Democrat to Texas DPS: "We’re going to encourage DOJ to charge them with murder" if report is true

(AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Four congressional Democrat lawmakers visited a pecan farm along the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass, Texas as part of an investigation into whether or not Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is working with Border Patrol agents at the southern border. The Democrats came to investigate reports that the two agencies are not working well together.


Three Texas Democrats, Rep. Joaquin Castro (San Antonio), Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (Houston), Rep. Sylvia Garcia (Houston), and Rep. Tony Cardenas of California met with Lt. Chris Olivarez of the Texas Department of Public Safety and other officers on Tuesday. Part of the trip to the border included viewing the buoy barrier in the river. Castro pressed the DPS officers for more information about reports of DPS officers denying illegal immigrants water and pushing women and children back into the river. He issued a threat to Olivarez, too.

Olivarez told Castro the complaints lodged by a DPS trooper are being investigated but said there is no evidence that troopers physically pushed people, especially children into the water.

“We can’t just jump to conclusions,” Olivarez said. “We don’t have all the facts.

Castro told Olivarez to “tell those guys if we find out that people were putting kids back in the water, we’re going to encourage the Department of Justice to charge them with murder. Or attempted murder.”

Way to support law enforcement, Castro. Never mind that the whistleblower’s letter to superiors that orders had come down in an internal memo that DPS officers should deny water and push children back into the river instead of rescuing them has not been substantiated. It seems highly unlikely that it is a true story, given that there is video proof so frequently on social media of illegal immigrants being rescued, both in the Rio Grande River and on land. If they have been ordered to stop rescuing them, then that order isn’t being followed by the men and women working along the southern border.


House Democrats want the border to remain porous and see nothing wrong with the Biden border crisis. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee is running to be Mayor of Houston. Houston is one of the hubs for human trafficking that has come from the humanitarian crisis at the border. It is also a destination for drugs being smuggled into Texas by the drug cartels. You’d think that Jackson-Lee would have something to say about that.

So far, no evidence has surfaced of anyone being pushed back into the river or being denied water. I called b.s. on the alleged whistleblower story when it came out.

Democrats don’t approve of the buoy barrier put in the Rio Grande River to discourage illegal crossings across the river. Illegal immigrants drown in the river. Abbott put up the buoy barrier and razor wire along the river bank to stop illegal immigrants from entering Texas. It is part of Operation Lone Star, an initiative Abbott began in 2021 when Joe Biden opened the border and an unprecedented flood of illegals came into Texas. He started Operation Lone Star because Joe Biden refused to do anything to help. Texas and other border states are on their own.

DOJ is investigating the legality of the 1,000-foot barrier in the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass. It was put up in July and DOJ sued Abbott in federal court. It says Abbott violated the U.S. Rivers and Harbors Act and didn’t ask permission of the U.S. Army Corps o Engineers before putting up the barrier. A hearing is set for August 22. DOJ is seeking an emergency injunction to force Abbott to remove the buoys until the case is heard. Abbott vows to take the case all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.


If Biden won’t secure the border and defend America’s sovereignty, it is left to border states to do so.

DHS took a premature victory lap in June when a drop in illegal crossings was reported after the end of Title 42. At the time, there were warnings that the cartels were re-grouping and figuring out alternative routes into the U.S. and that is what is now happening. There was an increase in July and now the daily numbers are becoming as bad as they were during previous months. That is unusual for this time of year, traditionally a slower time for illegal immigration due to the sweltering heat.

Shame on Rep. Garcia. She knows better but she is a shameless Democrat hack, eager to increase her profile in Congress.


I would post a tweet from Rep. Castro but I can’t. He blocked me on Twitter a long time ago. Them’s the breaks.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024