Biden breaks his silence on impeachment during fundraiser as spokesman drops a bombshell

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Team Biden is going on the offensive. Speaker McCarthy has made the decision to begin an impeachment inquiry on the president and The Big Guy made his first remarks about that during a fundraiser with big donors Wednesday.


Biden linked the impeachment inquiry to the potential government shutdown that is rapidly approaching. The deadline is September 30 and House Republicans are divided about whether or not to pull the trigger and refuse to meet the deadline.

“Well, I tell you what, I don’t know quite why, but they just knew they wanted to impeach me. And now, the best I can tell, they want to impeach me because they want to shut down the government.”

“So look, look, I got a job to do. Everybody always asked about impeachment. I get up every day, not a joke, not focused on impeachment. I’ve got a job to do. I’ve got to deal with the issues that affect the American people every single solitary day.”

That’s an interesting flex. The impeachment inquiry is not about the corrupt president, y’all, it’s about Republicans wanting to shut down the government. Whenever Biden says “not a joke”, beware. The truth has been left behind. It would be quite an elaborate distraction for the House Republicans to move forward with an impeachment inquiry just to distract attention from shutting down some government services that might be affected during a shutdown.

Biden acts like if the deadline is not met, the federal government would come to a standstill. That’s not how it works, as he well knows. Some services will be interrupted if the funding deadlines are not met but for most Americans, life will continue as normal.


The Fibber-in-Chief is very much concerned about the impeachment inquiry and the process moving forward. The Big Guy isn’t looking so good in all the evidence being uncovered by the House Oversight Committee. It’s not just Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden, Joe Biden looks to have been in the thick of things, too.

Something new happened on X yesterday that I didn’t see get much traction, which was odd. The White House spokesperson admitted Biden attended Hunter’s business meetings “because he loves him.” Excuse me? When did the story change? Up until now, Joe Biden continues to insist he knows nothing about Hunter’s business dealings, didn’t participate in phone calls, and claims Hunter has done nothing wrong. Ian Sams now says Biden attended meetings. WTH? This seems like an important admission.

The Democrats’ talking point is that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden. Except there is. As we are learning, there is a lot of evidence coming out that Biden was an active part of the Biden crime family operation. As one of my followers on X mentioned, dads who love their sons don’t allow them to be bagmen. Good point. Democrats point to the fact that Biden loves his son and that is why he hasn’t intervened in a productive way with his behavior as an adult, or something. Somehow Biden enabling his son to live the life he has led is proof of his love of his son. I know. It doesn’t make any sense.


Biden’s team plans to go on the offensive before the narrative of the corruptness of Joe Biden sinks in with voters. “If you don’t answer it, it can sink into the voter psyche. They’re walking that line,” a person familiar with White House thinking said.

Team Biden is counting on Republicans overplaying their hand in the impeachment and looking like they aren’t doing their job in keeping the government running. It’s a delicate time for Biden because the dam of Democrat support for his re-election is beginning to burst. Biden’s age is front and center, as is his feebleness and inability to appear to be a strong leader. He just doesn’t look to be the person in charge and that’s a problem for a president running for re-election.

The impeachment inquiry gives Republicans new tools – new powers to request documents and testimony. The White House will be using time and energy handling the situation, no matter how unconcerned they claim to be. Rest assured, they are worried about where this story is going.

The media is only too willing to do the bidding of the White House and claim that House Republicans have failed to produce “direct evidence” connecting Joe Biden to his son’s foreign business dealings. They have a lot of practice at covering for Joe Biden and Democrats, in general.

While House Republicans have so far failed to surface anything showing President Biden profited from his son’s business, they have found that Hunter Biden used his father’s name to help advance deals. A former partner, Devin Archer, testified that there were “maybe 20 times” when Joe Biden was placed on speakerphone during meetings with his and Hunter Biden’s business partners, though said “nothing” of importance was ever discussed during these calls.

Even as Republicans continue failing to produce direct evidence tying the president to his son’s foreign business dealings, some polls already show concern among voters. Sixty-one percent of Americans said in a CNN poll released last week they think Biden had at least some involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings, with 42% saying they think he acted illegally, and 18% saying that his actions were unethical but not illegal.

For now, the White House views the situation from a communications standpoint rather than as a legal issue. They have yet to formally hear from any of the committees involved.

“We see this as a political communications battle as opposed to a legitimate impeachment inquiry,” a source familiar with the White House’s strategy said.

The aggressive messaging posture, that source said, represents a recognition that there’s a need to fill the vacuum and push back on Republicans.


Look for Ian Sams to do a media blitz as the inquiry heats up. The White House spokesman has been active on social media and, as I noted, he even admitted Joe Biden attended Hunter’s business meetings. Sams’ message is House Republicans “can’t even say what they’re impeaching him for.” That may be true right now but their message will sharpen and the White House is preparing for it. We already know the White House sent a letter to major news outlets to deliver marching orders in how to cover the impeachment.

Biden’s campaign is using the impeachment to raise money.

Biden’s campaign also seized on the impeachment announcement, blasting an email with Vice President Kamala Harris’ name telling supporters it was time to “stand behind our president” while criticizing House Republicans by name for launching the inquiry.

“Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and MAGA Republicans just launched a beyond ridiculous impeachment inquiry into President Biden,” the fundraising email reads.

The email is the first of what is expected to be several efforts by the Biden campaign to use the new inquiry to its advantage and raise money off the effort.

The White House has a war room set up to deal with Biden’s possible impeachment. There is a team of two dozen lawyers, a legislative staff, and communications advisers working to push back on impeachment. Besides Sams, Dick Sauber has been named to serve as a special counsel an Russ Anello, a former Democrat staff director of the House Oversight Committee, as an adviser.


Ammar Moussa has been brought on as the campaign’s rapid response director. He’s an official at the DNC. Surrogates are preparing to do battle. A Democrat group, Congressional Integrity Project, is an outside entity leading the charge on messaging against impeachment. They are targeting 18 House Republicans in districts Biden won in 2020.

It’s on. Biden will continue to play like an innocent bystander. He looks more and more out of touch, which does him no favors.

Let’s just hope House Republicans don’t botch it. We know that the Senate won’t vote to impeach him but the House Republicans can put him through the process and hold him accountable.

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