
Rep. Van Drew to Secretary Mayorkas: "Will you resign?" No. "You should be impeached."

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) questioned Secretary Mayorkas during the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on Wednesday. After a series of questions that Mayorkas was either unprepared to answer or simply refused to answer, Van Drew got to the point. “Will you resign?” The secretary said no, he is “incredibly proud” of the work of his department. From there, Van Drew took it to a reasonable conclusion. If Mayorkas will not voluntarily resign, he must be impeached.

After Van Drew delivered his opinion that Mayorkas should be impeached, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) did an excellent job grilling Mayorkas. Johnson was particularly good when he was questioning Mayorkas about “misinformation” and who gets to judge what is or isn’t misinformation.

I didn’t get to watch the hearing but I’ve seen some excellent clips from it. It spotlighted the arrogance of Secretary Mayorkas. He came to the hearing unprepared to even answer basic questions about the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border. Democrats are complicit in the Biden border crisis because they continue to provide cover for the humanitarian crisis and the national security crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border. As long as the Biden administration is in control, nothing is going to change. That’s just reality – unless something truly unthinkable happens, like a terrorist attack. For example, ranking member Jerry Nadler asked Mayorkas if the border is open. No, said Mayorkas. So, Nadler stated, “The border is not open.” This is how dumb the Biden administration thinks Americans are.

Unfortunately, there will be no personal consequences suffered by Mayorkas for his dereliction of duty. He is following orders from the White House and Joe Biden’s lack of concern about the sovereignty of the United States. Without a secure border, we are not a sovereign country. Biden is also derelict in his primary duty – to protect the homeland. Just as Mayorkas should be relieved from his position, whether that is impeachment or not, so should Joe Biden. It will not happen with a Democrat in the White House and a Democrat-controlled Senate. Both Biden and Mayorkas will stay put and continue what they are doing.

I don’t say it lightly but I think there are evil people in this world and some of the people in the Biden administration fall into that category. It is not only dangerous that the southern border remains so porous three years into Biden’s term in office but it is evil. The cartels are in charge of portions of the border and running human trafficking operations. Women and girls face extreme danger as they try to cross the border. Rape and other physical violence is common, even of very young girls. Evil. Drug cartels are experiencing record profits from a booming business. Fentanyl is flooding the border and killed 109,680 people from drug overdoses in 2022 alone. This is a historic number of overdoses nationwide.

Even NPR has reported about the drug overdose crisis in America.

Eight states saw drug deaths continue to surge by nine percent or more, with the greatest increases of 21 percent coming in Washington state and Wyoming.

Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, said it’s troubling that deaths continue to rise despite the end of disruptions linked to the COVID pandemic.

“That’s a very very high level of overdose deaths,” Volkow told NPR.

“One could have expected that as many of the challenges imposed by the COVID pandemic were resolved, we would see a deep dive in the number of overdose deaths. It’s concerning we have not seen that.”

This is a direct result of an open border. During his time questioning Mayorkas, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) asked if Mexico is our ally in securing the border. Mayorkas answered in the affirmative so Gaetz told Mayorkas that he is doing the bidding of the cartels. Hard to argue with that.

Earlier this week, the Biden administration sent top officials to Mexico for meetings with Mexican and Canadian officials on the opioid crisis and migration. The American delegation was led by Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Biden’s homeland security adviser. She was joined by senior officials from the State Department and DOJ, as well as Homeland Security. The White House Office of National Drug Control also participated.

The officials were in Mexico City for meetings with officials from Mexico and Canada with the focus on combatting the opioid crisis and “cooperation to address our regional migration challenge,” according to a White House official.

Discussions focused on the opioid crisis come after Mr. Biden, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gathered in January for the North American Leaders’ Summit and ordered the creation of a Trilateral Fentanyl Committee, focused on addressing the threat to North American communities posed by illegal fentanyl. The group last met in April and will gather again this week.

During meetings focused on migration, Biden administration officials will “continue to sustain and strengthen the successful initiatives we have put in place to address the humanitarian situation caused by the migration flows at our shared border and in the region,” the White House official said.

What “successful initiatives”? Just the fact that the administration had to send people to Mexico for these talks shows the border crisis is alive and well under the supervision of Secretary Mayorkas.

The administration actively works against Governor Abbott as he tries to secure the Texas border with Mexico. Yesterday DOJ issued an injunction against Texas over the floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande River. The DOJ argues that the buoy barrier causes ‘imminent irreparable harm.’ Mexico has issued complaints against the buoy barrier. That takes some cajones. If Mexico is cooperating in securing the border, as Mayorkas contends, then why would the country complain about a security measure that Texans are funding and executing?

The Biden border crisis is intentional. It is evil. It is a dereliction of duty by both Biden and Mayorkas. DOJ is playing wingman to them. This is unsustainable and goes against U.S. immigration laws. The porous southern border is just one reason Joe Biden must be replaced in 2024. We may not be able, realistically, to impeach Mayorkas and Biden, but we can vote them out of power.

I’ll end with this powerful video from yesterday’s hearing. Democrats like Bill Clinton used to support securing the southern border. This is a flashback to more sane times.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024