Shot fired by Trump-supporting PAC at Biden: Coincidence or Corruption?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Make America Great Again Inc. is a super PAC affiliated with former President Donald Trump. It was established six weeks before the 2022 midterm. The PAC has released an ad that fires a shot at the Biden family corruption. How did Joe Biden go from being one of the poorest members of Congress to a mutit-millionaire?


The answer is becoming more clear with each passing day, which is unfortunate timing for the Biden re-election campaign. Both Hunter and his former best friend and business partner, Devon Archer, have verified that Hunter Biden sold the appearance of access to his father, vice president at the time, and that Joe Biden knew at least some of what was going on.

Make America Great Again Inc. asks why Biden’s Department of Justice goes after Trump but not him. It goes on to talk about Hunter’s admission that his last name is financially beneficial to him.

There was evidence that Joe Biden is corrupt and it has been available for years. Back in the Obama administration, Obama’s ethics advisers warned about the optics of Hunter’s trips on Air Force Two with his father as they traveled overseas.

How about when Biden threatened to withhold financial aid to Ukraine unless the country’s officials got rid of a prosecutor investigating Burisma?


During a debate with Trump in 2020, Biden insisted that Hunter didn’t receive any money from China. Hunter admitted in federal court that he did.

Joe Biden has not spoken to the press since all of the truth about the Biden family business began to be exposed through Congressional hearings and a transcribed interview with Devon Archer. Archer was careful to protect The Big Guy by saying he didn’t directly talk about business on the twenty phone calls Hunter placed to him during business meetings. Hunter was proving to potential business partners that he could pick up the phone and get his father on a call. Did others in the meeting pick up a phone and call their fathers? No. Only Hunter’s father was vice president. It was obvious what Hunter was doing.

President Joe Biden, then the vice president, was put on speakerphone frequently by his son, Hunter Biden, and his Burisma business associates, but Archer told the Oversight Committee that business dealings were never discussed.

“I think you have to understand that there was no business conversation about a cap table or a fee or anything like that,” Archer said to the committee. “It was, you know, just general niceties and, you know, conversation in general about the geography, about the weather, whatever it may be.”

Archer testified Monday that Hunter Biden put his father, Joe Biden, on the speaker phone about 20 times to speak with Burisma executives over Archer’s 10-year business partnership with Hunter. This includes times when Archer, Hunter Biden and other business associates were gathered at dinners in Paris and Beijing.


Democrats are busy running to television cameras to cover for Joe Biden. See, he didn’t talk business on those phone calls during dinner meetings. He just talked about the weather. And geography. The worst offender has been Rep. Dan Goldman (D-Levi Strauss). He has beclowned himself while defending Biden. Over the weekend, Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) waded into blind loyalist territory in the Biden family business scandals. He must be taking lessons from Goldman.

Plenty of evidence is coming forward in the House Oversight Committee hearings with those involved in Biden family business, like Devon Archer. The accusations made by Biden’s opponents are more than campaign rhetoric. The allegations are being investigated and some information is being given to the American people. The question is, can Republicans connect the dots to Joe Biden and prove he is a compromised president? Hunter Biden is a private citizen and he is dealing with his own legal challenges. Joe Biden must be held accountable if the claims are proven to be true.

The new ad is running now and I have seen it twice on television this morning so far. I think it is the first campaign ad for Trump that I have seen that takes the charges directly to Joe Biden. It’s about time that it happened.


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