President Empathy has no comment on Maui

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

President Biden approved a major disaster declaration for Hawaii on Thursday, freeing up federal aid to support the island of Maui’s recovery from wildfires. Since that time, he has been silent about the devastation and destruction the island is facing.


When Joe Biden ran for president, he campaigned on bringing back normal. He said he would bring empathy back to the Oval Office, implying his administration would bring back caring about the American people, as though the previous administration was heartless and unfeeling when it came to policy decisions. He was described as a man who was attentive to his family and cared about people. It was a very touchy feely kind of narrative about Joe Biden.

That facade quickly faded once he became president. When natural disasters happen, for example, he is often quite slow in responding, unless it is an area seen as important to his presidency. If something bad happens in a spot seen as Democrat-friendly, he’s there right away to survey damage and play Consoler-in-Chief. He’s supposed to do that. It’s his job to keep up with what is happening in the country.

If there is a mass shooting, Joe is there right away. Gun-grabbing is on the top of his wish list for legislation and he never misses an opportunity to lecture about what the left calls gun violence. It’s the guns that are to blame, not the mentally ill people who kill others. If gun-grabbing was the way to go, the city of Chicago would be the safest city in America.

Climate change is another top priority for Biden’s agenda. His administration has been trying really hard to blame the wildfires in Maui on global warming, as it used to be called. Leftists are pushing ‘global boiling’ alarmism as the new global warming. The truth is coming out, though, and it looks as though Maui’s emergency warning system was not utilized and there was a delayed reaction to fighting the fires. The fires came up so quickly and spread so rapidly, little could be done. The fires were thought to be out and then they would come roaring back.


The town of Lahaina is mostly gone, according to press reports. It was burned to the ground. Residents were seen jumping into the ocean to avoid the flames. It’s unimaginable. The question is, where’s Joe on this tragedy? He has not said a peep about Maui. In fact, when asked by a reporter on Sunday about Maui, he said “No comment.”

Since that didn’t sit well with people, I look forward to the White House spin on Biden’s apathy. Joe Biden spent the weekend at his beach house, enjoying some beach time, bike rides, and attended mass at St. Edmond’s Catholic Church. The man has taken more than 38% of his time as president on weekends away and vacation time. Surely he could have found a few minutes to say something about Maui. Hawaii is a blue state. Maybe he doesn’t want to do anything to shine a light on government incompetence but, still, those people want to know that help is on the way and that the president is keeping up with the situation.

Joe Biden doesn’t handle his social media accounts. He has staffers who crank out tweets all day and night long. Lately the majority have been touting the alleged successes of Bidenomics. Couldn’t they spare a couple of tweets for Maui?


Usually after a natural disaster of this magnitude, Americans are told how they can help out. There are 800 numbers put up on television screens and on social media that will responsibly take donations for the victims. Who has a bigger megaphone than the president? He could be letting people know about donations, whether it’s the Red Cross or another entity that is usually there along with first responders.

Hawaii’s governor and senators are all Democrats. They have thanked Biden for acting quickly with the emergency declaration. This allows FEMA to go in to help, along with freeing up other federal aid. However, those affected by the wildfires, those who lived in Lahaina, homeowners and business owners, are not happy with the government’s response. The cause of the wildfires isn’t completely clear yet.

But those on the island have begun to complain that federal aid is yet to arrive.

‘The response from our well-funded, tax-paid government is incredibly pathetic,’ said Paul Romero, who owns a gym in Kihei.

He told The New York Times: ‘We can’t even understand what they did, what they didn’t do, what they’re still not doing.’

As Biden spoke, speculation mounted a spark from the electricity supply could have caused the devastating blazes.

The cause has not yet been confirmed, but on Saturday, LippSmith LLP and other law firms filed a class-action lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric, alleging that its downed power lines caused the fire, and that company officials ‘inexcusably kept their power lines energized’ despite fire warnings.


Unfortunately for the people on Maui, the federal government moves slowly, even in the aftermath of a natural disaster. It seems the state government in Hawaii isn’t as competent as it should be.

In the meantime, Biden should be at least acting like he’s thinking about the people and working to get them what they need. President Empathy is a fraud. Joe Biden has been exposed as a man more self-involved than a president should be. I keep thinking about how then-President George W. Bush and the reaction to his initial response to Hurricane Katrina. He did what he could as the hurricane approached but the Governor of Louisiana, a Democrat, and the Mayor of New Orleans, also a Democrat, would not listen to the Bush administration’s suggestions and the rest is history. Bush flew over the area after the hurricane and was torched in the press for doing so, instead of stopping in New Orleans. He did so soon after that but he never overcame the criticism by the press. Remember Kanye West saying “Bush hates black people.” As though only black people were victims of that hurricane. Anyone saying, “Biden hates Hawaiians” now?

No comment.

As I wrote this, I checked the POTUS Twitter account. Now, pinned at the top, is a tweet about Maui.


And this:

It’s not his voice on camera but it’s better than nothing, I guess. Funny how quickly that happened as Biden is now getting trashed on social media for his lack of comments.

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