Obama slams Tim Scott for being a black conservative running for president

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Barack Obama popped up for an interview on CNN with his old pal David Axelrod and took off after Senator Tim Scott. Scott is running for president and Obama is in a snit about a conservative black man with a compelling life story running for the top job. Scott doesn’t divide Americans along racial lines or present a positive vision of the American Dream so he must be trashed by jealous Democrats.


Ponder back to the days of Barack Obama in the White House. He suckered in voters with a phony upbeat message of Yes, We Can and giving voters the hope and change schtick. Not only did black voters go wild for him, white voters suffering from terminal cases of liberal white guilt swooned, too, over the opportunity to vote for a black candidate for president. Obama could do no wrong as far as press coverage was concerned. Once in the White House, though, he was all about grievance and division. He couldn’t care less about unity among Americans. He stoked the flames of racism with his full-throated support of Black Lives Matter, from its beginnings with the Michael Brown case and Trayvon Martin. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin.” Really, Barack? He sent AG Eric Holder and other members of his cabinet to Brown’s funeral and embraced the phony “Hands up, Don’t Shoot” narrative.

Obama missed a huge opportunity to do good for race relations and to make good on his promises to lift every boat. The truth is that during his administration, the unemployment rate for black Americans was 16.8%. For the first time since the days of FDR, a Democrat (Obama) got fewer black votes in his second election than in his initial election as president.

Contrast that with Tim Scott. Scott is a happy warrior. It is impossible to miss that as we listen to him speak and watch him as he delivers his message with a smile and an upbeat manner. Anything is possible in America and he is living proof of that – that is his message. Scott worked with Trump to promote opportunity zones and both Scott and Trump talk about that to this day. Scott is the one who actually does something to lift all boats, while Obama just paid lip service to get elected.


Since he is such a phony, Obama assumes Tim Scott is a phony, too. Democrats always accuse Republicans of being who or what they are. Barack Obama never lived the life that Tim Scott lived as a child in South Carolina. He lived in a small one-bedroom house with his single mom, his brother, and his grandparents. They were very poor and Tim learned a strong work ethic at a young age. It has served him well. He went from working at a fast food restaurant to finishing his college education, to working in the private sector, to going into politics. Barack Obama is a bi-racial man who was raised mostly by a white grandmother and attended the best schools. He lived in Indonesia with his mother and step-father from the ages of six through ten. He was Barry Soetoro for some of his life. It’s still unknown how he got into Occidential College – was it using his international experiences? He attended the most exclusive and expensive private school in Honolulu when he lived with his grandmother. She was a bank executive. In other words, Obama had little to overcome. Now he calls out Tim Scott for not being sincere when he speaks of unity.

Democratic strategist David Axelrod interviewed Obama for CNN on Thursday and asked the former president what he thought of Scott’s discussions of race. Scott, meanwhile, argued that Obama missed an opportunity to bring the country together following his 2008 and 2012 elections.

“I think there’s a long history of African-American or other minority candidates within the Republican Party who will validate America and say, ‘Everything’s great, and we can make it.’ Nikki Haley I think has a similar approach,” Obama told Axelrod when asked about Scott. “I’m not being cynical about Tim Scott individually, but I am maybe suggesting the rhetoric of ‘Can’t we all get along’… That has to be undergirded with an honest accounting of our past and our present.”

Obama went on to argue that candidates must address racial disparities in the justice system and elsewhere if they want to be taken seriously when they talk about American unity.


The fact is that Democrats like Obama will never take black conservatives like Tim Scott seriously, no matter what. Scott walks the walk and Obama is busy doing nothing but flapping his jaws to raise money for Democrats. Obama has lived the most privileged life possible in America, was elected twice as the first black president, and went on to live as a fabulously wealthy former president. Yet, Obama can’t let go of past grievances. He can’t because it doesn’t benefit him or Democrats to do so. It’s Obama’s final power grab to insert himself now as a conservative black man – and an Indian-American woman (you notice he dragged Nikki Haley into the conversation) are running for the GOP nomination. Obama considers them phonies.

Scott pushed back against Obama’s malarkey on Thursday with Mark Levin. Levin asked Scott if he thinks Obama missed an opportunity during his time in office to bring the country together.

“Mark, he missed a softball moving at slow speed with a big bat,” Scott responded. “You can’t miss this opportunity. America was hungry for bringing our country together, this coalition building where you can see Black kids and White kids and red ones and brown ones, as MLK [Martin Luther King, Jr.] spoke about, joining hands and singing with new meaning, ‘My country ‘tis of thee.’”

“President Biden ran as the great uniter, and he has been the great divider. I have heard more negative things about people under his leadership than I have in a long time. I’ll tell you, the one thing the far left does not want a Black person to be in this country is a conservative,” he continued. “It is possible for Americans to come together not because of the color of our skin, but because of the consistency of our value system.”


That’s the thing about Tim Scott. He won’t sit back and play nice for Obama. He’ll speak up and say what he thinks. And, he is right. Obama and Biden have divided the country. They are not unifiers. That’s just campaign talk to win elections.

Obama is stuck on calling out the Republican Party as the party of the country club set while it was Trump who changed all that. Wake up and smell the coffee, Barack. The Democrat Party has morphed into the party of the wealthy and the elites. Populism is stronger in the Republican Party now than the old Establishment way of politics.

While Obama wants to paint Republican candidates as angry and culturally divisive, all he has to do is open his eyes to what is happening now. Joe Biden is an angry old man who screams at this audiences and trashes Republicans at every turn. He is obsessed with groveling to the transgender activists and the race baiters because he thinks that will win him re-election. His poll numbers are still historically low for any president. Obama must be worried that Old Joe won’t win in 2024.

Nikki Haley spoke out, too, since Obama brought her into the discussion.

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