KJP defiantly continues to violate the Hatch Act with slams to "MAGA" Republicans

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

While Joe Biden languishes with a 35% rating with Hispanic voters and screening the movie about the Flaming Hot Cheetos guy to pander for some votes, with an assist by actress Eva Longoria, his press secretary is deliberately violating the Hatch Act. Like a stubborn child who refuses to listen to someone telling her “no”, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre continues to use the term “MAGA Republicans” though that has been determined to be a violation of the Hatch Act.


Not only is her use of the term a violation of the Hatch Act, it was deemed election interference. She used it right before the 2022 midterm elections because her boss, the president, was quite proud of the term he takes credit for coining (he didn’t), including when he goes even bigger and uses the term Mega MAGA Republicans. That Joe, he’s a clever guy, right? Ugh.

The idea behind MAGA Republicans is to call out Republican voters, specifically Trump voters, as out of touch, out of the mainstream. She and Biden usually sneer as they say it. Where’s all that uniting and healing the soul of America, Joe?

Anyway, the OSC decided that using “MAGA” is off-limits because Trump is a candidate again and it’s a play on his campaign slogan. For the press secretary, who speaks for the president, Trump’s opponent, as she does, it creates election interference. OSC is right – the whole point of saying MAGA is to poke at the divided electorate.

On the same day, the OSC sent guidance to agencies which stated that “MAGA” was off-limits because it was too closely connected with former President Trump’s campaign for the White House.

“MAGA remains the campaign slogan of a current candidate for partisan political office, and therefore, its use constitutes political activity,” the OSC wrote in the memo.

“Accordingly, federal employees should not use “MAGA” or “Make America Great Again” while on duty, in the workplace, or when acting in their official capacity, including communicating through social media, email, or on government websites.”


She was questioned about the decision and she brushed it off by saying she had clearance to use the term. Her boss uses the term and she thought that entitled her to do so, too. Now she and the White House are doubling down and refusing to stop using the term. She will continue to violate the Hatch Act. A statement was released from the White House that pokes a finger in the eye of OSC.

Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates wrote in a memo that Republicans’ “main economic agenda item” is “MAGA tax welfare for the richest Americans and giant corporations, at the expense of continuing to grow our economy by investing in America.”

KJP didn’t receive anything but a letter from OSC saying she violated the Hatch Act. There isn’t any enforcement to speak of about violations. She wasn’t issued a fine or anything like that.

On Thursday, Protect the People’s Trust (PPT) filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and the White House Counsel’s Office requesting an investigation into Hatch Act violations by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates. PPT filed the complaint against KJP originally so it is reasonable that they would follow up with another complaint filed over her continued use of the term. It’s past time for the corrupt and arrogant Biden administration to be held accountable at all levels.


The actions of both officials appear to be the result of a deliberate, and possibly coordinated, decision to flout OSC’s guidance and OSC’s ability to speak with any authority on the Hatch Act. It also appears to escalate a growing feud between the White House lawyers and OSC staff over what standards apply to White House officials’ conduct and who the ultimate arbiter is over the Hatch Act.

“This was a political temper tantrum,” said PPT Director Michael Chamberlain. “These statements appear to be nothing less than a deliberate thumb in the eye to OSC and a clear indication that White House Press Office personnel don’t believe the rules apply to them. There should not be a two-tiered system of government ethics that subjects prominent White House Officials to a lower standard of scrutiny than other average public servants.”

Not only is KJP the worst White House press secretary I have ever seen, and that is saying something, she acts as an arrogant child. So does Andrew Bates. All administrations are supposed to abide by the Hatch Act, including the Biden administration. They aren’t special. Wasn’t Biden supposed to restore “normal” in the White House? The press enjoyed reporting when a member of the Trump administration was found to have violated the Hatch Act. She should have gotten more than a warning letter, and OSC should rethink declining to recommend any disciplinary action.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024