RFK, Jr.: Woody Harrelson probably doesn't know the blowback he caused

(Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

A baseball cap sure can get a person in trouble. The red MAGA hats have created problems for years for Trump supporters. Now a simple blue cap with ‘Kennedy 2024’ is causing the same type of outrage among Democrats.


Actor Woody Harrelson is a good friend of RFK, Jr. and his wife, actress Cheryl Hines. Hines innocently posted a photo of herself and her friend Woody on her Instagram page. Harrelson was wearing a blue Kennedy 2024 cap. All kinds of outrage broke out, including the hyperbolic pearl-clutching that the Biden Democrats have “lost” Harrelson.

How dumb. Two actors posing together, friends for years, and this is the end of the world. It’s as crazy as the instant anger that the red MAGA caps cause. It was so disturbing, apparently, that a fact check was warranted. I kid you not. Rating: True.

In August 2023, a photograph surfaced supposedly showing Woody Harrelson wearing a “Kennedy 2024” hat in apparent support for the 2024 presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a long-time vaccine skeptic.

The photograph was real; It was not digitally manipulated. The verified Instagram account for Kennedy’s wife, actress Cheryl Hines, posted the photo on Aug. 10, 2023, with the caption: “Great seeing you Woody. 🤍🤍🤍. #friends #hats #rfkjr.”

Harrelson did not post the photo on his own Instagram page. I don’t know but I think that may be because he doesn’t do his own social media. I say that because today there is a story out that RFK, Jr. said Harrelson probably has no idea about the backlash that occurred when the photo went viral. He said Harrelson pretty much lives off the grid. Critics are making an anti-vax connection between Harrelson and his friend who is running for the Democrat nomination for president. He joins New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers, another anti-vaxxer, in showing support for RFK, Jr.


RFK, Jr. is a distant second in polling among Democrat primary voters, garnering about 20% in some polls. That’s not a lot but it’s enough to make Democrats nervous. And, the DNC and Team Biden are doing all they can to pretend RFK, Jr.’s candidacy doesn’t exist. The DNC won’t even schedule a debate. They know what a fragile candidate Joe Biden is and don’t want him on a stage with a challenger who can articulate his positions. As it is, the Democrats are beginning their primaries in South Carolina because they know that Biden could lose Iowa and New Hampshire. The large black voting population in South Carolina saved Biden’s hide in 2020, thanks to Rep. James Clyburn.

Democrats are nervous over Biden’s low polling numbers, his high unfavorable numbers, and potential challenges from third party candidates. Enough voters voting for someone other than Biden, like a No Labels candidate or a Green Party candidate (Cornell West), can swing the election to the Republican candidate in a tight election.

Harrelson likes to describe himself as ‘an anarchist.’ He is definitely not a run-of-the-mill Hollywood Democrat.

‘It’s all synchronized swimming to me,’ said the former Natural Born Killers and Kingpin co-star.

‘They all kneel and kiss the ring. Who’s going to take on the oil industry or the medical industry?,’ he said in the 2013 interview.

‘People compare Obama to Lyndon Johnson, but I think a better comparison is between Obama and Nixon. Because Nixon came into office saying he was going to pull out of Vietnam, and then he escalated the war,’ he said.

‘I don’t believe in politics. I’m an anarchist, I guess you could say. I think people could be just fine looking after themselves,’ he said.


Looking after themselves? Democrats think the government should run the lives of everyone. There is no room for individual thought in the Democrat Party. So, Harrelson had to be canceled on social media. The irony is that Harrelson doesn’t live online. He doesn’t even use a cell phone.

‘I’ve texted with him. You know, he’s very hard to get a hold of. He’s been a friend for many, many years. He’s very close to me and Cheryl,’ Kennedy told Fox News.

‘One thing is he doesn’t like cell phones. It’s conceivable that he does not know about all of the controversy,’ the Democrat added. ‘He doesn’t watch TV. He doesn’t have his cell phone and he’s kind of off the grid.’

Let the haters hate. Woody doesn’t care. He probably doesn’t even know about the kerfuffle an innocent photo with a friend on social media caused.

Joe Biden is going to have to answer for his role in the pandemic – the shutdowns, mandates, school closures, and kowtowing to Fauci and Birx. RFK, Jr. is a liberal whacko on lots of topics but on this one he asks real questions. And, he is also a critic of Biden’s handling of the southern border. Democrats don’t want them on the same stage.


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