
Joe and Jill Biden schedule visit to Maui, but still no trip planned to E. Palestine, Ohio

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

It looks like Joe Biden has been shamed into showing some concern for the situation on the ground on Maui, specifically the town of Lahaina, which as been devastated. Joe and Jill Biden plan to visit Maui on Monday.

Let’s remember that Joe Biden ran as an empathetic man. He suffered loss in his life, as have many people, and because of that, voters were reassured that Joe Biden can feel their pain. It was mostly campaign spin, though, as Americans are now finding out. After each major event, Team Biden seems to calculate where or not it is politically advantageous to him to go. He makes a beeline for cities that experience mass shootings, so that he can lecture about guns, not mentally ill shooters.

He made a trip to Pennsylvania after a bridge collapsed and now he re-writes that story to claim he was on site when that bridge came down. Typically, no matter the situation, Biden will find a way to insert himself into the story. Tuesday Biden was in Milwaukee touting the alleged success of Bidenomics (I know) when he randomly brought up the bridge in Pittsburgh.

Biden was touting his economic policies during a stop at Ingeteam, a wind turbine generator manufacturer in Milwaukee, when he brought up the 2022 collapse. “A lot of you were with me when I was in Pittsburgh,” he told the crowd. “By the way, Pittsburgh is a city of bridges – more bridges in Pittsburgh than any other city in America.”

He went on to claim, “I watched that bridge collapse,” and added, “I got there and saw it collapse with over 200 feet off the ground going over a valley. It collapsed. Thank God school was out during the pandemic.”

Yeah, Joe. You’re a real hero. Good Lord.

Biden and the family have been on vacation in Delaware, enjoying some time on the beach and ignoring the White House press corps. The town of Lahaina burned to the ground while Joe was sitting on the beach. Naturally, the press had questions and waited for a response from him about the tragedy. When he finally responded to questions, it was to say he had “no comment” as he got into a SUV on Sunday. He smiled as he said that. It was bad optics, to say the least.

Biden issued a major disaster declaration for Hawaii last Thursday and I think that he was hoping it was all that he would have to do. He remained silent for four days before issuing the no comment remark. He was asked on Tuesday if he would visit Maui. He said he and Jill would go “as soon as we can.” He then did the standard “I don’t want to get in the way” explanation, as elected officials do when they don’t want to go somewhere.

And, just like that, a turnaround. The White House announced Wednesday morning that Joe and Jill will visit Maui next Monday, August 21. He plans to meet with first responders, survivors, as well as federal, state, and local officials.”

“In Maui, the President and First Lady will be welcomed by state and local leaders to see first-hand the impacts of the wildfires and the devastating loss of life and land that has occurred on the island, as well as discuss the next steps in the recovery effort,” the White House said.

It added: “The President continues to marshal a whole-of-government response to the deadly Maui fires, and he has committed to delivering everything that the people of Hawaii need from the federal government as they recover from this disaster.”

Hawaii is a very blue state. These are Joe’s people. They voted for him, campaigned for him, and now he has let them down. The empathy that Joe Biden is supposed to be known for has been a lie. He’s a politician. He’s not special. Most people experience loss in their lives and suffer from grief. Joe Biden has not acquired a special form of empathy and his presidency has exposed that to be true. Joe Biden has a history of being a habitual liar. Every story he tells these days are usually fact-checked and the White House has to offer some type of explanation for Joe’s storytelling. Voters were told for years that Joe really became empathetic toward people suffering from the loss of loved ones after his first wife and young daughter were killed by a drunk driver. The problem with that story is that it not true. Yes, they died in a terrible car crash but the driver of the other vehicle was not drunk. Joe Biden slandered that guy for years before the real story finally became public. Biden is a disgusting human being, the worst kind of opportunist.

Naturally, many people asked the question of why Biden has not visited E. Palestine, Ohio after the toxic train derailment there back in February. He said at the time he would visit when he could. He’s busy, you know. He’s never gone. Jill didn’t go. The highest level official from the Biden administration to go was Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He also had to be shamed into visiting and touring the site. Ohio is a red state and this over-politicized administration doesn’t have much interest in red states, unless those states can be attacked in political campaign ads or speeches.

I responded to a tweet from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre yesterday when she announced the First Couple would travel “soon” to Maui.

That tweet got a lot of responses. The White House may think Americans have forgotten about Joe’s lack of attention to that Trump-loving town in Ohio but lots of people have not.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024