAGA Republicans for violence and hate in America, because, of course. He continued to spout debunked claims about his past – like his involvement in the civil rights movement. He has lied so often and so long that he can’t stop. It’s pathological and his dementia makes it worse. He doesn’t remember his own life story. And, what is a Biden campaign speech without using Trump’s remarks about the Charlottesville protest in 2017? He and other Democrats deliberately misstate Trump’s remarks – “very fine people on both sides” – and uses that quote to justify his run in 2020. What a crock. Biden’s been running for president since 1988. His over-inflated ego thinks he and only he can save America. Look at the damage he has done.

Democrats will pull out all the stops to win in 2024. Republicans have to be ready and that includes choosing the strongest candidate that can not only win the primary but the general election. National polls don’t mean much because we don’t have national elections.


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